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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Web interface

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Author Topic: Web interface
Posts: 5
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 1, 2013 (GMT)

well, today finaly I got logs on the web viewer. But I am still missing those one from yesterday.
I can load them in torque/map view but on web viewer i cant see them, why?

Posts: 4
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 2, 2013 (GMT)

Still get error after 4 days trying to log onto web viewer, time out error

Car mad

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 2, 2013 (GMT)

I was given the secret handshake, the special incantations, which direction I should bow down to and still “No Items To Show” Perhaps my GPS had me bowing in the wrong direction. I will keep trying.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 2, 2013 (GMT)

Mine is logging fine, uploading, and now having no trouble viewing my logs online. I hate to ask dumb questions, but have you enabled the upload feature? It is not on by default.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 2, 2013 (GMT)

I have what to log with pids
I have add pids to log
I have log when torque starts
I have log GPS
I have upload to webserver
I have show torque ID
I have also log selected sensors
I log in using my email.

Anything else I should add?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 3, 2013 (GMT)

Thats what I have, but my last upload was a few weeks ago. I am about to head out for the night, so I will record a trip and confirm mine is still uploading.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 3, 2013 (GMT)

great, thanks

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 9, 2013 (GMT)

Well the phone tries to communicate, but only for a second. Still nothing to show, LG 670 phone Android 2.3.3 Any issues with this set up?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 9, 2013 (GMT)


The web viewer is now on new hardware – the reliability issues should now hopefully be put to rest and you should be able to login again now – it’s unfortunately taken most of today to migrate the data over to the new machine away from the ailing one.

If the webserver hasn’t yet seen data from the device, you won’t be able to login – one it’s seen at least 1 piece of data from the android device, you’ll be able to register/login to the web interface

In the next couple of weeks I should hopefully be releasing some improvements to the web interface. I’m also looking forward to putting something together with the track recorder, but more on that later

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 10, 2013 (GMT)

how can I “Force” it to see data, I can log in but the site says “No Items To Show”

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 12, 2013 (GMT)

Still no joy “no items to show” tried to go to the page to receive the “OK” by phone and it takes me to an active page for Ian Hawkins, the computer gets the “OK” what can I do to force feed one bit of info to get the logs up to the web server? My phone tries if it is “when connected to OBD” but just a flash in the pan then ???

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 13, 2013 (GMT)


If the phone has sent some data to the website, you will be able to login.

If no data has been sent, then you won’t be able to login, as there is no data uploaded to view. You will need to fix the issue stopping the upload first – forcing it will not fix the underlying issue that the android device is not sending data to the web server.

Make sure web uploads are enabled in the settings, and that you have either set it to automatic uploads (when the ECU Is connected) or have manually started logging.

Also make sure the data connection from the android device is functional, and that no ad-blocking or firewall software is blocking the web server (or some third party permissions enforcing tool that is blocking network connections)

What URL are you using? The default is:

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 14, 2013 (GMT)

Well, finally tried again and all is working well. FOr some this may help, but make sure you actually have PIDs set to log. For me, byu default the entire list was empty, except GPS Speed for some strange reason.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 14, 2013 (GMT)

Still no joy. Maybe I will reload torque and see if this helps.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 15, 2013 (GMT)

So I reloaded the Torque-pro ( paid version) and the phone says uploading logs ( one second or less) How long should this upload take, is it a compressed file?
I don’t have any firewall on my phone so this is not an issue, just like it gets a busy signal then stops. Is there a way to manually upload a file ( dropbox or the like)?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 16, 2013 (GMT)

On a semi-related subject the “Scan-tool” cd doesn’t seem to work either. No com port at any baud rate is open. Anyone else fix this issue?

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

So I have been trying for a month today to get the web viewer to show something more than “NO ITEMS TO SHOW” my phone attempts to upload the info but nothing ever gets through. Can someone actually tell me that this works and show me what I can try to do to get mine to work?
I have listed in a previous post my phone and settings, if there is something incorrect or incomplete please let me know so I can enjoy the full function of this product.

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

Suggestion for piemmm: There does not seem to be a “master reset” of settings back to default. Can you add one, in case someone reallllllly goofs up their settings?

Edit: I forgot to ask, but when you’re connected to the OBD, your real-time gauges DO show data, correct? I know this is a dumb question, just making sure.

Not sure what else to suggest. It does work, below is a screenshot of the web viewer, showing data I uploaded 6 days ago.

Under Settings > Data Logging and Upload, here are what my settings are:

– Select what to log: Make sure you have stuff here to actually log, mine by default was empty, therefore uploaded nothing

– Synchronous Logging: Uncheck this, just in case it is not working correctly

– Log when Torque is started: Checked
– Only when OBD is connected: Checked, why else log?
– Automatically Log GPS: If not using GPS, uncheck this
– Rotate logfiles: Checked

– Upload to Webserver: Checked (of course!)
– Only when connected to OBD: Checked
– Webserver URL: (Do not enter :8080 after the .com, thats only for when you want to view your data)
– Show your Torque ID: Make sure this is correct, it is your phone’s IMEI #
– User Email Address: Go ahead and use your email, and make sure you register with that email on the webviewer. This is how I am logging in.

Rest of the settings are negligible. Good luck

Posts: 24
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

Thank you for the reply, yes the real time guages work when driving so this is OK. The only diference in my setting and your was the rotate part.
My phone says uploading logs , but only for about one second when I exit.
perhaps this is not long enough to complete the upload? I can log into the site to see the No Items to Show.
Once again thank you

President of Wind Cycle a renewable energy supplier and installer

Posts: 18
Post Re: Web interface
on: March 19, 2013 (GMT)

If rotate file logs is off, I am not sure how Torque handles the upload and if there is a log file size limit. So I would turn On logfile rotation and give it another shot.

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