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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor

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Author Topic: Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor
Posts: 1
Post Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor
on: October 6, 2018 (GMT)

I am trying to reopen discussion on the transmission temperature sensor. This is all the important to know if one needs to do a transmission fluid drain and fill. Toyota calls for a certain temp to set the level on a ‘dipstick-less’ transmission.

Essentially, want to know what is a PID to read transmission temperature sensor on a 2010 Toyota Camry-4 cylinder auto trans. There seems to be conflicting information. Is the correct PID 21D9 or 2182. More importantly, the correct form of equation:


OR is there any other PID. Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor
on: November 22, 2018 (GMT)

Did you ever find a solution to this? I am trying to get the trans temp working on my 2017 4Runner… I have tried the second formula and it gives me negative integar readings. Going to try the other formula and see if it works…

Posts: 3
Post Re: Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor
on: November 23, 2018 (GMT)

In case anyone cares… the first formula worked great on a 2017 Toyota 4Runner

Posts: 3
Post Re: Camry PID Transmission Temp Sensor
on: November 23, 2018 (GMT)

With PID 2182

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