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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2012 (GMT)

Hey i bought an elm adapter and bought the Torque app on my android device.
Everything is perfect, i can get all the info from my wrx, but im having issues getting the data to upload.
I have it set to always upload when getting readings from the ECU, set to send to the default location.
I was even able to login on the website, but none of my datalogs are there.
Am i doing something wrong?

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2012 (GMT)

Please refer to Ian advice here

You should put your email address also in the torque app

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 19, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from musafiir on February 19, 2012
Please refer to Ian advice here

You should put your email address also in the torque app

thanks for the quick reply, i had not put my email address into the app on my phone, everything is great now, much appreciated.

Ian Hawkins, love the app as i did not want to wire all the gauges into my car, now i have all the info i need and ability tp easily log -_- BADASS!

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 20, 2012 (GMT)

Hi friends

Can anyone tell me why there is a difference in the values from the downloaded trip data from web viewer and the csv file?

PIDs like : –

Intake temperature
Timing advance
Engine Coolant
Trip distance
GPS speed…

And also the row of values is more in the email tracklog than the one downloaded trip from web viewer?


Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 20, 2012 (GMT)


The web viewer and the onboard file logging can be set to log at different intervals and are not synchronous to each other.

This means, that you can have local (file) logging set to be synchronous, or log at 0.1second intervals, and this will record at a different rate to the web viewer.

The web logging only samples at 1 second intervals, so you see a snapshot of the data at that particular instant.

It also depends on the speed at which PIDs(sensors) can be retrieved from the ECU, if you have a slow ECU and file logging set to a high enough frequency (ie: 0.1 second intervals) then you may see repeated lines as the ECU is providing values at a slower rate than this. For this particular instance, there is a ‘synchronous logging’ option in the file logging for exactly this reason

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 24, 2012 (GMT)

Hey guys….got a small problem with this app. Can’t seem to find a menu button on my phone. The phone I’m using is a motorola atrix. It says to hit the menu button to set up, but I don’t have looked and no button on the screen. Thanks

I am a diesel mechanic at an International dealership.

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 29, 2012 (GMT)

Come on dude, its the one that looks like boxes, its to the left of the home button (the one that looks like a little house). And I have never even touched that phone…

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 29, 2012 (GMT)


Just a simple question

the engine light went on and i found the fault code with my and deleted it. after a couple of days i checked to see if there were any fault codes and the same fault showed up but without the engine light on. is it possible that i accidently have shut the engine light permanently off with the torque software if it is possible?
If so, is it possible to reset the ecu back to default?


Posts: 9
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 29, 2012 (GMT)

No, Some codes need to repeat to turn on the CEL (Check engine light)

Some codes will clear themselves if not repeated.

A common code example is “Misfire detected cylinder n”
The code may remain in the ecu, but not turn on the CEL unless there are repeated or frequent.

On thing to consider – is any code that comes back usually means that there is a problem that should be addressed, not ignored and cleared out every time it appears.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 29, 2012 (GMT)

I am a new user, but I have a problem. I will try to decribe it.
I have an HTC EVO 3D, Android 2.3.4, and an elm327 bluetooth adapter.
I start Torque, but the bluetooth of the cell is continuously going on and off, automatically, so, I can not connect my cell with de adapter.

Can you help me?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 1, 2012 (GMT)

Just purchased flea-bay equivalent adapter from a shop called exmalls

The item appears to be working correctly with my ford ECU.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 14, 2012 (GMT)

Hi – has anyone else tried to use torque to send a specific command to their ECU?

My wife’s 2010 Prius has a very annoying beep that sounds when in reverse – it sounds inside the car, not outside and is actually more of a distraction than a safety feature.

It is possible for dealers to disable it but our dealer wants to charge £50 and I know it is possible to make the change via the OBD2 interface.

I’ve found some information on the web from people using the ‘scangauge’ system and they have posted the data string they sent to the car in order to disable the beep.

Obviously I don’t have / want a scangauge so figured I could use the pushbutton feature in Torque to do the same thing. I’ve tried setting a pushbutton with the string: 07c03bac40 – unfortunately the car just returns a ? which makes me think the command may be in the wrong format.

There are two commands, one can query the current status of the reverse beeper, the other actually sets it on or off. Can anyone think of a reason why what I did wouldn’t work or spot a potential solution?


Query Reverse Beeper (shows 0000 is enabled, 0040 is disabled)

TXD: 07c021ac
RXF: 046115ac0000
RXD: 2808
MTH: 000100010000

Set Reverse Beeper Off

TXD: 07c03bac40 (last digits to 00 to turn back on)
RXF: 047b15ac0000
RXD: 2008
MTH: 000100010000


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 16, 2012 (GMT)


My car failed emissions due to having more than one sensor be “NOT READY” on OBDII. The technician said it can be checked on a code scaner if the sensors are ready or not.

Can this be done or Torque? If so how?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 20, 2012 (GMT)


I want to buy torque pro application, but play store didn’t allow installation for my phone. I have Samsung Captivate.

Please help me!

Posts: 43
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 22, 2012 (GMT)

OK I give up, have heard a lot of good things about Torque for reading OBD-II on Android but cannot buy or download because do not have an Android telephone.

Have several OBD-I and OBD-II scanners for the pc but wanted to use my 10″ G-tablet. However when I go to Google play it says “There are no Android phones associated with this account” for both the free and Pro versions.

Is there any alternative ?

Please help.


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 23, 2012 (GMT)

Hi, I just bought a ELM327 Vgate Scan from eBay. I’m using Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1000. I don’t seems to be able to detect the ELM327, what could be the cause of it? The power light is on all the way but the OBD & PC light not on at all. Is it normal? Thank you in advance.

Posts: 43
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 23, 2012 (GMT)

I keep trying but everything keeps bringing me back to the marketplace and it says I have an unsupported device. Another thread says I need to root it to get access. The built in marketplace,, does not have Torque.

Please help.


Posts: 43
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 5, 2012 (GMT)

OK I finally found a copy on the web and had no trouble installing. Would love to buy the latest pro version but have no way to use the Amazon marketplace. Please suggest how. This seems to be a common problem.

Had no trouble connecting to my knockoff (v1.5) ELM Bluetooth and getting readings but dials are very small on 10″ screen, how do you change the size ? Have read the parameters page but cannot find a /.torque/themeDir/ directory. Where is it please ?

Have downloaded the zip files but winzip cannot open, are they something strange ?

Also my car uses IMAP (0x0b) instead of MAF (0x10). How do I change the dial ? (suspect if I can find/edit the parameter file all will become clear).

Have spent the last hour trying to find in the forum but thought I would just ask.


Posts: 28
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 5, 2012 (GMT)

Got my ELM 327 yesterday and going to hook my Razr up until my China Tablet arrives.. I turned the app on for a moment and its asking me to turn GPS on.. Does GPS need to be on? I wasn’t sure? Also, does the CD have instructions for installation or is it just graphs etc..

Thanks Ian…

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 18, 2012 (GMT)

Your device is not compatible with this version!

I have acquired an Odys Space 7″ Tablet. It has WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth and GPS. It runs Android 2.2.2.

Why is this device “not compatible” for installing Torque Pro? BTW: The free version doesn’t run either.

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