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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 16, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 14, 2011
oops, forgot to mention that i moved the project to a different address, to avoid any confusion. the one at the address is still the old version. i’m working on user authorization to make it multi-user capable, i’ll post the new URL when i got that done.

I like what you’ve done so far…definitely post up the new link for logging when (if) you get the user authentication bits sorted out, I’d be willing to throw some data sets your way.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 16, 2011 (GMT)

Alright, here we go:

It’s still not “nice”, but at least i got something working, and i’ll continue working on it.

All data you upload will also be mirrored to Ian’s server, so don’t worry about loosing any of it πŸ˜‰

Next up will be creating a useable interface…

The API is at

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 16, 2011 (GMT)

That’s pretty cool! :)

Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

Started using Torque just day ago but after data upload can’t login to the webinterface. :(

I get message “Invalid login details entered. Please try again”.

Help please.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)


The server won’t know who you are until it has seen at least one data packet from your phone/device with the ‘id’ as per in the settings.

Make sure you have the web upload option ticked, and that the device has a data connection where it can upload, and it should work for you. Usually that’s all it takes :)


Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

I think I have all configured OK in my smart-phone.
I have “web upload” ticked and while quiting application I can see that Torque is sending logs and counting how many logs left to upload. When finished it quits.

I read earlier, taht people from forum had same problem so I thought it’s maybe something with the server.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

Just logged in here okay, so it’s running, could you send your ‘id’ to (my email) and I will try to login for you here and see what’s going on (mark the subject something obvious though, i get an insane amount of emails from people!)



Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

Sent. Put my login AXEDESIGN in a subject.

Great thanks for help in advance!

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

okay, um, just tried here and I was able to login with no problems at all!

double-check what you’re typing (or copy and paste the one you sent in the email into the login box) as that worked (extraneous spaces may cause issues so make sure there are no spaces at the start or end of the id)

Other than that I logged in, saw 3 sets of readings, 10:30am, 11:35am and 20:04pm



Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 17, 2011 (GMT)

Um… Strange but I copied ID from email and it works! Maybe it was a space at the end of ID while I tried earlier. Don’t know but thanks again! :-)

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 16, 2011
Alright, here we go:

It’s still not “nice”, but at least i got something working, and i’ll continue working on it.

All data you upload will also be mirrored to Ian’s server, so don’t worry about loosing any of it πŸ˜‰

Next up will be creating a useable interface…

The API is at [url=]

I’ve tried to register but I keep getting this error:

“Length of deviceid must be between 15 and 16.”

Am I the only guy that has a 14 character Device ID, or is something out of whack with this parameter? I’ve used the same 14 character alpha/numeric devise ID to log onto Ian’s site without issue. Also, I’m assuming for the first log on to the site I need to enter Username, Password and Devise ID, is this correct?

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

give it a shot now, i changed the limit to 14 digits – i thought MAC addresses were always 16 digits, leaving the leading 0 out gives you 15… didn’t think about those with two leading 0 πŸ˜‰

btw, the interface has been a bit overhauled, let me know what you think.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from jangrewe on April 18, 2011
give it a shot now, i changed the limit to 14 digits – i thought MAC addresses were always 16 digits, leaving the leading 0 out gives you 15… didn’t think about those with two leading 0 πŸ˜‰

btw, the interface has been a bit overhauled, let me know what you think.

Now it’s giving me the following error:

“Device ID must be numeric.”

I’m using the Torque ID which starts with an alpha character, is followed by 10 numbers and ends with 3 alpha characters (total of 14 characters). Is this what I’m supposed to be using? I looked for a MAC address but couldn’t find anything in the Torque app or on the ELM 327 OBDII Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Adapter that I’m using.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

whoops, my bad! of course MAC addresses are hexadecimal, it’s fixed now, please try again.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

Got registered and logged in – thanks! Very cool stuff, I like the ability to select and unselect what’s shown on the graph. I would suggest adding Turbo Boost & Vacuum Gauge (PID ff1202) as an option to display, possibly abbreviated as “boost”.

Very nice work so far. I’ve noticed that if I re-size the graph or manipulate the underlying map, the dynamic readout stops working and all values just show zero (0). I tried using Firefox 4.0 and IE 8 as a browser, and observed the same issue in both.

Also, it appears that selecting or unselecting the values to display causes the map to re-center itself, it would be nice if the map display did not move because of this.

That’s what I noticed in about 20 minutes of noodling around with it, very encouraging overall. Kudos!

Posts: 66
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)


Like the site. I would also like to see boost and any custom PID we may use like one big one for me is A/F ratio (PID 0134), it shows on Ian’s site.

Great work and thanks,

09 HHR SS, 06 Jetta GLI, 01 Sebring, 89 Shelby, 65 Mustang, Droid D2 R2-D2 edition, Nook Color (cyanogen 2.3)

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

thanks for the feedback, guys!

i already knew about the bug with the graph, there’s more to that which needs to be fixed (like: it only starts updating the legend if you have >=2 plots)

I’ll check what’s going on with the centering of the maps, until now i just wanted to get it out of the door so you can start testing. =)

i have enabled the turbo & vacuum PID, if you already logged data to Phorque, you should see the graphs for that – it was only hidden, because i myself didn’t need it πŸ˜‰

regarding custom PIDs, if you provide me with a list you would like to have added, i’m more that happy to do that!

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks for throwing the turbo & vacuum PID in there! It looks as if the graph is performing more predictably today – less resetting back to zero.

Another suggestion might be to change the scale increments along the bottom of the graph to show time as opposed to whatever it is now (elapsed seconds maybe..?). I think this is how Ian has his set up.

Thanks again!

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

Funny, i haven’t changed anything besides uncommenting that PID =)

I haven’t paid much attention to the x-axis labels yet, but i’ll see what i can do.

btw, anybody ever thought about how much fun it would be to replay a session … in streetview? πŸ˜‰

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 19, 2011 (GMT)

I was just curious if there is a way to compare on the Map exactly where I was at a cretin point in the Timeline of the Data.

For Example if the Chart shows Speed I was at 68 MPH at 7:20:50 AM and I look up on the map how do I know where on the Trail that was at or is that not a feature? If not a Feature may I suggest it?

Thanks for any help, Absolutely LOVE this app!! Had to Buy the full version I loved it so much!

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