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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 31
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 20, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

I always have the market problem when I launch the soft for the first time…
Do you know why ?

HTC Hero 2.3.4 Cronos Ginger.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 20, 2011 (GMT)

I have a ELM 327 Interface unit (Bluetooth, similar to the one you have a pic of in the compatible devices in the Wiki) and a Samsung Captivate with Android 2.1 (Froyo), rooted, and using the pay version of Torque.

I plugged the unit into my 2007 Dodge Nitro and I am able to connect and get data from the unit (it can get my car information and the gauges are working, but after 1 – 2 minutes there is one error, then another 1 -2 minutes there is another error which stops the app from collecting data. It seems like everything is working, but the app is reading an error somewhere.

Is there a debug method or a way to see what is causing the error? I don’t think it is really an issue with my ELM 327 since it works until the app says there is an error.

I will be happy to provide any information from my Nitro that will help improve the application for other users.

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Shark on July 20, 2011
Hi Ian,

I always have the market problem when I launch the soft for the first time…
Do you know why ?

HTC Hero 2.3.4 Cronos Ginger.
I’ve been getting the same problem. I go to launch the program and it’ll go to the dials but then about one to five seconds later it’ll launch into the marketplace.
Some times it’ll only do it the once, other times i’ll have to restart the program about four to five times before it starts correctly.
The other thing i noticed when it starts is that at first it might have only tried going to the market maybe once for the day but today i gave up with wanting to use the program cause it just wanted to launch into the market.
Started doing it around the start of last week

Garmin Nuvifone A50

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)


That issue was fixed some time ago. Are you running the latest version from the Android Market?

Also can you post your google checkout order number here or to and I’ll check the state of your order – there have been a few problems with the android market recently (google are in the midst of several upgrades which devs haven’t been aware of and could also be an issue)

The latest version is 1.4.91



Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

I believe its version 1.4.91 (taking that from my applications list on the market site). I can’t seam to find any mention of a version number in the program itself, maybe a worthwhile add.

Order Number –
Order date: July 7, 2011 11:33:19 PM PDT
Google Order Number: 12999763169054705758.18050529117860510735.1310106635


Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

@KDB9000 That will be a faulty adapter – the app registers the error on the adapter (it’s not an app problem) so you will need to get it replaced. If you check the error count in the adapter status activity, it will be above 0 when this happens.

@towe_001 The order looks fine, so that should be okay. The app needs to periodically verify the license, which will require you to be using the Android Market account that purchased the app. (the verification is updated at each launch of the app, but is remembered for 2 weeks should a connection not be available). The only reason why you would be getting thrown out of the app so soon would either be that you have installed a version not distributed on the Android market, or much more likely, that your data connection hasn’t worked for some time or you are using a different android market account to the one that purchsed the app

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

Hmm interesting. I was with at one stage, months ago, but the apps i had on the phone google wouldn’t see the apps as official programs (so no updates). I don’t bother with Appbrain anymore cause of it.

What do you think of if i remove torque off my phone and then reinstall it ?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

appbrain shouldn’t do that – it is merely a conduit app/site that allows you to search for apps (on the google market) in a different way – you still purchase the app through google so it should still show you updates for the apps in the android market.

You’re running a custom rom? I’m not sure about the rom you are using, but sometimes they can cause issues (for example, cyanogen 7.0.2 had *very* broken GPS drivers for some phones. It could be a possibility. At the moment, given what you’ve said I think that the app isn’t able to make a connection to googles licensing servers to validate the license, or is getting a ‘not licensed’ reply from them. Because of the speed of the rejection (seconds) I think it’s the latter, so check you’re using the android market account that actually bought the app. (login to to check it’s in your purchased list)

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

No custom rom, i’ve thought of it.
Hmmm, licensing problem ? In the google checkout it comes up as fine, just not sure about the time of purchase but. Cause at the time of purchase i clicked on the install button three times over the space of an hour cause the first time nothing happened so i waited 15-20 minutes before i tried again while i was waiting the second time i had a look on the “Trouble downloading” section on my order page and one of the things it said was of turning the phone off and then back on again so i gave that a go before trying to install again, on the third time i was going to send google a email asking about it but the install worked.
I’ve noticed in my market account that it says the torque app is “updated” for the status, all the other apps its “completed” for the status.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

Hm, it could be a problem at googles end then

If you want, I can cancel and refund here (beware, it will refund to whatever card you had at the time I think) and then you can try repurchasing (the refund should take a couple of days to appear on your statement iirc)

Let me know what you think


Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

Ok, i’ll give it a go with doing it that way. Admittedly i’m not overly fussed on the idea cause it’ll mean i’ll have to redo the car profile and the gauges but don’t get me wrong cause if it’ll mean having it working correctly i’m keen to have the app working correctly.


Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 22, 2011 (GMT)

OK, the order has been cancelled – uninstall, reboot, then try purchasing in about an hour – hopefully things will go better.

Dashboard layouts are saved on the SD, so *should* not be lost when you reinstall :-)

Posts: 12
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 26, 2011 (GMT)

Well i’m back with the full version. Cheers for what you did Ian. I’ll let you know how i go with it over the next couple of days.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 16, 2011 (GMT)

I love the app so far. It works well with my HTC Sensation. I can’t seem to find where the logs are kept on the device itself. Where are they located?

It looks like logs can be uploaded to this website. Is that correct? If so, do I just use my forum account? Are there detailed instruction regarding sending to a website in general? I have access to a server that supports DAV, will the app support it?

Posts: 81
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 17, 2011 (GMT)

Logs are on the SD card, in a folder called torquelogs I think, or possibly just torque. Either search for them in the File browser app on the phone, or connect your phone to a computer and click connect as external usb device if needed.

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 24, 2011 (GMT)

i saw there was an update on the web site but it didnt tell me that on my phone. I tried to d/l from market place and no luck. tried deleting from phone and reinstall no luck there either now i dont have it on my phone at all what gives

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 12, 2011 (GMT)

I have been successfully using Torque (paid-version) for a few months now and have encouraged a few of my petrol-headed friends to join the club. I tried to connect to one of my friend’s OBDLink Adapter, but found that I could not re-pair with my phone/Torque. I tried the set-up a new vehicle profile but I can only see the same list of available devices as were in my car. How can I re-scan for new Bluetooth connections and connect to another adapter? This may not sound like an important option, but what would I do if a lost my original OBD adapter and had to buy a replacement.
May be I should have posted this in Features Requests, but I am not sure if I missed something in the settings?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 12, 2011 (GMT)


You need to pair the new adapter to the phone in the Android Bluetooth settings first (the same for any bluetooth device). Then it will be available in the list of adapters in the app



Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 12, 2011 (GMT)

Not sure if this is the place to post but it seems i can only comment one topics and cannot start my own.

Anyway I had to reset my Android phone (wasn’t related to Torque) but now I cannot re-download it I go to the market and it is asking me to pay for it again. is there another way to download it?

sorry if this problem has been posted someplace and i missed it.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 13, 2011 (GMT)


Once you have purchased the app, it’s tied to the google account, so if you reset or uninstall, you can re-install again without purchasing. Make sure you login to the google account that originally purchased the app and you will be able to download it again (you also get your contacts/etc automatically re-synched to the phone and other useful stuff)

You can also login to to see what that account has purchased.


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