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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)

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Author Topic: New: Plugin support(3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 11, 2011 (GMT)


The example app just displays the ‘sensors’ that torque has seen-so-far since connecting, so it won’t initially be a full list.

If you want torque to go fetch something then you’ll have to ask it and give the ‘sensor’ it wants. basically most sensors are just the PID as parsed as hex and put into an int. So, Integer.toString(hex, 16) and Integer.parse(etc, 16) are your friends.

The next update of the api will enable some kind of exclusive mode (you can stop Torque from it’s casual ‘background’ scanning and ask it to do things specifically if you know what you want, so you have greater control (I need to do this for part of a simple scanner for extended PIDs I’m writing)

There may be bugs – if you have a whinge at my email ( I will have a go at fixing them!

If you have a specific requirement then I can see what I can do at getting something improved/added, though I can’t promise anything

Hope this helps!


Posts: 12
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 17, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on May 11, 2011

The example app just displays the ‘sensors’ that torque has seen-so-far since connecting, so it won’t initially be a full list.

If you want torque to go fetch something then you’ll have to ask it and give the ‘sensor’ it wants. basically most sensors are just the PID as parsed as hex and put into an int. So, Integer.toString(hex, 16) and Integer.parse(etc, 16) are your friends.

The next update of the api will enable some kind of exclusive mode (you can stop Torque from it’s casual ‘background’ scanning and ask it to do things specifically if you know what you want, so you have greater control (I need to do this for part of a simple scanner for extended PIDs I’m writing)

There may be bugs – if you have a whinge at my email ( I will have a go at fixing them!

If you have a specific requirement then I can see what I can do at getting something improved/added, though I can’t promise anything

Hope this helps!


So the next update might be able to unlock PIDs on cars? Ive been trying to find info on how to find PIDs on my specific car (2004 Pontiac GTO) with absolutely no luck, and i’m in the same boat among a lot of other GTO owners that would love extended PIDs.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 17, 2011 (GMT)

Yes the next version of the TorqueScan plugin has scanning capability to at least find where the extended PID addresses are on different vehicles. Then after you know the address it’s a case of working out or searching for the information to go with them (Units, equations, etc).

Posts: 12
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 17, 2011 (GMT)

….i love you!

Posts: 3
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 19, 2011 (GMT)

Nice one Ian, many thanks!

May be getting in touch for some specifics…


Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 19, 2011 (GMT)

Thats cool. I think I may put up a user wiki at some point so it’s easier to share information (I can document things like APIs and maybe a couple of howtos for frequently asked questions I get so I can then spend more time on the app) and others can contribute other bits as well!

I really need a cloning machine to make a couple of copies of myself so I get some more free time :-)

Posts: 6
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 24, 2011 (GMT)

i ran the scanner from the new addin to find pid adresses, what is that list telling me? command -> response

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 25, 2011 (GMT)

Hi peeps, I am a nooby to this so bear with me, …. is there any support for ABS or Airbag sensors in Torque, thanks in advance.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 25, 2011 (GMT)

The scanner quickly scans the PIDs in the extended ECU segment (MODE 22, mostly) for more information. The command response is what is sent to the ECU and what is received (if a positive reply is given) NO DATA or negative replies are largely discarded unless they are a specific type of response. The utility is to be used for finding *part* of the PIDs supported. You will not have all the information (like formulas/equations, units and scaling, etc). You will still need to find that out for the PID you are interested in. You may be able to deduce some of it however.

ABS support is planned. I’m working towards this but it isn’t present (yet).

Posts: 2
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 26, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from admin on May 25, 2011
The scanner quickly scans the PIDs in the extended ECU segment (MODE 22, mostly) for more information. The command response is what is sent to the ECU and what is received (if a positive reply is given) NO DATA or negative replies are largely discarded unless they are a specific type of response. The utility is to be used for finding *part* of the PIDs supported. You will not have all the information (like formulas/equations, units and scaling, etc). You will still need to find that out for the PID you are interested in. You may be able to deduce some of it however.

ABS support is planned. I’m working towards this but it isn’t present (yet).

Thanks for that, just had an ABS ring collapse suspected it for a while, just a feel no judder or anything like that. ABS tool would be a great addition, thanks again.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 26, 2011 (GMT)

A reluctor ring? Maybe something that reads the individual wheel speeds would be useful. Should be easy to pinpoint troublesome rings then. I’m not sure how common ABS units are (I’m fully expecting them to be completley different an relatively non-standardised), but I’ll try my best to add features.

Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 27, 2011 (GMT)

Any plug ins that allow me to get my iat2 sensor to work on my 2006 Cadillac STS-V.

What can i do to get this to function? Is there a PID value to put in with a formula? Thanks!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 28, 2011 (GMT)


You’ll need to look for the extended PIDs for your vehicle manufacturer – then you will be able to add them to the app using the ‘Advanced Mode->Manage extended PIDs’ settings screens

Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 29, 2011 (GMT)

Ok, I downloaded torquescan. how the hell do i enable it, inside torque?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 29, 2011 (GMT)

TorqueScan isn’t really going to help you as it’s a development tool to allow people to find /where/ the PID blocks are, it won’t give you the important information like formulas needed to get the found PIDs to work.

You need to hunt around on the internet for the PIDs for your vehicle manufacturer. As cadillac is a division of GM, you may find that the GM predefined PIDs will work (that already exist in Torque, you just need to enable them using the menus described in my last post)

Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 30, 2011 (GMT)

how do you enable Torque Scan?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 30, 2011 (GMT)

It will just appear on the main screen when you start the full version. You may need to go into the plugin settings and adjust the permissions for some of its scanning features. It will tell you if it needs that


Posts: 8
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 30, 2011 (GMT)

Any idea if one of the PIDs read is IAT2 temp?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: May 30, 2011 (GMT)

I’ve had a good look around but not found anything yet on the net (though I think I found your post on another forum :))

The scanner will tell you where the PID ranges start (but will not scan each and every PID otherwise you’d be scanning for a week), it’s unfortunately impossible to know which is IAT2 without spending a *lot* of time looking at the output of the PIDs and how they change over time (ie: increasing as things get hotter). At the moment you would need to:

* Scan for the PID ranges.

* Use the telnet server to request the PIDs of interest over time manually and look at the returned values. (which is a bit complicated)

Posts: 10
Post Re: New: Plugin support (3rd party add-ons, PIDs, etc)
on: June 7, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Ian

1. Would it be possible to use any telnet aplication from Android Market like Connectbot or Telnet instead of PC computer to send PID commands with torquescan?It would be much easier.

2. Scanning commands with Torquescan is a very good option,but it takes ages to scan all PIDs, everytime from the beginning .It would be better to save the result at one point and start scanning again later from the higher PIDs.

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