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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Speedo dial settings

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Author Topic: Speedo dial settings
Posts: 6
Post Speedo dial settings
on: June 25, 2010 (GMT)

Is it possible to change the numbers on the speedo dials to normal 20 40 60 etc numbers and maybe a max speed.
If I drive in the city the needle only uses a small part of the dial so max 100, max 150, and max 200 km/h mp/h



Posts: 6634
Post Re: Speedo dial settings
on: June 26, 2010 (GMT)


You’re not the only one to ask this so it will be going in (I have had a look at doing this about a week ago but wasn’t happy finding a ‘nice’ solution for it without making things a bit clunky in the user interface) I will be fixing it however.


Posts: 6
Post Re: Speedo dial settings
on: August 25, 2010 (GMT)

Maybe you forgot 😉

Quote from rexio on June 25, 2010, 19:53
Is it possible to change the numbers on the speedo dials to normal 20 40 60 etc numbers and maybe a max speed.
If I drive in the city the needle only uses a small part of the dial so max 100, max 150, and max 200 km/h mp/h



Posts: 6634
Post Re: Speedo dial settings
on: August 27, 2010 (GMT)

Nope :-) I had a go at it, but it was at about the same time I made the dial scales dynamic. It makes the job of increasing in defined increments a little harder.

I did have this working – however I suspect it was for mph only not kph… I have a *lot* of things to catch up on at the moment, and I will revisit this again and see if I can improve it some more

Posts: 6
Post Re: Speedo dial settings
on: August 27, 2010 (GMT)

no hurries, it is not that important 😉

Posts: 1
Post Re: Speedo dial settings
on: October 3, 2020 (GMT)

Has there been any update on this? I would also like something similar to this. For some reason some of the small dials are showing wayy too many numbers and they are overlapping each other. I would like it to skip farther between numbers Ex. Right now I have a trans temp dial that is only on an 120 degree sweep but it is still trying to display 11 numbers in a 0-200 degree scale. I tried to cut it down by setting a minimum number of 100, but it just changed the increment between numbers, not the amount of displayed numbers. I would like to be able to define it to show a specific increment and thus less of them.

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