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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Where is the FAQs page on Torque Pro?

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Author Topic: Where is the FAQs page on Torque Pro?
Posts: 5
Post Where is the FAQs page on Torque Pro?
on: June 11, 2018 (GMT)

Hi guys, I cannot seem to find the FAQs page on this website, I’m sure of that there is one to eliminate all the same question to be repeated gazillion times about the same issues by new users of this app.

The “Wiki” page seems like an alternative page for FAQs, but it only has info on a few subjects, don’t see any extensive list of frequent questions and answers.

First of all all I wanted to find out how to check which version of Torque I have on my Android phone and whether it is licensed or free. How do I go about that?

I also wanted to find out if I have the free version, is there a way to buy the pro license through my PC, download it and install it on my Android phone?

Or I have to buy it with my Android phone being on the net? I.e. I don’t have a sim card in my phone, until now I was using my phone for GPS purposes using HERE map and if I needed to transfer anything to and from the phone, did it using a USB cable.


2006 E12 Toyota Corolla 1.6L petrol engine
Budapest, Hungary

Posts: 1662
Post Re: Where is the FAQs page on Torque Pro?
on: June 11, 2018 (GMT)

check which version of Torque I have on my Android phone
you can see the Adapter Status tab
the licensed version of Torque can only be downloaded via Google Play, to your phone, which must be connected to the Internet

Posts: 5
Post Re: Where is the FAQs page on Torque Pro?
on: June 11, 2018 (GMT)

I see. Thanks for that info, I guess, I cannot see this info at my desk now, because I have to be sitting in the car with the adapter plugged in to do so.


2006 E12 Toyota Corolla 1.6L petrol engine
Budapest, Hungary

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