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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 19, 2011
Funny, i haven’t changed anything besides uncommenting that PID =)

I haven’t paid much attention to the x-axis labels yet, but i’ll see what i can do.

btw, anybody ever thought about how much fun it would be to replay a session … in streetview? 😉

I’ve been accessing the site while at work today, so maybe it’s a difference in browser version..

That streetview idea would be awesome!! Please complete the coding for this ASAP!! 😉

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

i’ve added an option to keep the current map view when changing the session or PIDs, also added some minor UI tweaks.

– fix the graph hover glitch
– add some meaningful x-axis labels
– minimize/collapse windows (?)
– clicking on graph/track displays an info balloon (?)
– display multiple sessions (?)
– streetview replay 😉

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 19, 2011
i’ve added an option to keep the current map view when changing the session or PIDs, also added some minor UI tweaks.

– fix the graph hover glitch
– add some meaningful x-axis labels
– minimize/collapse windows (?)
– clicking on graph/track displays an info balloon (?)
– display multiple sessions (?)
– streetview replay 😉

The ability to minimize the windows would definitely be nice so you have more real estate to work with – I’d thought of this but just hadn’t mentioned it…

The info balloon sounds cool, what would you display…the readings for that point in time?

Maybe one more item to add to the TODO…the ability to zoom in on the graph itself (possibly with the scroll wheel) to magnify a particular area. This would allow a closer look at a spot without having to re-size the graph window.

I’m really enjoying monkeying around with this. I’m gonna go by a set of scales and get the Bimmer weighed to increase the accuracy of my HP and torque readings, they’re way off right now and it’s kinda bumming me out…

Oh yeah…so you’ll have that streetview replay knocked out by tomorrow then..!? 😉

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

The DMV should be able to tell you the weight of your car, or drive to a local dump.. They normally weigh before and after.. Of course showing up in a bimmer is gonna spin some heads.

the only other option i can think of for the web logs are doing MPG, HP, and TORQUE in post. Seeing how all of these are simple calculations, i’d rather not waste my phones processing time as well as larger log files.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 20, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from aaron19953 on April 19, 2011
The DMV should be able to tell you the weight of your car, or drive to a local dump.. They normally weigh before and after.. Of course showing up in a bimmer is gonna spin some heads.

Yeah, think I’ll avoid the dump.. 😉

There are a couple of CAT scales near me that I can use. Anyone interested (in the US) can use the link below to locate the closest set of CAT scales to you.

CAT Scale Locator

I think they usually charge about ten bucks to weigh your rig, so it’s pretty cheap.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 29, 2011 (GMT)

Would be awesome if we had some check-boxes that allows us to show/hide each of the attributes that were uploaded.

2006 Scion XB – added only Irridium Pulstar Pulse Plugs and K&N Air Filter.
2004 Toyota Highlander – added only Irridium Pulstar Pulse Plugs and K&N Air Filter.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 30, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Kenuven on April 29, 2011
Would be awesome if we had some check-boxes that allows us to show/hide each of the attributes that were uploaded.

Check out what jangrewe has been working on, I haven’t seen any recent posts regarding updates or changes, but his initial effort is pretty good. His setup allows you to check/uncheck and choose the PIDs you want to display. You’ll need to redirect your uploads to his server. Info from a previous post below.

Quote from jangrewe on April 16, 2011
Alright, here we go:

It’s still not “nice”, but at least i got something working, and i’ll continue working on it.

All data you upload will also be mirrored to Ian’s server, so don’t worry about loosing any of it 😉

Next up will be creating a useable interface…

The API is at

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 7, 2011 (GMT)

Is there any way to export the data from the server? I’d like to do what Aslak has done, something that looks like this:

Want to figure out what’s the best speed to drive at for mpg. Does anyone know an easier way other than picking random data points and creating a graph from that?

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 12, 2011 (GMT)

hi jangrewe,

Could you post your svn? so we could help you with the user interface or other functions.

Thanks for the good job. Please in the meantime add a button to remove sessions, my list dissapear behind my browser XD


Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 20, 2011 (GMT)

I think my GPS is screwed up on my Galaxy S phone.That would have been an interesting commute. I wonder if that means all my GPS speeds are off as well?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 20, 2011 (GMT)


Looks like your GPS read 0,0 for it’s lat/longitude. I’ll see if I can tidy that up a bit in the web code

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 21, 2011 (GMT)

I have noticed that it takes forever for the GPS icon to stop blinking … I blame my phone. I am enjoying this app tremendously so far. Nice job.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 26, 2011 (GMT)

Even if I changed the address of the web server configuration, why it continues to upload to the default server?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 26, 2011 (GMT)

It shouldn’t, unless the address was an invalid URL. It generally will try to upload to your web server. but you must make sure the ‘http://’ is specified and that the URL is not malformed.

Your webserver script also needs to respond with ‘OK’ upon successful delivery of the log message

I’m getting close on being able to do some more webserver work now, so will be able to upgrade the widgets, fix the various issues, and stop peoples logs from being dumped in the sea at lat/lon 0,0 when their GPS loses a fix :)

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 26, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from hdueo on May 26, 2011
Even if I changed the address of the web server configuration, why it continues to upload to the default server?

If you’re uploading to my version ( or have made your own based upon my available code, it mirrors your data as default. This was done initially for comparison and had just been left in for convenience.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: May 27, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from swsystem on May 26, 2011
If you’re uploading to my version ( or have made your own based upon my available code

I’m using your version.Now I saw the comment in the code.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 9, 2011 (GMT)

It also used the webserver/interface and I have two questions (sorry if this was already answered on this forum):

-Can I change the device id? It’s hard to remember the id when accessing on a PC and not directly on the phone.

-Is it possible to add functionality to also add a downloadlink to the corresponinding CSV? I now e-mail it to myself to be able to load it later in a spreadsheet. Would be nice if it is automatically uploaded to your torque profile.

Samsung Galaxy S (Android) and PLX KIWI bluetooth OBD-adapter …on a 2003 Volvo V40 (230 hp)

Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 11, 2011 (GMT)

How do i link from my webpage so it autopopulates for my
unique ID?
I currently have;
Torque Logging
but that means I have to go into my cell and check my login, is there anyway I can add it to the URL link?


Posts: 34
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 13, 2011 (GMT)

Sorry that may of sounded ambigious, how do I make a link directly to my readouts, so I dont have to punch in the big long id number…. Also how do I delete days I dont want to keep?

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: June 14, 2011 (GMT)

The last 3 questions come down to about the same >> Is there a easier way to enter the Torque ID when logging in?

Samsung Galaxy S (Android) and PLX KIWI bluetooth OBD-adapter …on a 2003 Volvo V40 (230 hp)

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