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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Data from dual engine ECUs

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Author Topic: Data from dual engine ECUs
Posts: 16
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

Ian, I see you’re making some awesome enhancements to custom PID features recently! Any chance you could get to this one while you’re in that code?

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 6, 2016 (GMT)

Just curious Mark5,

Does using the broadcast header within
the custom pid and R0 type addressing
yield useable results? (Though without adding
a leading zero bytes might be offset by a nibble.
Don’t know if this was fixed by Ian).

Which header returns the greatest number
of mode 01 pids (0100, etc.).

Does setting the init string to atsh7E1
return other mode 01 data.

Posts: 16
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

A few months ago when Ian added the R0 capability I tried up through at least R20 and none seemed to provide the data from the 2nd ECU (the first few did match the data from the 1st ECU). I just tried again with the recent beta updates and still no luck.

No results are returned when the header is set to request data from a specific engine ECU (7E0 or 7E2). This is where the car does not seem to be adhering to OBD standards.

AT SH 7E1 addresses the transmission – I recall it responded appropriately to a few PIDs that would be expected to apply to an automatic transmission.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)


I’ll try to get this one done later tonight, or likely Monday/Tuesday next week, so you should hopefully see it in the next couple of updates starting next week

Couple of small things to look at first then I can get started on it, it’s likely I’ll need to make a change to the PID editor to accommodate the slightly weird ECU responses

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

Quick question:

I know you’ve already tried part of this, however there was no mention of the stop command

In the diagnostic start command, put:
ATSH7DF\nATCRA7EA (or whichever ECU it is you want)

and the stop command, which is important to also have:
ATSH7DF\nATCRA (note the missing 7Ex)

And see if it’s more reliable if you haven’t already used the stop command with that info?

Posts: 16
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks. I had tried with and without the stop command several months ago but I’ll try again when I get a chance later today.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on October 7, 2016
and the stop command, which is important to also have:
ATSH7DF\nATCRA (note the missing 7Ex)

keep in mind that many adapters do not understand ATCRA command without address
in this particular case it is necessary to specify the address of another block

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)


Right good point. Clone adapters are a bit of a pain…. I’ll need to think about the alternate method for this, there are a couple of options for it. LIkely get it done and tested by tuesday here

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

Also – can you send me a debug (as I need to know what mode Torque is operating in for your ECU, and can also capture some data so I can setup a test model for it here)

You can send a debug by going into the general settings, ticking enable debugging, then quitting and restarting the app. Once reconnected (and showing the engine data, say the PID you’re interested in on the one ECU only, then press menu, send debugging information, and put your forum name in

I can then use that to get a better idea of what to do, and to test it

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)


Found a friend who had a V10 audi with what looked like a very similar ECU setup to the one you’re reporting.

Torque will now store the extra replies for your ECU.

You will need TorqueScan to see the IDs for the ECU (though once you see it, it should be relatively self explanatory) – then you will need to take the ID given and create a PID for it in the extended PID editor for it in the form:

PID: 0105
Equation: [fe2005] (or whatever the coolant PID was reported as in TorqueScan
Unit: Deg.C
(the rest should be blank/defaults. No headers, nothing else)

That should then be available to you in the app when an 0105 request is made, the multiple responses will be stored and then you simply view them as normal from that PID.

Any sensor that begins with 0xFExxxx is an extra reply from another ECU (that isn’t the default engine ECU) for mode 01 requests only. This will enable you to get the replies you want from the other ECUs when they are responding to a functional request

Posts: 8
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 7, 2016 (GMT)

It looks like you need custom PIDs for communication with 2 EFI ECUs. Do you know PIDs for your Engine other then 01 Mode?

Posts: 16
Post Re: Data from dual engine ECUs
on: October 8, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on October 7, 2016

Found a friend who had a V10 audi with what looked like a very similar ECU setup to the one you’re reporting.

Torque will now store the extra replies for your ECU.

You will need TorqueScan to see the IDs for the ECU (though once you see it, it should be relatively self explanatory) – then you will need to take the ID given and create a PID for it in the extended PID editor for it in the form:

PID: 0105
Equation: [fe2005] (or whatever the coolant PID was reported as in TorqueScan
Unit: Deg.C
(the rest should be blank/defaults. No headers, nothing else)

That should then be available to you in the app when an 0105 request is made, the multiple responses will be stored and then you simply view them as normal from that PID.

Any sensor that begins with 0xFExxxx is an extra reply from another ECU (that isn’t the default engine ECU) for mode 01 requests only. This will enable you to get the replies you want from the other ECUs when they are responding to a functional request

It works great! After setting up the equations to get the desired units, it works perfectly for the handful of PIDs I’ve been wanting to log for the 2nd bank. There seems to be a 1 cycle lag in the data, but that’s easy to account for when analyzing logs. Thank you so much!

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