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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Web Login

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Author Topic: Torque Web Login
Posts: 3
Post Torque Web Login
on: October 18, 2018 (GMT)

Hello, i’m check the

try login with Settings / Data ogging & Upload / Torque user id

But get an error. Invalid login details entered. Please try again

Try registration with enter my email password,

There was a problem talking to the server, please check your internet connectivity.

The error message was:
500 The call failed on the server; see server log for details

Any one can help me ?

Posts: 7
Post Re: Torque Web Login
on: November 8, 2018 (GMT)

it doesn’t work anymore, can’t login can’t register can’t do anything… will you dare to fix ?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Torque Web Login
on: November 13, 2018 (GMT)

Should be up and running again – apologies for the outage as it wasn’t showing on my control panel of ‘broken things’. I’ve been unfortunately unable to sort things out until recently (the next big thing is android 9 updates for the app which means sorting out permissions, and google map updates to do with gmap API changes from google)

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