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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 2001 Ford 7.3 Trans Temp Error

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Author Topic: 2001 Ford 7.3 Trans Temp Error
Posts: 1
Post 2001 Ford 7.3 Trans Temp Error
on: July 1, 2018 (GMT)

I have used the Torque App on my 2001 F350 with a 7.3 Diesel for the last 3 years. I have noticed that the trans temp is off (high) by about 10% when at 200 degrees F. I checked this by measuring the hot side of the oil line going to the cooler using my laser thermometer. When I get up to 230 degrees on my App, I measure only 200 degrees on my oil lines.
My question is: Is there a way to change the PID to calibrate it closer to what I want to see?
So far I just mentally calculate this while climbing big hills. I pull a 17,000 lb 5th wheel trailer and travel extensively in the mountains with lots of long, steep climbs.

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Posts: 2994
Post Re: 2001 Ford 7.3 Trans Temp Error
on: July 1, 2018 (GMT)

Any chance you are using the linear
equation instead of the polynomial?

Please read…

I’m not sure your laser is accurate against shiny
surfaces. I affixed black electrical tape to stainless
steel vessels back in my working days when measuring
temperatures with an infrared thermometer.

But in my opinion the poly version is still the
equation to use for the “S” curve especially when
reading the top and bottom of the “S”.

Any custom pid can be edited to change its
configuration data including formula for your

Predefined pids provided by Torque
would require Ian to modify.

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