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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)

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Author Topic: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)


Yes, Noticed that a couple of days ago as I was on a drive to camping – It will be fixed in the next version due out in a couple of days, sorry about that!

Posts: 14
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 10, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on July 10, 2011

Yes, Noticed that a couple of days ago as I was on a drive to camping – It will be fixed in the next version due out in a couple of days, sorry about that!

No problem, enjoy the camping

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)

Should be fixed in the version released today! :-)

Posts: 14
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 12, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on July 12, 2011
Should be fixed in the version released today! :-)

I can confirm this, works again


Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 21, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from 540-S3 on May 11, 2011
Would be nice to have a shift light plugin. Any takers?
I don’t really think it’s that hard to know when to shift to tell you the truth.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 24, 2011 (GMT)


The AIDL plugin API has just been updated in the latest version (get it from the link in the first post on this thread) includes several improvements including the ability to get information about the vehicle from the vehicle profile

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 24, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on August 24, 2011

The AIDL plugin API has just been updated in the latest version (get it from the link in the first post on this thread) includes several improvements including the ability to get information about the vehicle from the vehicle profile

Could you please advise me on how i use this update?

Thanks James.

Posts: 17
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 24, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from gingerr6 on August 24, 2011
Quote from admin on August 24, 2011

The AIDL plugin API has just been updated in the latest version (get it from the link in the first post on this thread) includes several improvements including the ability to get information about the vehicle from the vehicle profile

Could you please advise me on how i use this update?

Thanks James.

Yeah go do you use this new update

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 24, 2011 (GMT)


If you are a developer, and want to create new plugins, then you will need to download the file mentioned in the first post on this thread.

Then you create a new Android project (maybe using something like Eclipse) and import the AIDL file into the project and start using it.

If you’re a user, then you don’t need to do anything – the api is part of the new Torque Pro update sent out on the Android Market so all you need to do is update the app

Posts: 6
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 25, 2011 (GMT)


Do you know anyone developing plugin’s for Acrua or Honda? I noticed you have them now for Prius.



I hve a 2006 Acura TL. Work for Verzon Wireless.

Posts: 122
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from 540-S3 on May 11, 2011
Would be nice to have a shift light plugin. Any takers?

Well, I cobbled something together as my first Android app :)
It’s pretty simple – a row of 20 LEDs in the landscape mode on a black background:

6 green, 6 yellow, 6 orange and 2 red. There is a rather ugly dialog to enter the shift RPM value.

At run-time, the LEDs will we displayed based on the current RPM.

I will test it for a bit more and then will make it available somehow to those who’d like to try it.

Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 16
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

not to critize the work you put into it, but I don’t really see the point in a shiftlight, especcially in this form, unless you don’t have an RPM meter (but then there is an rpm meter in torque).
Isn’t this exactly like looking at the RPM meter ?

The point of a shiftlight is to put a flashing light in your field of vision somewhere, so you can keep your eyes on the road.
I think setting an alarm (see torque settings) on a certain RPM will work better in this regard (allthough I haven’t tried it yet).

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

Alarms are checked periodically for triggers, about once a second or so, maximum so would won’t be good enough (I might look at improving this a little without it affecting PID read speeds…)

sasha, don’t take criticisms too harsly :-) it’s all good, and you get a lot of people sharing their views on how best to do things, they just want to help see something good come out of it that they’d like to use 😉

(I like the graphics btw, they’re better than things I can draw :-))

Posts: 122
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from rfm on September 14, 2011
not to critize the work you put into it, but I don’t really see the point in a shiftlight, especcially in this form, unless you don’t have an RPM meter (but then there is an rpm meter in torque).
Isn’t this exactly like looking at the RPM meter ?

The point of a shiftlight is to put a flashing light in your field of vision somewhere, so you can keep your eyes on the road.
I think setting an alarm (see torque settings) on a certain RPM will work better in this regard (allthough I haven’t tried it yet).

Thanks for the constructive criticism . I do understand there is a common opinion that the shift lights are unnecessary. Some say ‘I can hear my engine just fine!’ Not sure they’ve raced on a track with a bunch of cars with open headers around them. I say ask Herr Vettel for his opinion :)

If I may explain myself – the main point for me – it was high time I started learning Android development :)

Second point is that the shift lights are supposed to provide a way *not* to look at the RPM meter, as you observed yourself – a flashing light in a field of vision. In fact, I thought about doing exactly that – the whole screen turning red, but I thought this doesn’t provide continuity and may not work so well. Maybe this could be implemented as a preference?

As for alarms, I did try :) As implemented currently, you have to manually dismiss an alarm – not very handy when you are hunting for that apex :)


Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 122
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on September 14, 2011
Alarms are checked periodically for triggers, about once a second or so, maximum so would won’t be good enough (I might look at improving this a little without it affecting PID read speeds…)

sasha, don’t take criticisms too harsly :-) it’s all good, and you get a lot of people sharing their views on how best to do things, they just want to help see something good come out of it that they’d like to use 😉

(I like the graphics btw, they’re better than things I can draw :-))


Ian, it’s all good, I agree. I guess people not interested in the plug-in won’t install it – it’s that simple :)

As for the graphics, I probably draw worse (much worse!) than you. They bitmaps came from here:

I was going to ask you what is the maximum rate at which it’s safe to call into the app to get the RPM (or any other PID)? I’m doing this every 100 ms now.

Cheers and thank you for providing the app, the platform to develop and the forum :)


Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

That’s cool

The API allows for calling the ‘get sensor value’ at a reasonably fast rate – so it’s mainly down to the speed of the adapter – most adapters poll at roughly 50ms intervals so you should be good at polling as fast as 20ms as long as the device(android phone/tablet) can keep up (use the other timer.schedule not the scheduleAtFixedRate as that can create extra threads if things start backing-up :-))

Have fun coding the plugin! I get a fair few feature requests for a shift-light plugin so you should have a good reception if you release it!



Posts: 122
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on September 14, 2011

Have fun coding the plugin! I get a fair few feature requests for a shift-light plugin so you should have a good reception if you release it!



Great, thanks for the info! I’m planning on releasing the source, so maybe you could add it your sample plug-in page?


Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 122
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)


I would like to propose an addition to the plug-in interface.

I think it would be nice if a plug-in could store and retrieve information relative to a vehicle profile. Maybe something like this:

int storeData( String name, String value );
String retrieveData( String name );

This would be relative to a currently selected profile, if one is selected/exists. If no profile is selected, store would return an error and retrieve would return an empty string.

What do you think?


Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

Ah, you want to store the shift point in each profile

I’ll see what I can do for the next update. Don’t mind linking to the app if you host it somewhere (, google code might be useful), even a market version if you pay the to become a dev, you can then upload to the market (either free of paid)

EDIT: done. You’ll have the following in the next update this weekend/monday:

    * Store some information into the vehicle profile. 
    * @param key  Prefix the 'key' with your apps classpath (to avoid conflicts). eg: "" is nice and clear  (Don't use any characters other than A-Za-z0-9 . and _)
    * @param The value to store.
    * @param saveToFile Set this to true (on your last 'set') to commit the information to disk.
    * @return 0 if successful.
    int storeInProfile(String key, String value, boolean saveToFileNow);
    * Retrieve some information from the vehicle profile.
    * @param Prefix the 'key' with your apps classpath (to avoid conflicts). 
    String retrieveProfileData(String key);

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

NOTE: This board is painfully slow to load and scroll.

I would definitely be willing to pay for the shift light. To add my 2 cents, I would make the lights more like bars across the whole screen. If you look at some of the flashlight apps they have made good use of bright colors and flashing lights that really get your attention.


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