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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Translations

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Author Topic: Translations
Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 17, 2012 (GMT)

Hi. I have edited every field, but there is still some text in English. Can you fix this? It seems that there are some lines missing in your language file. However, here is my translated Version. GERMAN:

Posts: 1
Post Re: Translations
on: January 19, 2012 (GMT)

Please, who do SK (Slovak) translation?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Translations
on: January 19, 2012 (GMT)


The file unfortunately has been put through some translation software or google translate. This will break the file (which has happened in several places as it re-orders the file). Unfortunately as a result the file cannot be used.

The value side of the file (as described on the wiki) needs to be translated, not the key side (of each line in the file individually). If you put it through a translation service it will break the file by reordering it, and not getting the context of the translation correct in most cases

There’s another users German translation however that’s arrived as well, and it’s looking very promising – hope to include it in the next update!

Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 20, 2012 (GMT)

Hi piemmm.

I was the one who sent you the mail. The file was NOT translated via a translation service. It was translated BY HAND. I spent nearly 6 hours, doing this.

I wrote you another mail with the fixed Version. The one I’ve sent you before had some flaws (ä,ö,ü,ß).


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Translations
on: January 20, 2012 (GMT)

Got it through email okay, thanks

The one on pastebin isn’t liking my browser (I think) which is doing unusual things to the file when i get it here. But the emailed one is perfect

Posts: 2
Post Re: Translations
on: January 24, 2012 (GMT)

Is there already a Czech translation for the full version?

If not, I’d be happy to do it.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Translations
on: January 24, 2012 (GMT)


There isn’t one so far – I’m not aware of anyone working on one at the moment either



Posts: 3
Post Re: Translations
on: January 26, 2012 (GMT)


Somebody do slovak or czech translation. Thanks

Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 26, 2012 (GMT)

Maybe you do it? It’s a massive amount of time to invest and a hell of a work to complete it. Bye!

Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 27, 2012 (GMT)

Hi Ian.

I’ve seen that you are plannig to release a new version soon. Is it possible to send me the new language file first, so I can translate it before you publish it?


Posts: 23
Post Re: Translations
on: January 28, 2012 (GMT)

@MercedesGLK: Are you german?

I did the german translations and I would appreciate it if we could do them together in the future!

Best regards


Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 28, 2012 (GMT)

You did it? ^^ No. I have translated the whole app. The first translation was so messy :). I had to start from skretch.

But it appears to be hard to translate, because there are always some missing parts.

At the moment I don’t need any help, because it’s a job I had to do just once. After I translated the whole app, there are just the missing parts I have to edit/add now.

I wrote Ian an e-mail with all the missing parts + Screenshots. I’m studying atm and therefore I don’t have that much time. If I need help, i’ll refer to you 😉


Posts: 23
Post Re: Translations
on: January 28, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from MercedesGLK on January 28, 2012
You did it? ^^ No. I have translated the whole app. The first translation was so messy :). I had to start from skretch.

But it appears to be hard to translate, because there are always some missing parts.

At the moment I don’t need any help, because it’s a job I had to do just once. After I translated the whole app, there are just the missing parts I have to edit/add now.

I wrote Ian an e-mail with all the missing parts + Screenshots. I’m studying atm and therefore I don’t have that much time. If I need help, i’ll refer to you 😉


Yes, I did. I may refer to page 1 of this thread 😉 I sent the second version (can’t find the first one right now) on May 11th 2011.
Anyway, I think there are a few mistakes in yours and I would still offer you the opportunity to work together on this. Is there a way to contact you?

Posts: 67
Post Re: Translations
on: January 28, 2012 (GMT)

Yep. Add me.

Posts: 14
Post Re: Translations
on: February 3, 2012 (GMT)

I’ve done the italian translation but I’d like to test it within the app because some therms are ambiguous if I can’t know the context in which these therms are inserted.

But I can’t test it, I don’t know why but if I place the file “translation_it_override.txt” into “.Torque” dir I don’t see any changes to the language in Torque.

Encoding is UTF-8. There is something else I can do or check?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Translations
on: February 6, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from several on May 24, 2011
The screenshot shows what is wrong encoding. I used the ANSI. how to properly use? The fact that I can not test the translation. I put the file in the folder .torque run the program, but it is still in English. – translate Unicode – translate UTF8

???? ??????, ??? ????? ???????? ????? ? ????????? ?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Translations
on: February 8, 2012 (GMT)


If you have placed the file in the correct place (it must be lower-case) then torque will find it and use it if your phone is set to that language, and the file has the correct ISO country code as part of it’s name

If you have put the file through google translate then it won’t work as google translate destroys the structure of the file.

There’s more information on the wiki:

Posts: 14
Post Re: Translations
on: February 8, 2012 (GMT)

I tried many times but all seems to be correct: the file name is exactly what specified in wiki (“translation_it_override.txt” placed in the directory “.Torque” of the internal SD) and the charset is UTF-8. Checked many times.

I tried also placing the original downloaded english file (renamed correctly to match my italian phone) with just 2 words modified but I haven’t found the modified text in the app.

The app seems to ignore the language file.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Translations
on: February 9, 2012 (GMT)

I can give the translation of the program in Italian? as the insert?

Posts: 4
Post Re: Translations
on: February 12, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from kamo502 on August 10, 2011
is someone from Poland?

currently i’m working on translating for this country
help is greatly appreciated:)

hi. I’m from Poland and I will try to help you in translation. I will also get technical Polish-English dictionary, because without this translation is incorrect. There are many words whose meaning I do not know yet.

P. S.
google.translator helps me. Please understand

The automotive enthusiast with gasoline in the blood

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