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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 6, 2014 (GMT)

I haven’t updated the list. Looking into a tablet so it will easier for testing. The wife thinks it will keep me outside with the in-laws, the summer weather and beer is doing that LOL.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 6, 2014 (GMT)

As far as my egr testing, the wires are directly under the intake where the plastic meets the aluminum. Normally this would be the egr cooler outlet, egr_cot.

22f46b and 016b, when using the same equation operate the same, as well as when unplugged dtop to the same number. With what is plausable at KOEO doesn’t rise high enough during driving, maybe scaling?

I’ll look at ebp again this afternoon.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 7, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from CoreyMS on August 6, 2014
As far as my egr testing, the wires are directly under the intake where the plastic meets the aluminum. Normally this would be the egr cooler outlet, egr_cot.

22f46b and 016b, when using the same equation operate the same, as well as when unplugged dtop to the same number. With what is plausable at KOEO doesn’t rise high enough during driving, maybe scaling?

I’ll look at ebp again this afternoon.

MPD56 Reply:

I’m not an expert, but from my documents the signal is not linear. Not sure if the PCM reponse would be linear??

EGR Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor
The EGR cooler outlet temperature
sensor is a 2 wire thermistor-type
sensor. The PCM supplies 5 volts to
the EGR cooler outlet temperature
sensor circuit. The sensor changes the
internal resistance as the temperature

This sensor has a two step pull-up
resistor. Notice the two temperature
curves with voltage.

The PCM uses the EGR cooler outlet
temperature sensor as an input in
determining EGR cooler bypass
actuator function, cooler effectiveness,
turbocharger, EGR, fuel control and
IDS: EGRT11 (temperature) and
EGRT11_V (volts)

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 7, 2014 (GMT)

Yes, but I put the sensor from what would be egr14 in its place. All the ones on the dpf are the same.

It should read it as certain devices (tuners) can already read it this way, by replacing the egr with an egt sensor. Something was said that the egr sensor won’t ready correctly, maybe your two step, you spoke of.

What kind of reading as you getting there on the normal setup?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 7, 2014 (GMT)

MPD56 Reply:
Interesting!! I’m not an expert. Thinking out loud. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to try the EGR PID yet.

I would assume that the two step is in the PCM programming? I’ll have to check if the two temperature sensors are the same part number (I think they would be?); my truck is stock so I don’t know what your tuner would do. If it doesn’t disable the EGT14 input, maybe that would bypass the EGRT two step and give a relative reading?

The EGR sensor range is set for -50 to 950 degrees and the EGT is -50 to 1660 degrees.
I believe that the two step is to make it more sensitive in the normal operation range because it is operating the EGR actuator among other things? Again I’m guessing. Thanks for the mind candy LOL.

Posts: 39
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 9, 2014 (GMT)

Ok, got a question. Is there an oil pressure sensor on the 6.7l’s?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 9, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from superdog404 on August 9, 2014
Ok, got a question. Is there an oil pressure sensor on the 6.7l’s?

MPD56 Reply:

I believe that it only has a Pressure Switch that is mounted above the oil filter on the opposite side of the EOT? None of the other Powerstokes had a sensor. I believe that is opens above 7 psi?

As for the EGRT, I’ve tried different Equations but still testing. From other documents I believe that the PCM response range is from -50 to 355. Will test that tomorrow.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 9, 2014 (GMT)

Thanks mpd

I did some more testing, its limited for sure. Its going to take some tuning to read like I want, PCM side to work.

Let’s move on to EBP. Right now nothing I try works, it doesn’t move. Is yours moving?

Posts: 39
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 10, 2014 (GMT)

Hi – Is there a fuel rail pressure sensor and also the high pressure oil pump for our 6.7l? I know on my 2000 diesel those did read from the extended Ford PID’s list.

Thank you for the great work going on here. Without you guys I’d be up a creek.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 10, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from superdog404 on August 10, 2014
Hi – Is there a fuel rail pressure sensor and also the high pressure oil pump for our 6.7l? I know on my 2000 diesel those did read from the extended Ford PID’s list.

Thank you for the great work going on here. Without you guys I’d be up a creek.

MPD56 Reply:

There is a fuel rail sensor(FRP) that I’m testing. No oil pressure sensor, only a pressure switch.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 10, 2014 (GMT)

What pid do you have for epb and frp?

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 11, 2014 (GMT)


Another Torque Pro Fan has put the PIDS into a 6.7L Plugin so that when installed you just pick the PIDS from a list like the Extended Predefined Group. I’ll post the link on the Torque Pro Forum (Link Below).

Great Work, Thanks sdetweil

Posts: 8
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: August 14, 2014 (GMT)

What have you tested so far with EBP and FRP?

Posts: 39
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: September 1, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from CoreyMS on August 14, 2014
What have you tested so far with EBP and FRP?

Just to move this to the top to see if there are any updates on these?

Thank you for the work.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: September 3, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from superdog404 on September 1, 2014
Quote from CoreyMS on August 14, 2014
What have you tested so far with EBP and FRP?

Just to move this to the top to see if there are any updates on these?

Thank you for the work.

MPD56 Reply:
No update from me, I’ve been working on my wish list and just monitoring EBP and FRP. I’m new to all this and hoping to get Torque loaded on a Tablet so I can learn more at a faster pace.

For the EBP, I’ve been testing PID# 0173 and haven’t really had anything conclusive, it might be my equation? For the FRP, I’ve been testing PID# 23, but again I haven’t really confirmed that it is correct, the data doesn’t seem to change!

Posts: 39
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: September 21, 2014 (GMT)

We Wife & I are on vacation with our 2014 F350 6.7L diesel pulling a Keystone 35 foot fifth wheel trailer. I am really enjoying every ones great work on these pids. Watching the regen’s and all of the egt temps etc.
Wondering if there has been any work on the high pressure fuel pump, real horse power and real torque values. And of course any other 6.7L pids

Thank you Harold

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: September 21, 2014 (GMT)

I’ve been doing the same thing. 12K 5th wheel MPG at 65 is 12 MPG (US)on average.

Been trying to dial in EBP, FRP and Fuel Rate to mention a few.

Don’t have the units or equation for PID Fuel Rate perfect, but I’m thinking it is relative? If at idle at 600 rpm, I get 1.8 units with low centane fuel I’m thinking. Of course I only know when I fill up and drive a bit LOL. When I get home I’ll test more.

I am running out of PID numbers and will have to find some.

Have a great vacation.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: October 20, 2014 (GMT)

I’m bumping it.

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 15, 2014 (GMT)

Anyone else find more PIDs for the 6.7L

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Ford 6.7 Diesel PIDs
on: November 15, 2014 (GMT)

Did you ever figure out 0173?

((B*256)+C)*(1.45038*(10^-3)) ? PsiA

((B*256)+C)*(1.45038*(10^-3))-Baro() ? PsiG


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