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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford PID for A/C?

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Author Topic: Ford PID for A/C?
Posts: 2
Post Ford PID for A/C?
on: October 4, 2018 (GMT)

I am having intermittent problems with the A/C in my 2010 Ford Transit Connect (sometimes it works, sometimes it takes a while for the compressor to come on, and sometimes it doesn’t work at all). The refrigerant level is full, so I suspect one of the sensors is malfunctioning. I have an OBD2 reader (Bafx Products) and several Android apps (Torque Pro and FordSys), but none are detecting any error codes. Is there a better app to use for A/C problems? Is there a Ford PID to read A/C pressure?

Posts: 645
Post Re: Ford PID for A/C?
on: October 11, 2018 (GMT)

forscan is a ford specific app

but at some point you need to get your tools out, app is no cure to real hand on inspection

Posts: 2
Post Re: Ford PID for A/C?
on: October 14, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks for the tip on Forscan. I used the computer program, and it showed an error code for A/C refrigerant pressure. Since I checked the pressure with a manifold gauge set and everything was good, I was thinking that it might be a faulty pressure sensor in the A/C system. But first I replaced the fan blower motor resistor because the #1 setting wasn’t working. Lo and behold—after I replaced the blower motor resistor set, the A/C started working fine! Which makes no sense to me, because how could the computer know that the #1 setting was out when I had the fan on level 2, 3 or 4? Very weird! I cleared the error code, and there are no error codes now.

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