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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford F250 7.3L Four Wheel Drive PIDS

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Author Topic: Ford F250 7.3L Four Wheel Drive PIDS
Posts: 1
Post Ford F250 7.3L Four Wheel Drive PIDS
on: June 10, 2018 (GMT)

Hi –

I’m troubleshooting 4wd problems on my ’02 7.3L. (nothing happens when I switch, no codes) Or I should say, I’m TRYING to troubleshoot. Have spent the last 3 hours trying to Google for PIDS related to the Four Wheel Drive system.

The Ford Manual says to watch the PID 4WD_SW, but I can’t find any documentation about this online – here or pretty much anywhere. Google sends back like 3 links.

Anyone have pointers to a) where to find 4 wheel drive PIDS? an exhaustive list of PIDS?

Really frustrated here.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford F250 7.3L Four Wheel Drive PIDS
on: June 11, 2018 (GMT)

I suggest searching “Ford PIDs” in the forum
for possible assistance.

Its likely a bit stuffed in a byte. The only 4×4
bit status I’ve read about came from 221101.

I wonder if Forscan specifically for Fords would
have this information?

(Just another Torque Pro user).

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