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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Fuel Consumption Discrepancy

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Author Topic: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
Posts: 10
Post Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 20, 2018 (GMT)

Have noticed something odd with Torque’s calculation of fuel consumption. “Fuel Flow” (in l/hr) reads 50 to sometimes over 100 percent higher than “LPK” (instantaneous l/100Km) when travelling at 100 Km/hr (at which point I would expect the readings to be the same). The difference is not consistent but seems to vary on road slope and transmission gear.

Anyone know if there a reason for the difference?

Posts: 10
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 20, 2018 (GMT)

Hmm, now this site is acting strangely. It shows three replies but all that displays is my original post.


Now it shows four replies, but only mine.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 22, 2018 (GMT)

Anyone? Anyone else noticed this??

Posts: 10
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 23, 2018 (GMT)

Sorry to say but I’m finding this forum to be quite a disappointment. I point out what appears to be a significant problem with Torque’s fuel consumption calculations but no-one seems interested, not even the developer.

I dunno, maybe the lack of response problem lies in that I seem to be able to read only my replies to this thread (at least according to the reported number of reads but maybe that’s wrong as well).

Anyhow, no response to that issue either….

Couple that with poor product documentation but, what can you expect for 5 bucks I guess?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 26, 2018 (GMT)

I can see your replies.
I haven’t noticed the discrepancy you’ve described, but will check it out.

Car and technology enthusiast for over 40 years

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 26, 2018 (GMT)

While I’ve not used any of the fuel consumption
data so my two cents don’t mean much. I suggest
using search in your quest for answers. Over the
years there have been other threads that may
have an answer.

I know completing your vehicle profile as
accurately as possible, using extra sensors
and settings make a difference when calculating
fuel usage.

Sorry I don’t have an answer for your specific

The missing posts are most likely spam
which the spam filter has removed.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 27, 2018 (GMT)

Ah, two responses! :) maybe the other missing ones were deleted spam.

Thanks Stoggers, please let me know what u find.

Capp, I have searched, and read the docs (such as they are), but have not found anything. There may well be info here someplace but searching and reading the myriad of unrelated threads is v time consuming. I have checked my vehicle parameters but who knows what actual values of things such as volumetric efficiency are. In any case the readings of fuel flow rate and litres/100 KM should jibe when travelling steadily at 100 Km/hour even if they are both not very accurate.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 29, 2018 (GMT)

Dear Gents,

I am having same experience with Fuel economy plugin. Real consumption does not correspond reality. For instance if I release pedal I shall get 0 litres consumption. I have found that consumption values differ in ordinar Torque menu and Fuel Economy one. Can anybody give me hint how to achieve reliable consumption readout with Torque PRO? Thanks, Regards Andy

Posts: 10
Post Re: Fuel Consumption Discrepancy
on: July 29, 2018 (GMT)

I don’t think you can get anything very accurate out of a calculated value that apparently tries to figure out fuel flow rate indirectly from such things as engine size, vehicle weight, speed, throttle position, volumetric efficiency of the engine etc.

My car (VW Golf) reports a reading of fuel flow rate based on injection pump data which I suspect is pretty accurate but unfortunately that PID is not available within the standard PID set and thus not available to Torque (unless ones knows the specific PID parameters (which I don’t)).

I should mention also that one would expect a 0 value for fuel flow at 0 throttle if the vehicle is coasting in gear (the injection pump should under that condition deliver no fuel as none is necessary to keep the engine turning). Maybe you meant “should” get 0 which is correct. I have found that sometimes it does read 0 and other times is doesn’t – why I don’t know.

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