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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)

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Author Topic: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: February 26, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from 540-S3 on May 11, 2011
Would be nice to have a shift light plugin. Any takers?
I get the above info when looking at tge raw data or asapter run torque get codes back not mech no a clue here. Also I cant get all my pids to display and loss em min key turns and ecu off I thought it kept last five.
mostly I like to know how I get info to dials easy please…love app wish more specific gm vx plugins but getting no bad from 2005 astra cdti oh need get boost right as it reading 2x as high and struggle get cars feul to match a think no believe the actual use?…maybe never set up right…but am sure bar knowing volume efficancy stuck 85 think poss ho for old car but great app over all an picled up tech two p1005 think sticky egr as sorted with me driving…serviced.sorry to hijack thread…Thanks apologise if hard to read can’t work new phone soz

New astra driver old xr3i lover..

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 1, 2015 (GMT)

I want to ask to developers here, how do you debug your plugins? Do you have any OBD-emulator hardware or software?
I’m trying to create my own plugin but it is nearly impossible to write code sitting in the car.
Sorry for my english :(

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 16, 2015 (GMT)

Hi I have an 01 dodge durango and the unit won’t connect to my ecu I connected it to my sisters 06 Honda van and it connected right away why won’t my dodge connect any suggestions

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 22, 2015 (GMT)

Hi folks.
I was intersted by the idea of monitoring my vehicals extended data, so i bought the elm adapter and an pro version of torque.
Now i’m facing a problem with connecting to my ecu.
by searching the net i discovered that i need a custom PID .
by the way my motor has a dlc2 protocol, so i got an 22pin to 16 adapter and it worked out.
the car is toyota corona 1993 the engine is 4a-fe.
can you provide me the pid i need, or at least give me a tip what to do.
i do not understand programmig and such staff so please help me.
give me a solution.
thank you in advance.

An ordinary man, with ordunary needs.

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: August 30, 2015 (GMT)

Is anyone got pids for Geely EC718 CVT with ECU DELPHI MT20U2 ?

Posts: 26
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: October 5, 2015 (GMT)

Thanks for publishing the torquescan project code. I was able to import the torquescan code into Android Studio, and to get it to build and load and run.
Depending on how you set up Android Studio, and in particular which android version(s) you load, the build.gradle file that is part of the app needs an update for the target version before the import actually works.
I think I changed two lines,
compileSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 23 ,
to make it work.

It would be nice to have some step-by-step instructions for this.

It would also be nice to have instructions on how to actually convert the torquescan plugin code to a more generic plugin that defines custom PIDs and maybe has some click-selectable displays and alarms. Working one’s way through the Android Developer website and then matching what one finds there to torque and torquescan seems a bit involved, and (hopefully) overkill for a simple plugin.

2012 VW JSW TDI w/ DSG

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: November 24, 2015 (GMT)

Any plug in to reset the Volvo Service Reminder light in 1997 850s?

No idea how to right one of these plug ins.


1997 Volvo 850 NA

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: December 31, 2015 (GMT)

I just got the Troque Pro app and ordered a Kiwi2 with iMFD adapter and EGT kit. Do I need to download any other apps or plugins to add the EGT PID to my display screen?

Can someone walk me through doing this?

EDIT: I went ahead and downloaded the torquescan plug in and after doing some reading I think this may not have been a good idea? I’m seeing some people have been having issues losing access to PIDs after using the plug in.

BTW – It’s a 2003 F250 SuperDuty with 6.0 PowerStroke.

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 8, 2016 (GMT)

Nobody? For sure someone has used the Kiwi 2 and EGT kit with Torque Pro?

Posts: 2997
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 8, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from NotURMailman on January 8, 2016
Nobody? For sure someone has used the Kiwi 2 and EGT kit with Torque Pro?

End Quote.

I was under the impression that Torque would
add the iMFD pids…

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: January 11, 2016 (GMT)

Thank you. That’s what I was looking for. A lot of it looks like Greek to me. But, I’m sure I can figure it out from there.

Posts: 3
Post Question about Nissan plugin
on: March 4, 2016 (GMT)

Hello, All
Is somebody can point me in the right direction, to know the specs of plugin ‘Nissan EX advance’ ?
– Which extended PIDs are added ?
– List of tested vehicles (Qashqai in Europe, Rogue in USA )


Computer ingenior, retired

Posts: 1
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: March 18, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks for this great app firat of all. I request to allow plugins straight after I run torque. So I will not run and select the plug in everytime. An options as start selected plugin after run the program.

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: April 28, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from Doume on March 4, 2016
Hello, All
Is somebody can point me in the right direction, to know the specs of plugin ‘Nissan EX advance’ ?
– Which extended PIDs are added ?
– List of tested vehicles (Qashqai in Europe, Rogue in USA )


I am very interested in getting the Nissan EX Advance working as well. I bought it a while back, but have never been able to get any PIDs working from this custom set.

I bought a higher-priced BAFX adapter from Amazon thinking it would have what I needed to read these values, but no luck.


Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 3, 2016 (GMT)

Hi guys :) !

I need some help to start up my work with the Torque App. I have a nice fast car with a great engine on which I bolted some additional sensor like AFR, EGT, Oil Pressure/Temperature and some other. I have an Arduino ECU which reads in these sensors and puts the values into CAN-bus messages. I can choose which ID I use for the CAN messages. I can also completely freely program how the data in the messages look like. I connected my Arduino ECU to the OBD CAN-bus.

So my question is as follows: I now have my new CAN-messages periodically put on the CAN-bus (100ms). How do I configure the TORQUE app to read them in and view them in the APP?

Thanks for your help :)

Let’s Go!

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 22, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from Doume on March 4, 2016
Hello, All
Is somebody can point me in the right direction, to know the specs of plugin ‘Nissan EX advance’ ?
– Which extended PIDs are added ?
– List of tested vehicles (Qashqai in Europe, Rogue in USA )


I think i know most of those ext PID were added to nissan EX advance complete with the equations, you can quote my post if you still interested. Thank you

Nissan hr15de owner

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 29, 2016 (GMT)

The list doesn’t include the qashqai or the MR9 2.0 engine but will those PIDS still work?

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 29, 2016 (GMT)

Just tried the Nissan EX plugin, even though the Qashqai is listed none of the pid show any values and none of those are of any use for much information if they did work.
Considering these cars are very popular at the moment I’m a bit disappointed.
I used to get more info from my Xsara Picasso.

Refund butan clicked.

Posts: 4
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 30, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from OldGit on June 29, 2016
Just tried the Nissan EX plugin, even though the Qashqai is listed none of the pid show any values and none of those are of any use for much information if they did work.
Considering these cars are very popular at the moment I’m a bit disappointed.
I used to get more info from my Xsara Picasso.

Refund butan clicked.

As long as ur torque connected to ecu ,check at adapter status..seems like below..torque will work

Nissan hr15de owner

Posts: 5
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: July 1, 2016 (GMT)

Which PIDS work for you?.

The adapter is working find its the actual list of pids avalible thats the problem.

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