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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Convert Torque in to real cluster replacement?

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Author Topic: Convert Torque in to real cluster replacement?
Posts: 19
Post Convert Torque in to real cluster replacement?
on: November 14, 2018 (GMT)

Hi, this post is to made a request to Ian, I want to know if you can made a app to be a replacemet for a instrument cluster.
I know much of the torque user use her phones or tablet to have extra information, but wath if you want to have a dedicated device to replace cluster.

I don’t know much about the implementations of the apps but I bealive that the app must be something like a launcher thath start at first boot instead if original launcher.

Somethin like this:

Can be this posible. (if yes maybe you can develope this add to torque an sell it on app store)

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