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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna

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Author Topic: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
Posts: 18
Post Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Hi everyone,

I started a thread here a couple of weeks ago and can’t seem to find it. I’m trying to be able to monitor the transmission temperature on my 2011 Sienna. I remember being directed to another thread about someone figuring out the transmission temperature on their Land Cruiser, but the commands that worked for him didn’t work on my van.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Did you ever try pid 21D9 which was
mentioned in the thread?

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Yep, the 21D9 was the one I tried using the formula that worked for Mohy. I got data, but it fluctuated widely and was definitely not giving me correct data for the transmission temp.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Do any of the other bytes in the
test response look like tft response?

Have you tried other headers like
7E0, 7E1, Auto, TCM or blank?

21D9 supposedly worked on earlier
Siennas according to a Sienna forum
post I found. (2004-2010?).

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

I’ll mess around with it tonight when my wife gets back with it. I need to put the interior back together after replacing one of the power door cables, so hopefully I’ll have time to check it out tonight.

Quite a project to change that stoopid cable!

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

Did you also try pid 2182 which is being
used on some newer MY Toyotas?

Dont forget to look at the test responses
in case the variables have changed. (e.g., A&B
and C&D).

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

How do I look at test responses?

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 14, 2014 (GMT)

By pressing “Test” while in the pid
editor. It will display the OBDII hex
response sent from your vehicle.

Monitoring these bytes for tft behavior
is how Mohy identified his Torque

While I linked to the last page of the
thread which had the equations… I
suggest reading the whole thread from
the beginning to learn more about Torque
variable addressing and testing.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 17, 2014 (GMT)

Okay, here’s what I got for 21D9 and the equation that Mohy used:

Response: 7E9037F2112

Result for equation: 0.0

I played around with the formula some, and when I just used “a” the value was around 18. I figured that sounded close to a Celsius temperature that should be about right for ambient, so I used “A*9/5+32. Came out to be 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit which matched the ambient temperature of the garage. Thought I got it working so I went for a drive, and to my dismay the value never moved off 64.4 for the entire trip.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 17, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from TomB985 on June 17, 2014
Okay, here’s what I got for 21D9 and the equation that Mohy used:

Response: 7E9037F2112

Result for equation: 0.0

I played around with the formula some, and when I just used “a” the value was around 18. I figured that sounded close to a Celsius temperature that should be about right for ambient, so I used “A*9/5+32. Came out to be 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit which matched the ambient temperature of the garage. Thought I got it working so I went for a drive, and to my dismay the value never moved off 64.4 for the entire trip.

End Quote.

The 7F21… is an unsuccessful data response
for header 7E1.

Have you tried the other headers?

Did you try 2182?

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 17, 2014 (GMT)

Just tried 2182.

Response:7E8037F2112 7E90461826540

With riyhen’s equation( (((A*256)+B)/256)-40) I get a result of -40.0.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 17, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from TomB985 on June 17, 2014
Just tried 2182.

Response:7E8037F2112 7E90461826540

With riyhen’s equation( (((A*256)+B)/256)-40) I get a result of -40.0.

End Quote.


Header: 7E1
Mode/Pid: 2182
Equation: A*(9/5)-40
Units: °F

Header: 7E1
Mode/Pid: 2182
Equation: ((((A*256)+B)*(84/1000))-480)/12
Units: °F

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 17, 2014 (GMT)

Well that looks promising. Sitting in the garage my engine coolant temp is 73° and both of those showed 72°. I’ll take it for a drive this evening to confirm, but I think that’s it.

I’ll post back tonight after I test drive it.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Transmission Temp for a 2011 Sienna
on: June 20, 2014 (GMT)

It works!

Plugged in the adapter before heading home from work today. The transmission quickly heated up to 165° in about 15 miles and stayed around there the rest of the way home. It really surprises me how quickly the temperature changes, it happens far faster than the pickup trucks I’ve monitored in the past.

Other than the relatively rapid temperature change it behaved just as I expected it would.


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