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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: December 7, 2010 (GMT)

Hi people!
I finally managed to have a weekend off (snowboarding/ski-do driving/drifting) 😉
At the moment I´m implementing user-logon and file-uploading (& parsing).
I will upload the updated site to the server as soon as it is in a workable state again.
Please let me know what features you would like to see!


Posts: 3
Post Update
on: December 9, 2010 (GMT)

Hi to all!
I´ve implemented most of the logic and you can now either register yourself or login as user:test / pwd:test123.
please note that you have to split up your logfiles (torque appends the log with a new header-row everytime you start/stop logging) in order to display the map/graphs for it (auto-spliting is on the todo-list).
Upload limit is set to 500k which should be fine for up to 2000 datapoints.
I´m looking forward to your comments/critics

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: December 10, 2010 (GMT)

I spent a few hours over a couple of nights throwing something together as I was curious as to what was going on in the background with the website and torque. I’ve since noticed a few of you are asking ian for the code to be able to create your own versions, well I suppose the good new is that I’ve kind of got a starting block for you. I’m hoping to spend some time to clean my code up and stick some comments in to help but I will be releasing my code for you shortly. It’s really only proof of concept type stuff and I’ve yet to implement a simple username/password for it but there’s a sneak of what could be possible at


The code’s now available to download from the above url.


Posts: 81
Post Re: Web interface
on: December 14, 2010 (GMT)

Interesting stuff Steve, if we wanted to upload to your website I take it we would have to change the url in the torque app from Ians one?

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: December 14, 2010 (GMT)

Quote from Timmay on December 14, 2010, 14:11
Interesting stuff Steve, if we wanted to upload to your website I take it we would have to change the url in the torque app from Ians one?

Erm … in theory yes.
It was a personal project to get an understanding of what was going on and how that funky chronoscope graph widget works. Although I’m using it myself I’m not planning on maintaining it beyond my own needs.
Although I’ve no problem with anyone posting their data to my site, it’s my own server and nothing is guaranteed.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: December 30, 2010 (GMT)

Quote from swsystem on December 10, 2010, 01:00

The code’s now available to download from the above url.


I downloaded your code to get started with my own web server log. Great thanks. Really helped knowing how the torque would send the data and how the web server receives it.

I did have to debug the code a little to get it working on my server, probably using a different server implementation to you.

But I just wanted to say a big thanks. Im going to start looking at ways to view the rest of the data in dials or graphs also.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 6, 2011 (GMT)

I’m loving the alternative interfaces here guys.
Especially your one Volk.
I tried uploading a CSV via the login prompt but I think I did it wrong as the maps gone blank!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 6, 2011 (GMT)

On, what does these mean:



Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 8, 2011 (GMT)

Very new to this so bare with me. I wanted to know if it was possible to get no of gear changes extracted form the system. My vehicle has the ability to determine clutch pedal position and shows neutral or gear whenever it is used so could theoretically log/count the no of neutrals to count gear changes? yes/no? I also wanted to know if all the data could be loaded into a spreadsheet or graph to show ltres/k, time, ave speed and gear changes as well as acceleration force and brake useage totals over a set route for example? is this asking too much?

Driving Instructor

Posts: 81
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 12, 2011 (GMT)

What sort of upload speeds were you’s getting on your own webservers? I put the php and sql files that steve made available on a free webserver that I have, and I only upload when I’m connected to the wifi at home, so end up with a file of maybe 1000entres, that take about an hour to upload, which is quite slow!

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 16, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Timmay on January 12, 2011, 14:08
What sort of upload speeds were you’s getting on your own webservers? I put the php and sql files that steve made available on a free webserver that I have, and I only upload when I’m connected to the wifi at home, so end up with a file of maybe 1000entres, that take about an hour to upload, which is quite slow!

I was out for about 50 minutes yesterday (3000 points), connected via hsdpa/3g/gprs and when I hit the back button to quit torque there were 2 entries to upload. Sometimes on my trip to/from work which is about 25 minutes there’s about 50 entries left to upload if the reception’s been poor but they seem to be gone in a minute or so.
I’ve not checked to see how long requests take, if you’ve got the option to configure your logs on your hosting you could get it to log how long the request takes, free hosting could well have speed limits and/or processing limits in place which could slow things down.

