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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 19
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)


Need to reset my userid/password on your site. Deleting and letting me re-establish would be good, too. :)

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 15, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 16, 2011
Alright, here we go:

It’s still not “nice”, but at least i got something working, and i’ll continue working on it.

All data you upload will also be mirrored to Ian’s server, so don’t worry about loosing any of it 😉

Next up will be creating a useable interface…

The API is at

Sorry for the dumb question, but I just got my reader and have uploaded to Ians, but if I want to upload to yours, is the upload url just ?

Terror Factor
Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 18, 2011 (GMT)

I suggestion for the different webapps posted here:
Add an option so you can upload a (csv) logfile.

That way you don’t have to maintain a dataconnection and you can keep logging no matter what :)

EDIT: and you could compare the different solutions with the same logfile! 😀

Posts: 81
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 22, 2011 (GMT)

At the minute, torque just stacks the log values for upload at the next time the phone connects to the web (or if you try quit torque before they are uploaded, it stats that you will loose all these valves if you don’t connect to the internet!).

The .csv file is saved on your SD card, and I would guess there is a different app, independent of torque that can simply take this file and upload it to the web at set intervals.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 22, 2011 (GMT)

I’m open to suggestions for the best way to upload the CSV files (a system that will work with the widest possible audience, who may not have their own server).

Automatic emails from the phone is probably a no-go (as a self-contained solution on the phone itself)

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 22, 2011 (GMT)

I tried getting it to work on my server, using the info someone else left. Created the DB and imported the table structures from the included txt files, and then modified the cfg files for the scripts, but just couldn’t get it to respond correctly. Maybe I’ll give it another shot when i have more time to look at it.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 23, 2011 (GMT)

can’t login to web-interface with my ID:
“Invalid login details entered. Please try again” :(

Mitsubishi Evolution VIII

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 23, 2011 (GMT)

Dumb question Core, but I gotta ask: Have you uploaded any details yet? If not, you will not be able to login yet.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 24, 2011 (GMT)

Alright, here we go:

Strange. When I try to register I get “This device ID has no records yet!” even though the one works ok.

Any ideas please?

Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 4, 2011 (GMT)

Is there anyway not to log kff1007 (GPS direction i think), or do i need that for the map? also how do i create a link which has my torque id already entered, so i dont have to go back into torque to find it? Also i always start in the Gulf of guinea and anytime it looses gps i goes back to the gulf of guinea, any chance you can just make it ignore high changes in gps data when constantly updating? I can screenshot if you want to know what i mean…

BTW awesome app, best app for android IMO

Posts: 81
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 5, 2011 (GMT)

Should be easy enough to put in an If statement in the php file that handles the data upload. Set this If loop to duplicate the previous gps location if the value for the current gps location is set to zero lat/long (which is in the Gulf of Guinea!)

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 9, 2011 (GMT)

Hi! Latest versions of the paid app should no longer log you at gps co-ords of 0,0 anymore. That was a bug and has been fixed!

Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)

Fantastic! will update tomorrow and test in next couple days…..

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)

I’ve been trying to upload to and it just sits at 1677 entries left…

Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)

Make sure you have internet (wireless) or 3g enabled otherwise it doesnt have a data connection to connect on…

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)

Give me a little more credit than that lol. I always have data on.

Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 11, 2011 (GMT)

Sorry man, in my job its newb after newb…
Tryed uninstalling and reinstalling app?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)

When I click “show device ID” it gives me an error screen.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)


If you’re getting an error screen then I need to know what device you are running the app on (the app should work on any device that comes with the Android Market).

If the app is stuck at 1677 entries left to upload, then it’s not been able to make a data connection or contact the server it’s trying to upload to. If you have changed the server URL from the default, make sure it responds with ‘OK’ otherwise it will keep trying to load the same data repeatedly for a while until it times out.

Lord Bodak
Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: July 24, 2011 (GMT)

Is there any way to do an upload after the fact? I had the upload function turned off when I logged a drive and I’d like to get it up to the web site. I can’t seem to find an option to do it!

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