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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)

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Author Topic: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 1, 2013 (GMT)

New user here. Using Torque with my Ematic EGS005BL & USB_type OBDII interface(purchased 2-3 years ago on Ebay)connected by a USB A Female to Mini USB B 5 Pin Male Adapter(also Ebay). Was having issues getting it to connect to my device until I downloaded a USB Host Diagnostic APP(from chainfireXDA)which found an issue with my USB Host/firmware/other and corrected it. After restart, plugged in the adapter and this time got the USB pop-up, chose Torque…and now all seems to be working fine.

Posts: 27
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 3, 2013 (GMT)

Is there a way to modify Torque’s protocol access via a plug-in?
What I mean is that I want to use torque also with non 100% OBD2 compliant protocols (e.g. pre year 2000 cars) as well as search for current manufacturer’s obscure features using Torque. ELM327 chips do support non standard features so I was hoping to be able to use Torque and write a plugin for my specific application.
My gut feeling – it’s not possible, but maybe I can be pleasantly surprised?…

Posts: 27
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 20, 2013 (GMT)

OK, according to Ian’s reply elsewhere this is actually possible. So now I’m trying to write a Torque plugin with no previous Java experience…though pretty experienced in ‘C’ and other programming languages. I’ve got Eclipse loaded with the Torquescan project file and even re-compiled it no problem, but now that I want to play with it and modify it a bit as an exercise I’m having a hard time finding the actual code that does Torquescan’s added functionality such as scanning for new PID’s.
The AIDL interface file is pretty clear (just API headers with clear functionality explanations, thanks Ian :)), and the only other source file in the archive seems to be but it seemingly lacks the functionality offered by Torquescan, so obviously I’m missing something. Can someone who has already tackled this provide some pointers in the right direction, hopefully the relevant files will also contain clarification comments.
Thanks and cheers.

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 30, 2013 (GMT)

How do you protect your custom PID created from your plugin? I developed a plugin to read custom PIDs. But anyone can edit the PIDs. I noticed that some plugins is protected (i.e. you cannot edit the PID.

Anyone can help?

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 30, 2013 (GMT)


I ve tried the knock Detektor.
Everythings ok.

Now i want to delete the Plug in.

Where can i do this??

I have an android tablet, the acer ICONIA B1

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 1, 2013 (GMT)

I have the pro version of Torque, I love the app. I also just purchased the KIA ADV plugin. Whenever I try to display any real time information that contains any of the enhanced plugin data, the adapter disconnects, and it’s difficult to reconnect without pulling the adapter and restarting Torque. Is the plugin my problem, or a setting somewhere.

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 34
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 5, 2013 (GMT)

Anyone interested in working with me on an App to go in the App store, sorta like the racing App
I need a programmer it can be a 50-50 venture. We can take some of the coding to CHina or Russia Via

Here is some of my work — I was one of the first people in Mobile Displays.

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 7, 2013 (GMT)

I am new here but I am your biggest supporter. I have personally added 5 users to your app.

In trying to upload recorded video with PID via the java, xuggle and obd sync agent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab2 with 10.1 ver os to my desktop Windows 8 os.

The first time I launched the OBD sync app I received a code to enter into my tablet and all of the recorded trips uploaded to my desktop computer where I decoded them to Real video. I then was able to send them to others.

Since that first time, I have not been able to up load any of the videos from my tablet to my desktop. The app launches, I right click for the menu, I see it says synchronized but no recorded trips are uploaded to the desk to to encode. I have not chaned any of the setting on my tablet since the first successful upload.

Can you shed any light on this?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 9, 2013 (GMT)


(Sorry I’ve not had time to reply to some of the questions on here)

Check and make sure you are using a 32 bit java installation – at the moment, on windows xuggler needs a 32bit version of java (64bit won’t work, so make sure you uninstall all traces of the 64bit vm)

I’m working on making the encoding easier, and have a solution now locally that can be used, though it will be an online web based solution (unfortunately due to various restrictive licenses)

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 13, 2013 (GMT)

I need some help with this plugin. I am trying to use my Cruise Control stalk as a method to control my tablet, since when cruise control is not enabled, the stalk does nothing to the car.

I’ve found the PID for the Cruise Control stalk. It is listed below:

RES/ACC Switch 2121 {E:4} 0 1 Off/On 7E2

However, when I use TorqueScan to try and display this value, I get no results. Here is how I am trying to receive this value…

float cancelVal = torqueService.getValueForPid(Integer.parseInt("2121", 16), true);
text += "Cancel: " +nf.format(cancelVal) + "\n";

What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 34
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 13, 2013 (GMT)

Is there a way to access the phones memory to upload the Themes?
New Motorola Android system does not allow access to upload themes.

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 26, 2013 (GMT)

The torque application is not working with my Fiat Grande punto 1.3 multijet (2009)India

OBD connector is getting connected to the application. but application is not able to communicate with car ECU. Please suggest your input.

Is torque is capable to work with grande punto or what.

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 26, 2013 (GMT)

The application is not working with my Fiat Grande punto 1.3 multijet (2009)

OBD connector is getting connected to the application. but application is not able to communicate with car ECU. Please suggest your input.

Is torque is capable to work with grande punto or what.

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 30, 2013 (GMT)

I have a smart roadster and I know the smart computer can read fuel remaining is it possible for torque pro to do it rather than having manually update fuel level?
Cheers ian

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 19, 2013 (GMT)


I have a Nissan Almera, and I have problems with the airbag. I am Android developer, and when I saw Torque and the facility TorqueScan and plugin to encourage me to try.

Use TorqueScan tool to find new PID and not find one again. Does anyone know how to find new PIDs? Any clue on how to begin to find the PID of the Airbag?

Maybe have to use telnet commands …. Can you give me indicate some command to start?

Thank you!



Tengo un Nissan Almera, y tengo problemas con el Airbag. Soy desarrollador de Android, y cuando vi Torque y vi TorqueScan y la facilidad de hacer plugin me anime a intentarlo.

Uso la herramienta de TorqueScan para buscar nuevos PID y no encuentra ninguno nuevo. ¿Alguien sabe como buscar nuevos PIDs? ¿alguna pista de como comenzar a encontrar los PID del Airbag?

Quizas haya que usar los comandos de telnet…. ¿me podeis indicar algun comando para comenzar?


I love development for android and teach to people.

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 15, 2013 (GMT)

TorqueScan works, but after 2-3 hours of scanning (~25pid/s) I gave up :)
Found some interesting stuff though, just have to analyze it…

I’m hoping to get same access to the ecus as ForScan does on my Mondeo -08, it can access at least 5 ecus (with elm327) in the car…
Only avaible for PC though…

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 27, 2013 (GMT)

I corrected a typo in the .CSV file in the .torque\extendedpids folder on my Android phone, but it has had no effect. How can I get Torque to re-scan the file and correct its internal data? I’m hoping this won’t affect all the displays I’ve configured using the other data in the file…

Update, thanks to FreydNot in the PriusChat forum: You have to Clear List to remove all the currently loaded PIDs and Add Predefined List to load them back in again.

That process does not seem to affect the displays configured using the old PIDs.

Retired EE, IT Geek, Pilot, Mechanic, IA

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: November 9, 2013 (GMT)

Found an interesting open source scan tool for PC. It is called OBDq. It offers plugins support, theme customization, i18n and l10n, etc. Its written in JavaFX. you can take a look here:

Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: December 22, 2013 (GMT)

When can we expect to see the new AIDL for new comms API to take full control? I see new torque version is released to the market with these features.

Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 1, 2014 (GMT)

Hi Admin,
Looking forward for details of the new AIDL.

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