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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Voltmeter??

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Author Topic: Voltmeter??
Posts: 1
Post Voltmeter??
on: August 11, 2010 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

Luv your program…I just purcheased the full version this morning. I am using it in my 2002 VW new beetle TDI and everything seems to be working EXCEPT the volt guage.The gauge pops up but it says “no data”.

I downloaded another competitor’s program just to see if maybe my ECM wasn’t working correctly…the other program IS able to read the volts.

Any ideas? I would like to use the volt gauge as there is no volt gauge on the car.

Ant help will be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: September 14, 2010 (GMT)

I also have this problem. It worked fine on a 2010 Dodge Ram, and and 08 Ford 250. It would not work on a 01 Ford Explorer Sport.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: September 14, 2010 (GMT)

It’s probably not reading the ECU voltage but the voltage recorded by the adapter, which is slightly different.

A couple of people have asked for this – I’ll see what I can do in the next version, should be simple enough.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: September 15, 2010 (GMT)

Great… thanks for the quick reply.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: August 19, 2011 (GMT)

Greetings. Great program. am using the cheap ebay device, but seems to read everything ok. My android is Dell Streak with Froyo. Vehicle is Freightliner Sprinter 2005.

I have no voltmeter shown or transmission temp ?

Thank you

Posts: 1
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: March 21, 2014 (GMT)

It’s March 2014 and still the volt meter doesn’t register in Torque. It does with ODBLink. Using ODBLink MX Bluetooth. Any chance this basic function will be included in Torque?

Never mind, it works in my Lexus but in in my 2004 Sebring.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Voltmeter??
on: June 1, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from ranida on August 19, 2011
Greetings. Great program. am using the cheap ebay device, but seems to read everything ok. My android is Dell Streak with Froyo. Vehicle is Freightliner Sprinter 2005.

I have no voltmeter shown or transmission temp ?

Thank you

T1N Sprinters (2004-06) use a mixture of OBD and CAN BuS protocols. I’m pretty sure that the tranny temp is communicated through the CAN bus. You can probably find more information about this on the site.

Another post in this thread indicates that the Torque app reads voltage from the ELM-327 adapter. The FAQ for the Torque app says that not all data can be read from the budget/affordable/cheapie adapters. I myself have a mini adapter that I bought on Amazon. It too doesn’t show all of the data that I think Torque can read from the ELM-327 protocol.

under-achieving gear head for over 50 years. Currently trying to eek out every pound of torque on a 2005 Dodge/MB Sprinter.

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