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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Data Logging Help for New Users

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Author Topic: Data Logging Help for New Users
Posts: 4
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: October 18, 2020 (GMT)

Dear Friends,
Kindly, I have a technical problem with Torque application for connect to car.
My car is a Peugeot 206 with ECU 7.4.5 and Metal throttle body.
In this case I was cannot connect to car.
Until I found Car Scanner app.
In this program I connected to car with protocol “ISO 14230-4 KWP (5baud init,10.4 kbaud)” without any problem. But I cannot connect with this protocol in Torque app to my car.
Is it possible add another protocols to Torque app?
Or you know how can connect with this protocol in Torque app to car?

Posts: 15
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 27, 2021 (GMT)

I would just like to know why the Torque Web Viewer website is always down … I can’t go back and view my data without it.

Without the Web Viewer up and running, the Torque Pro is pretty much useless to me.

Posts: 21
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: June 17, 2021 (GMT)

Why are my posts all blank and blocked?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: June 22, 2021 (GMT)

Torque is not synchronizing logs. Does it only try once, and then give up forever if there’s no internet connection?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: July 2, 2021 (GMT)

Has anybody got logging working for them? Or is this simply abandoned software?

Posts: 16
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: October 8, 2021 (GMT)

It’s sincronizing well for me.
I have trouble with the map, it doesn’t appear.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: December 1, 2021 (GMT)

How do I use my login number on the app to view my logs on a desktop? I tried to put the number in as my login but said no user found? I am very new to all of this so if this is a stupid question please forgive my lack of knowledge about this?

Into 1.4 Chevy Cruze builds

Posts: 4
Post Log files not accessible after last update
on: December 3, 2021 (GMT)


since the last Update, the Torque Logs are now stored in a folder, where they are not accessible by any app but Torque itself.

The Logs used to be in the Main Storage under /TorqueLogs but since the last update, they are now in the main Storage under /Android/data/org.prowl.torque/files/TorqueLogs. The /Android/data/[…] folder cannot be accessed by apps like Tasker.

The Logs are also not under the SD-card folder in /sdcard/Androif/org.prowl.torque/torqueLogs as mentioned in the latest changelog.

Then, there is a bug with the webserver upload. It is not possible to get torque to upload data to my webserver. It works in the local network with the ip address, but not with the public address.

http://ip/upload.php -> works (but only local of course)
http://public.address/upload.php -> not working (while closing, torque it gives a message “still uplaoding – xxx log entries left…”). But i can open the site http://public.address/upload.php on my phone and get the “OK!” response and if i add any GET parameters (i.e. http://public.address/upload.php?id=xyz&xx=yy), i can validate the request on my webserver, therefore it must be a problem with the torque app itself. My webserver is externally reachable via a Dataplicity wormhole.

So since the last update i am not able to automatically process the data from torque and store them in my home automation system anymore. Till the last update, everything worked fine.

Could the author of the app please revert the last changes regarding the log folder and make them accessible again? Or if this is not possible, pelase fix the problem with the webserver upload.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: December 23, 2021 (GMT)

Android changed the permissions and that affected how Torque stores log files. I think it is fixed in newer version of Torque.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 5, 2022 (GMT)

I don’t know if I’m posting in the right place or not cause I usually just get on and read the forums an try to figure out my problem. Ever since these new updates to torque started it messed up my torque that I’ve had for a couple of years, i could just turn on Bluetooth and when it connected to the ecu it would automatically start logging and when I hit “ok/confirm” to quit torque it would be done logging. I could just go under files then torque logs and see everything. Now I got to it the little gear icon to start logging everytime, is there any way to fix that because alot of times i just jump in my vehicle hit the torque pro app and go. Like today I forgot to hit start logging so I have nothing now.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 7, 2022 (GMT)


Because of enforced changes in Google Play, app updates needed to change the location of the saved files

The logfiles are now in Documents/torqueLogs instead of the root of the storage area.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: January 11, 2022 (GMT)

I understand and have no problem with that but before when my Bluetooth would connect to my ecu it would start logging my stuff. Now it does not do that anymore, i gotta hit the little gear icon and tap “start logging” every time now. Is that the way its going to be or am I doing something wrong?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)


I have the same issue as “CaptainMarci”…
Upload to webserver doesn’t work. I have configured Torque to upload data to Home Assistant with Torque integration installed.
When logging starts, I can see issue with authentication in Home Assistant log = ” Login attempt or request with invalid authentication”. So I have tried to submit information using Tasker, the same URL, the same Bearer token. And it works, so for sure it is not the issue with Home Assistant.
I configured Torque application as Home Assistant Torque integration says. And it doesn’t work in Torque application but the same configuration works in Tasker…
I don’t know whether it is caused by authentication failure, but with the latest version of Turque, when I close app and open again, “Send https: Bearer Token” option is disabled and token is empty.
Please, does anybody have any idea how to configure Torque to properly upload data to Home Assistant?

Edit: I just found that even data backup and restore don’t restore settings related to bearer…
Version 1.12.32

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: February 27, 2022 (GMT)

I thought i was doing something wrong. I haven’t been able to log to the webserver for a few weeks now. I finally uninstalled and reinstalled the app this morning with no changes. I haven’t looked at the logged filled on my Android for a few months now so I’m not aware of any issues with it at this point. Logging used to be automatic, i could see the uploads happening when i exited the app and sometimes it would warn me about the BT obdii being connected still. Not any longer. What gives?

Im currently on version 1.12.88. I see that there’s an update so I’ll see what’s up and get back with y’all later.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: March 11, 2022 (GMT)

I cannot connect with the uni car scan ucsi-2100.
Are there compatibility issues or am I doing something wrong please ?

Posts: 14
Post Re: Data Logging Help for New Users
on: December 16, 2022 (GMT)

This has got to be a common problem …

I set the app up to log a number of parameters, and set it to “log when torque is started”. But afterwards, when I connected my phone to my computer, the TorqueLogs directory was empty.

I’ve successfully logged data before. But not with this relatively new phone (which is a Pixel 5A).

Any common mistakes I might have made ? TIA.

Duh … my answer was a few posts up:

Because of enforced changes in Google Play, app updates needed to change the location of the saved files

The logfiles are now in Documents/torqueLogs instead of the root of the storage area.

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