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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

Thanks, I will try tonight.
Everyone has been very helpful

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

I am having issues with upload to web server working as well. It was working fine for a few weeks, but no longer appears to be working.

Is there debugging or some other location where I can see if there are connection issues? Trips are successfully being captured inside the app, but I am not seeing anything new on the website when my URL is pointed at

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)


Trip logging is separate to web logging – the web logging is turned on in the ‘web logging’ section of data logging/upload in Toque

Make sure:

“Upload to webserver” is ticked in the settings

and that the various options below it are setup to allow the app to upload (usually when connected to the ECU being enabled is a good idea)

This will then automatically start uploads when you connect to the ECU

I’ll see if I can add a ‘test’ option in the next update (it missed todays update) which should be helpful

Posts: 2
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 20, 2013 (GMT)

These are the settings that I have. I’m not sure which is wrong. Based on other discussions, I would expect this to work.

I have these PIDs selected: Engine RPM, Speed (OBD), Engine Coolant, and Intake Air Temp.

Synchronous Logging – unchecked
File Logging Interval – 1 second
Log when Torque is started – checked
Only when OBD connected – checked
Automatically Log GPS – checked
Rotate log files – checked
Upload to webserver – checked
Only when OBD connected – checked
WebserverURL –
Email address: blank

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 21, 2013 (GMT)


You need to set the email address field – the web uploads require this (and the new version of the server will require an email login) – this is also why you won’t be able to register

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 21, 2013 (GMT)

I have everything in the previous posting and still no joy. Is there any hope with my set up?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 25, 2013 (GMT)

the phone says it is uploading logs, but nothing ever shows up , and yes I have triple checked the webserver’s address, but joy eludes me.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 27, 2013 (GMT)

I have received the update with the “test settings” option and no matter what I select the answer is “No Problems Found” even if I uncheck the upload to web server.
I am begining to think that LG phones cannot do this uploading. Any comments?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 28, 2013 (GMT)

JOY I got two trips logged Thanks to everyone that helped out.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 28, 2013 (GMT)

Finally! Do you remember exactly what it was that caused it to start working?

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 28, 2013 (GMT)

No, unfortunately I do not. I just kept trying and the phone would say uploading logs, and finally it took.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 28, 2013 (GMT)

Has anyone had any luck with their own web interface / logging?

I’ve set this to my own PHP page which logs all GET / POST data, but nothing.

It would help if the “Test” feature worked. Seems it returns no issues whatever you put in the server URL field…


Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 29, 2013 (GMT)


The test features checks that the webserver is reachable and a few other of the input options – if it works then you should be able to connect to the webserver.

However, there’s still one more issue that I’ve not seen happen (just verified this) and that’s the tables are on the wrong character set. I can’t sort this out this weekend (too much torque development) but should be able to fix it next weekend hopefully (I need to offline the database whilst the conversion is done).

Make sure your vehicle profile name doesn’t use any non-latin characters – that’s the only thing currently that will stop it from uploading

Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 29, 2013 (GMT)

Thanks for your reply, Ian.

I have checked the profile name and it only contains 7 alphanumeric characters (my reg no), so this shouldn’t be the issue.

I can access and send variables to my PHP script from my android device, so its definitely accessible.

I’ve just done a test run with all the settings for logging and uploading correct but nothing was sent to the script. The logs are being created as csv files on my device ok.

The only thing I can think of is that I use secure https on another port, but as long as the url is accessible, surely this shouldn’t matter?

Incidentally, I tried to log in to your web viewer with my device ID, but it won’t accept it. . :S


Posts: 16
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 30, 2013 (GMT)

Hi, I want to register, I wrote device ID, email address (same as on phone). There was some note I should receive some email, but no new email in my mailbox. When I try to register again, I get message account already exist.
What should I do? there is no button to recover password or send activation email again.
My device ID is[edit admin removed]ane email address petrbraha [at]

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 30, 2013 (GMT)


Once you have sent data to the script, you should register on the site using the email address, then you should be able to login – the device ‘id’ is obsolete and should be ignored (it’s going to be removed from the web login very soon, though will still exist in the app for people who have their own web servers/script)

You won’t be able to setup anything until the server has seen some data. Be aware that Web logging is not the same as ‘File’ loggig – you have to specifically enable web logging in the app settings – once you have done that it should then start uploading data in realtime to the webserver script

Check the following:

* The email address is setup in the settings (and check for typos in this as it’s fairly easy to miss!)

* You have a data connection when uploading

* That the ‘upload to webserver’ option is enabled in the app settings

I’m likely going to revisit this when I update the web code given the feedback to make things more obvious when they’re not working – I’ll also beef up the test button in the app settings to catch more things as well

Posts: 16
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 31, 2013 (GMT)

Thanks for reply Ian,
I can login by enter ID, but I cannot login by enter email and password, because I don’t have password, I didn’t get registration email yet.
It isn’t in SPAM folder, I have checked it.
I don’t know how I can get that email again, when I try to register again, it says:

An account already exists with this email address
Posts: 6
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 8, 2013 (GMT)

I am trying to log into the web interface with email and password, but get a 500 error from the server. I am able to use the long numeric ID but I understand that will be going away soon. Can you help resolve this or is there a better place to submit support tickets?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 11, 2013 (GMT)

I have scrolled up and down in my settings and I don’t see anywhere to provide an e-mail address.

Is it because it’s the free version? I thought it said it supported web uploads?


Quote from admin on March 30, 2013

Check the following:

* The email address is setup in the settings (and check for typos in this as it’s fairly easy to miss!)

* You have a data connection when uploading

* That the ‘upload to webserver’ option is enabled in the app settings

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: April 11, 2013 (GMT)

Weird, I know on mine it is just under Show your Torque ID”. Have you uninstalled your version and reinstalled, to make sure you have the latest? You seem to also be missing the Test Settings option.

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