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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Transmission temp for an Odyssey

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Author Topic: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
Posts: 18
Post Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: April 26, 2015 (GMT)

Hi everyone,

Trying to get the Torque app to display the transmission temperature of my ’12 Honda Odyssey. Found the PID info for a Scangauge, can anyone help me convert this to work with Torque?

TXD: 1DF1222201
RXF: 032400000000
RXD: 2808
MTH: 00090005FFD8


Posts: 1667
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: April 27, 2015 (GMT)

preferred protocol ISO 15765(29/500), may need to write in the initialization string: ATSP7
you need to create an external PID:
OBD2 Mode and PID:
Long name:
Trans Temp
Short name:
Trans Temp
Unit type:
OBD Header:

Unit type and Equation necessary be refined

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: April 27, 2015 (GMT)

Thanks! I’ll give this a try tonight.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 1, 2015 (GMT)

Okay, finally got a chance to give it a shot. 215 is really high, the coolant temp was 100° F and the van was only run long enough to pull into the garage. I’d guess this is more than twice as high as it should be.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 2, 2015 (GMT)

You might want to monitor the raw hex
response of your pid in case you are not
looking at the correct variable(s).

Look for ambient temps with a cold soak
engine and hot temps that make sense
after running.

If your response is multiframe the variable
could be further along in the response.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 2, 2015 (GMT)

I’m hex and PID stupid, can you give me some kind of tutorial? Tried it out, the 215 remains static as the car runs and moves.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 2, 2015 (GMT)

While in the pid editor and connected
to your vehicle press the test function
to see the raw hex response which comes
back from your vehicle.

If you could post your hex response cold and hot
maybe the correct variable will stand out from
the other bytes.

Not sure what equation you are using above
but the following are typical from what I’ve
seen (using variable A as an example).

A-40 for °C
A*(9/5)-40 for °F

A-50 for °C
A*(9/5)-58 for °F

Basically you are watching for hex bytes
that warm up gradually and match ambient
when cold.

3d hex = 61 decimal * (9/5) -40 = ~70 °F
77 hex = 119 decimal * (9/5) -40 = ~174 °F

47 hex = 71 decimal * (9/5) -58 = ~70 °F
81 hex = 129 decimal * (9/5) -58 = ~174 °F

Each hex byte is two characters
00 to FF hex (0 – 255 decimal)

1 hex = 1 decimal
2 hex = 2 decimal

9 hex = 9 decimal
A hex = 10 decimal
B hex = 11 decimal
C hex = 12 decimal
D hex = 13 decimal
E hex = 14 decimal
F hex = 15 decimal

10 hex = 16 decimal

and so on…

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 2, 2015 (GMT)

See on the link, where I showed how you can pick the equation
open notepad, not to disrupt the formatting of text

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Thanks for the very helpful replies. I’ll play with this some today and see what I can figure out.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Okay, here it is after sitting all night before starting up. Engine coolant temp is 60°.

After a short drive to bring things up to temp. Was about a 15-minute drive at low speeds. Coolant temp was 175°.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Spent some time with Excel and think I found the probable candidates. Thinking AA. What do you guys think?


Here’s the excel file:

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Change your equation and give it a look
for the variables you think might work.

Posting pictures using dropbox… this
thread describes how within its posts.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Those aren’t photos, they are excel and PDF files. I can take screenshots I suppose, but they wouldn’t be as easy to read.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Looked like you tried posting pics
in the posts above… just sharing
what Ive found in the past.

My other concern which that thread
demonstrates… is Torque has a problem
with parsing a certain multiframe protocol
which might be the same as yours?

The raw hex data will be correct but the
Torque equation parser was not assigning
variables correctly and the equation did not

I hope this is not the case for you.

(Sorry but my phone is not letting me
view your links).


Does “U” match your ECT or EOT?
It acts like a temperature reading too.
Thanks for adding the screenshots.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Wanted to say THANKS for all the help guys! Plugged it in and did some testing, it behaved exactly like I would expect from all the other vehicles I’ve monitored transmission temps. Here’s my final product, I’m fairly confident we got it right:

Mode and PID: 222201
Name: Transmission Temp
Minimum: -40
Maximum: 300
Scale factor: x1
Unit type: F
Equation: AA*(9/5)-40
OBD Header: 18DA1DF1

Posts: 437
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from TomB985 on May 2, 2015
I’m hex and PID stupid, can you give me some kind of tutorial? Tried it out, the 215 remains static as the car runs and moves.


You may already know this, but a small tid-bit that has helped me in an endeavor similar to yours… the Microsoft Windows CALCULATOR has a pretty darn good PROGRAMMER “View” that makes converting (back and forth) between HEX / DEC / BINARY quick and easy. I ignored it for a long time because the default “View” is such a dumb / simple looking STANDARD calculator. But the other views are full featured, and it’s easy to cut and paste between it and your imported spreadsheets.

Hope this helps.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 3, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from TomB985 on May 3, 2015
Wanted to say THANKS for all the help guys! Plugged it in and did some testing, it behaved exactly like I would expect from all the other vehicles I’ve monitored transmission temps. Here’s my final product, I’m fairly confident we got it right:

Mode and PID: 222201
Name: Transmission Temp
Minimum: -40
Maximum: 300
Scale factor: x1
Unit type: F
Equation: AA*(9/5)-40
OBD Header: 18DA1DF1

I’m glad I could help you out

Posts: 13
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 4, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on May 3, 2015
Quote from TomB985 on May 3, 2015
Wanted to say THANKS for all the help guys! Plugged it in and did some testing, it behaved exactly like I would expect from all the other vehicles I’ve monitored transmission temps. Here’s my final product, I’m fairly confident we got it right:

Mode and PID: 222201
Name: Transmission Temp
Minimum: -40
Maximum: 300
Scale factor: x1
Unit type: F
Equation: AA*(9/5)-40
OBD Header: 18DA1DF1

I’m glad I could help you out

I’m trying to get this to work on a 2011 Odyssey (EX-L) without any luck. Engine RPM and Coolant temps seems to work, but when I put this PID in it looks like I get -1 back since the formula result returns -41.8. Anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing this?

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 4, 2017 (GMT)

OBD2 Mode and PID: 222201
Long name: Transmission Temperature
Short name: Trans Temp
min: -40
max: 300
scale: x1
Unit type: F
Equation: AA*(9/5)-40
OBD Header: DA1DF1

Posts: 13
Post Re: Transmission temp for an Odyssey
on: May 5, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on May 4, 2017
OBD2 Mode and PID: 222201
Long name: Transmission Temperature
Short name: Trans Temp
min: -40
max: 300
scale: x1
Unit type: F
Equation: AA*(9/5)-40
OBD Header: DA1DF1

Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately that didn’t seem to work either. Any other thoughts? When I test the PID I do see data coming across but the result is still -41.8. I would think a 2012 would be the same as a 2011 unless the above is for a 6 speed and my 5 speed on the EX-L is different?

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