I’ve just added %T to my apache logs so I can see how long the actual web request takes ( It only does seconds so I’m hoping to see the data push requests all at 0, I’ll add some time logging details into the data collector to log to a file and see how long the php takes at some point.

Also take note of the file_get_contents line of the torque.php page, this mirrors your data to Ian’s site, free hosting may have problems with this and it may be worth trying it with the line commented out.

Posts: 10
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 22, 2011 (GMT)

I finally got round to adding a little bit of time debug code to my version of torque.php.

Out of 881 requests, 801 of them took less than 0.1 seconds in the php

sub 0.1s = 801
0.1 - 0.2 = 60
0.2 - 0.3 = 7
0.3 - 0.9 = 13
> 0.9 = 0

Here’s a patch for those interested in checking themselves

--- release/torque.php  2011-01-22 20:19:04.360140971 +0000
+++ torque.php  2011-01-22 12:21:14.925424069 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+$start = microtime(true);
 // relay the request to ian's website so we get the data there too.
 // comment this next line out if you don't want to do this.
 @file_get_contents( "".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ;
+$ian = microtime(true);
 // make the connection to the DB
 $db_user = "torqueuser";
 $db_pass = "torquepass";
@@ -37,7 +37,12 @@
 // we've 2 arrays, the fields($keys) and the data($values) so throw them into the database.
 $sql = "insert into $db_table (".join(",", $keys).") VALUES (".join(",", $values).")";
+$end = microtime(true);
+$log = "$start,$ian,$end,".($ian-$start).",".($end-$ian).",".($end-$start)."\n";
+@file_put_contents("logs/torque.php.time_debug.csv", $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
 // torque expects the page to return OK! so this should be the only output of this page in production.
 print "OK!";

As you can see it gets a time stamp right at the beginning, after the relayed request to ian’s site and almost right at the end, then logs the times and some differences to a file (which needs to be writeable by the webserver).

Anyone wondering what hardware I’m running this on, it’s:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Memory: 8GB
Web: Apache/2.2.16 (Unix) (mod_php)
PHP: 5.3.3-pl1-gentoo
OS: Gentoo Linux (2.6.36-gentoo-r4)
Connectivity: 2mbit.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: January 28, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Guys, my first post on this forum.

The Torque software works fine on my HTC Desire although a bigger screen would be nice.

I have uploaded data to the website and have the following questions.

1. Can I change the data that is uploaded. I seem to get the same data uploaded even if I change the data to be uploaded within Torque. For instance I get 2 sets of data for speed.

2. I have got some very strange reading for speed. Apparently I reached 130mph although the engine speed was ticking over at 3K. Do I have to make any mods within Torque to adjust it to the correct value.

Thanks in advance, Chris

eta/ just worked out the units for speed is kph not mph

Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 1, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from chris.t on January 28, 2011, 18:59
1. Can I change the data that is uploaded. I seem to get the same data uploaded even if I change the data to be uploaded within Torque. For instance I get 2 sets of data for speed.

I think you get the GPS data latitude/longitude/speed automatically. The GPS speed PID is ff1001 I think which you can ignore. I run my own collector script on my webserver and I ignore ff1001, ff1005, ff1006, ff1007 I believe these are all related to GPS tho not totally sure about ff1007.

I’m not sure if it is possible to turn off logging of the GPS data within torque on the device. Clearly you could turn off the GPS if you weren’t bothered about that and disable the warning in settings.


Posts: 149
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 4, 2011 (GMT)


ff1007 is bearing in degrees via the GPS. In other words the direction of travel.


Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 5, 2011 (GMT)

Just a quick question about the web interface. When I quit the app it uploads my logs and then closes the app, and everything seems to go fine but when I try to look at the results on the web site it says my device id is invalid. I don’t know if I’m putting it in wrong or what, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. Really liking the app so far.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 6, 2011 (GMT)

since the update i cant login to the webinterface :(

Invalid login details entered. Please try again.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 6, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from mi28havoc on February 6, 2011, 11:02
since the update i cant login to the webinterface :(

Invalid login details entered. Please try again.

same problem I am having..

Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 8, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from mi28havoc on February 6, 2011, 11:02
since the update i cant login to the webinterface :(

Invalid login details entered. Please try again.

same here, please fix I’m having withdrawal symptoms :)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Web interface
on: February 8, 2011 (GMT)

At least I’m not the only one.

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