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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Help with engine load

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Author Topic: Help with engine load
Posts: 3
Post Help with engine load
on: December 1, 2016 (GMT)

Hi everyone,

I need the help of someone with advanced electrical knowledge, after some work and re wiring on a car I am getting a value of calculated engine load at 100% all the time it never goes down, not even with Ignition on and Engine not running.

Would this be caused by a wiring defect at the MAP sensor (which I had to change) or is it more likely to be an ECU related problem ?



Posts: 6633
Post Re: Help with engine load
on: December 1, 2016 (GMT)


The load is a function using the following (in most cases)

* Engine RPM
* Temperature (Ambient)
* Airflow (MAF)

Though if it’s a diesel engine, then instead of MAF it will use fuel flow

Shorting out (or open circuit) of the MAF will usually push the calc to one extreme or the other (though a problem with this area will generally throw a trouble code immediately) though it can depend on the vehicle mapping as well

Posts: 3
Post Re: Help with engine load
on: December 2, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks for help, its a petrol engine renault 16 16v k4m 700
i presume its the map sensor, will check for open circuit or short.

revs and ambient temp sensor seem ok

thank you


Posts: 1
Post Re: Help with engine load
on: March 20, 2019 (GMT)


I’m sorry to revive such an old topic but I’ve recently aquired Torque Pro and I’m currently monitoring my Renault Clio II also equiped with a 1.6 16V K4M engine.

My readings of Engine Load are also at 100% all the time.

Brian, did you manage to discover what issue you were facing back on 2016?

Or Is it some kind of limitation or bad reading of this type of engine/ECU (think mine is a Siemens Siruis32)

Obs.: This car uses only a MAP sensor, there’s no MAF on it.

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