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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » O2 sensor 1 bank 1 no data

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Author Topic: O2 sensor 1 bank 1 no data
George Ion
Posts: 2
Post O2 sensor 1 bank 1 no data
on: June 7, 2018 (GMT)

This is so weird. I got here and tried to register but my user name was taken though i can’t remember. I tried to recover password, put my email address and got a recovery link. Hope it was me.

Anyways. Got recently a 2013 Hyundai Elantra coupe. Didn’t know about the tick or anything. Then i tried to fix it. Spark plugs loose and full of oil. Oil getting in the intake through PCV. A fine mist of oil and dust covering everything. Then i started to clean connector’s contacts with CRC electronic cleaner until i got to the oxygen senor one. After i cleaned it it first O2 sensor would not pass readiness. I believe some of the spray got inside the sensor and created a short to the 12 volt supply for the heater. I put it back together too fast. No voltage coming out of the yellow and black wires from the sensor. I replaced the sensor (was on a long trip, ordered it at NAPA in Bishop, CA, the federal emissions was 100 dollars more than CA emissions), put it in the parking lot at O’Reillys and shortly after got a check engine light. Again no voltage coming from sensor. Failing heating something “high” can’t remember exactly. Went to a shop in Bishop and they instead of trying to fix it, cleared the code, did something with their 4000 dollars “scanner” then check engine light wouldn’t come on anymore, it passed readiness, but now it’s showing O2 1 sensor “no data”. At Murdock Hyundai in Salt Lake City they tested the computer briefly and gave me a printout showing graphs from both O2 sensors working. They also did an oil change, overfilled it by one quart (i guess from what was remaining) and didn’t tight the plug on the pan so i was leaking oil all the way to Portland 900 miles and still got a quart of a quart of oil too much measured at Jiffy Lube cause the local Beaverton Hyundai service said they won’t touch my car cause i mess too much with it. So now i don’t know what to believe anymore.

Two weeks ago again i did the same thing on my 98 S10 and after replacing the second O2 sensor it now shows data from both but won’t pass readiness. My question is who should i believe, Torque Pro or Murdock Hyundai in Salt Lake City. And of course, is CRC cleaner safe on connectors with multiple wires some with 12 volts on.

Posts: 645
Post Re: O2 sensor 1 bank 1 no data
on: June 9, 2018 (GMT)

the first 02 is a wide band sensor

not a narrow band like the old days or like the one after the catalytic converter

that why you have more than 4 wire … not sure if they will show ok in torque because of that

will check just for fun on my mustang ..

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