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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Clone adapters - Currently many that dont' work on CANBUS

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Author Topic: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont' work on CANBUS
Posts: 6634
Post Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: October 17, 2013 (GMT)


There are a lot of clone adapters that currently don’t work on the CANBUS protocol (the fastest protocol that every new vehicle currently uses).

This means that there are a lot of users not able to get their adapters working with their newer vehicles (and unforutnately end up rating Torque poorly as a result)

You may find that your dashboard lights up like an xmas tree when one of these adapters causes issues or goes faulty – you can reset this in extreme cases by disconnecting the vehicle battery for 5 minutes (make sure you check the handbook for the correct procedure and note down any radio codes needed/etc). Most of the time turning the ignition off/on clears the problem.
If you have an adapter that’s done this I would strongly recommend not using it

CANBUS is most commonly used vehicles from 2007 onwards (though can be used before 2005 on some manufactures)

If you have a vehicle from around this age in the EU/US then it should be working with Torque (as it is required to support OBD2) – if you are not able to connect to the ECU in this situation then your adapter could well be the issue (as there seem to be currently a bad batch of clone adapters doing the rounds)

I’m likely going to put a note in the app about this as well if a clone adapter is used, as a large number of users are having issues with them. Unfortunately I’ve not been able to narrow it down to a specific type of clone yet.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: October 18, 2013 (GMT)

I just received a ELM327 adapter make by Yongtec that doesn’t appear to work. I can pair it to my phone and Laptop but neither your software or the software on my laptop seems to be receiving data from the unit. I own a 2014 Jaguar F-Type and I assume it is useing the latest interface. I wish I had seen this notice before I ordered the adapter. I will see if I can return it.

Posts: 25
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: October 19, 2013 (GMT)


Can you direct me to an adapter that is best suited ?

I have two elm 327 one works with blue circular QA sticker on the side ,the other does not….clone..

would appreciate your sugestion..

kind regards


Posts: 4
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: January 6, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from NaplesTopLess on October 18, 2013
I just received a ELM327 adapter make by Yongtec that doesn’t appear to work. I can pair it to my phone and Laptop but neither your software or the software on my laptop seems to be receiving data from the unit. I own a 2014 Jaguar F-Type and I assume it is useing the latest interface. I wish I had seen this notice before I ordered the adapter. I will see if I can return it.

If you have problems like this, check out this:

Posts: 2
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: January 23, 2014 (GMT)

I bought a Vgate ELM327 bluetooth adapter off of Amazon, and it works perfectly with my 97 Laredo. .56 including shipping. Torque Android App was .

Posts: 2
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: January 23, 2014 (GMT)

I bought a Vgate ELM327 bluetooth adapter off of Amazon, and it works perfectly with my 97 Laredo. 17.56 including shipping. Torque Android App was 5.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: February 4, 2014 (GMT)

Quick heads up from a very experienced auto technician, DO NOT EVER DISCONNECT A VEHICLE BATTERY WITHOUT AN ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE…. I.e. a 6v lantern battery will service hooked up via power and ground cables with sufficient gauge wire and alligator clips preferably isolated locking ones and allways connect power first then your ground last….my reason for this interjection s not to make anyone feel less adequate just a heads up not only is radio memory at risk f loss due to battery disconnect but anything that utilizes keep alive memory…examples are individual seat heating or seat memory settings if you happen to ever be dealing with let’s say a Cadillac you could end up into a very extensive repair bill for reprogramming flashing costs due t a battery disconnection in most of them will reset almost every module inthe vehicle and on Cadillac especially there is one for every function in the vehicle hope the educates some and stops any misfortunes from happening to y’all:)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: April 12, 2014 (GMT)

Anyone else getting problems with connecting to Bluetooth adapter after most recent updates? While I admit I am using cheap Chinese clones I am not able to connect to either of them in torque (I have one in each vehicle) since the last update. They both worked fine in the past. I have tried my nexus 4 & 7 so its not an android problem.
I just find it hard to believe that they would both fail at the same time

Posts: 3
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: April 14, 2014 (GMT)

I have since have done found out I able able to launch torque and even get any codes set our erase them but as soon as I go into real time information it loses connection with the adapter. Sounding less and less like a problem with the adapter and more like something that has changed on the software.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: May 4, 2014 (GMT)

I just bought this for ebay. Is this one legit? Claims to work with ALL PROTOCOLS.

Auto Repair

Posts: 3
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: May 20, 2014 (GMT)

I have 3 “clone” adapters that all worked when I first purchased Torque (I purchased it because the free version worked well). A couple of months later they all quit working (won’t connect to the ECU). I thought I had it figured out by selecting the correct protocol for the vehicle being tested. Now not even that seems to work. Other free OBD software works with them. I like Torque’s features but I don’t believe the problem is the adapters.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: May 29, 2014 (GMT)

I also have two cheap ebay adapters that used to work great. All of the sudden both won’t connect to the ECU on any of my 6 cars.

Seem to connect to the phone/app fine. Both worked fine in the past.

Any suggestions without just randomly tossing money at other adapters?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: June 24, 2014 (GMT)

And I just bought Torque Pro and an adapter. Aren’t they all Chinese, really?

So, I’ve got the same symptoms: BT paired, but Q tells me my adapter cannot talk to the ECU.

Stats: Android KitKat 4.4.2 ViperRom with a dbPower BT adapter I got cheap on Amazon. I’m going to try deleting all the other paired BT devices and starting over, but I never get THAT lucky.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: June 24, 2014 (GMT)

Do you know if the BAFX adapter works? I bought (supposedly) a true BAFX adapter and I have a 2000 Ford Mustang but the mode 6 data for isn’t showing up (current misfires) and supposedly it is supported on that model of Mustang. Anyone can comment on that?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: June 25, 2014 (GMT)

To follow up, nothing solved my problem. I tried it on our 2000 delica as we’ll as my 2003 Cube3. both are JDM vehicles. A trial version of a competing software worked flawlessly. I like torque. Please fix it. Happy to provide logs.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: July 2, 2014 (GMT)

Just a datapoint – the VGATE ELM327 I received from Amazon works fine on a 2012 Highlander. Can’t speak to extended use, but it connected and read data OK for the short period that it was attached.
Posts: 1
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: July 4, 2014 (GMT)

ok, I have a Vgate off amazon. It does not pair with TorqueLite or TorquePro. I don’t know who to be pissed at…

I don’t see any responses to any questions from the developer.

Everybody is asking which dongle works.


2004 HONDA

Posts: 8
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: July 5, 2014 (GMT)

If you are not looking at the Wiki, you are the one to blame.

There are descriptions of all the dongles, including pros and cons.

Buy cheap, buy twice…

Posts: 1
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: July 10, 2014 (GMT)

OK I have tried to find the ELM 327 WIKI and can not seem to find it. Where did you get it?

Posts: 72
Post Re: Clone adapters - Currently many that dont
on: August 4, 2014 (GMT)

I recently ordered four different clone OBD2/ELM327 bluetooth adapters on Amazon from four different sellers. NONE of them worked on my 98 Firebird. I have an older one that works fine, so I took them all apart and found this: There were a lot of parts missing from the circuit board on each of the four devices. I used the ELM schematic to interpret the circuitry and confirmed that the missing parts are for the J1850 (GM and Ford) and K-line (Chrysler) All four had the CAN parts loaded and all four worked on my 2013 Hyundai. Looks like the Chinese are cutting corners big time and hoping the customer doesn’t try to return it.

Electrical test engineer

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