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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute

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Author Topic: Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute
Posts: 3
Post Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute
on: October 7, 2018 (GMT)

I use Torque Pro with my motorcycle.
Today I connected it and all works.
Then I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.

After my 15 minutes trip I looked at the Map View and it showed only the beginning of my trip.

Then I made another trip and again I could see only the beginning of the trip in Map View.

At home I looked a the log files. The log files are both for about 15 minutes and lots of engine data is updated from beginning to end.

But the GPS coordinates are not updated anymore after about one minute. After that they show the last value without changes.

I guess GPS is not updated while the screen is off and Torque works in the background. But because I use it on my bike and the phone is in my pocket the phone screen should be off.

How can I make sure the GPS is updated even if my phone is in my pocket with switched off screen?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute
on: October 7, 2018 (GMT)

I just noticed that other sensor data also stops updating after a while in the log files.

The acceleration sensors stop after about 3 minutes.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute
on: October 8, 2018 (GMT)

To answer my own question:
I found some settings in the phone power saving settings for this app and I changed it and now the GPS and all the other data work continuously.

Posts: 642
Post Re: Phone in my pocket - GPS stops working after a minute
on: October 11, 2018 (GMT)


i noticed the same thing, my taught was because of bad gps reception in the car

not realy a concern on a bike

will check into that..

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