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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 26, 2011 (GMT)

I picked up a fault and code today when a dash warning light came on. OK so far.
I drove home, switched off the ignition and on again and the light had gone off.
My Torque now says there are no fault codes to report because it has presumably cleared.
What I want to know is, what was that fault code? I didn’t write it down at the time because I assumed Torque would remember it and I could check it out when I got home.
Does Torque remember and keep a log of these codes for future reference? Is so, how do I recall it.
If not, it would be a useful feature.
I have the latest paid version of Torque.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 28, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from grifter on February 16, 2011, 06:37
Has anyone had any success getting this to work on a Ford on or around 2001 model year. I have a 01 ranger and 98 mustang, and cant get it to work on either. My friend has a 08 ford escape my setup works fine on it. I am using an htc evo with one of the ebay elm 327 V1.4 B15 units.

I’m using a 26 buck elm 327 with a 2001 Ford Focus. Not a lick of any problem. Phone is a rooted Evo.

Army vet 71-77. Private pilot since 72. Shade tree auto mechanic.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 6, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from T.T.tango on February 26, 2011, 15:26
I picked up a fault and code today when a dash warning light came on. OK so far.
I drove home, switched off the ignition and on again and the light had gone off.
My Torque now says there are no fault codes to report because it has presumably cleared.
What I want to know is, what was that fault code? I didn’t write it down at the time because I assumed Torque would remember it and I could check it out when I got home.
Does Torque remember and keep a log of these codes for future reference? Is so, how do I recall it.
If not, it would be a useful feature.
I have the latest paid version of Torque.

Just responding to my own post as there is clearly no response from the developers here.
What a waste of time!

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 9, 2011 (GMT)

Hello. Not long ago bought the program. There is one problem, everything works, but only if you run the first time. If you try to run a second time, the program closes with an error that refers to the process org.prowl.torque. After this program you can run the only completely restart my HTC Desire HD. Firmware on it last official without any external changes. What to do to Torque always run correctly?

Posts: 38
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 9, 2011 (GMT)

I notice if I try to use the home button to “alt+tab” into Torque it’ll give me that error message as well.

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 10, 2011 (GMT)

After the last update I lost my fuel trim data. The “has data” green indicator flashes, but the display reads NaN. Any ideas?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 15, 2011 (GMT)

Should be fixed in 1.4.10 out a couple of days ago

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 25, 2011 (GMT)

I wish I had known it wouldn’t work with my Hero running v. 1.5 before I’d purchased two adapters and paid for the software. What is an APK and is it available? If so, where?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 29, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from zack on May 16, 2010, 03:46
Where can i find the adaptor i need to connect to my car?

I bought mine from Amazon and it works great. Here is the link.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 31, 2011 (GMT)

Torque works on android 1.5 upwards. It has been tested and works on the HTC Hero

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 7, 2011 (GMT)

I tried the free version with no connection problems so I bought the paid version. The paid version lost connection and was set to metric units. I looked for the settings to make some changes and there no settings at the menu screen or by hitting the menu button. Please help

2011 Subaru Forester XT
Motorola Droid 1 2.2.2

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 7, 2011 (GMT)

Ok I re-installed the app and everything started working now.

2011 Subaru Forester XT
Motorola Droid 1 2.2.2

Posts: 31
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 9, 2011 (GMT)

Ian, I suppose you know that bug. When the phone is in landscape mode, the top of the upper screen flashes…

Is it possible to correct it ? :( (Phone : HTC Hero)

Posts: 34
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 14, 2011 (GMT)

In case someone needs a super-cheap ELM327 interface (bluetooth of course), there is lots of listing from seller TomTop.
current lowest Buy Now (free shipping) is at .99, but you can try also auction listings, he starts a few every day, so you might be able to get the interface at even cheaper price (buyer competition is tough however and be careful of shipping charges as they are not always set as free).
His devices use BT device pairing PIN 6789

I use it with great success on HTC G2 phone – android 2.2 (T-mobile US, no rooted access).

hope it helps.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 18, 2011 (GMT)

I’ve got the torque app on my galaxy s. I bought the cheapest adaptor I could find which was about £13 from china. The problem is I plugged in the adaptor it lit up I was able to pair it with my phone and the app recognised but it keeps searching through the protocols without connecting. Looking on the app under adaptor status it says my adaptor is a cheap one off ebay that doesn’t do a particular protocol used by ford/other and I have a 2003 ford focus(uk model). I presume thats why its not working so you you get what you pay for but could you point me in the direction of an adaptor that will work.


Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 13, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Birdy68 on October 4, 2010

I’ll try and get the ECU Specific PID’s if you are interested!? Some friends of mine are working closely with ‘TuneECU’ and so I believe they can see more than I can.

Kindest regards.


Did you find PID for Triumph? I’m just connecting this to a Triumph Rocket with a 2300cc engine, works good, but I want som Triumph extras

RFID visionary entrepreneur, Triumph Rocket captain

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 31, 2011 (GMT)

Many of them tried but no response to this question.

I will try again, What does the ‘car’ symbol denote ?


Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 31, 2011 (GMT)


The car icon denotes a successful connection to the ECU and everything responding correctly. Basically, all the icons should turn blue.

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: May 31, 2011 (GMT)

HTC desire hd – Android 2.3
I have set pressure unit to bars , on central screen boost appears in bars but in another one in psi. Is there any reason for this?
by the way which files I have to play with in order to modify themes?

Posts: 1
Post One potential customer's view
on: June 3, 2011 (GMT)

Sounds like a nice app… but there’s no way I can consider installing it.

When I hit “buy”, I find you want an unacceptable combination of privileges. Frankly there’s NO app that gets that privilege set from me.

Full Internet access: I don’t expect ads in the paid version, and I’m not going to give you both location and Internet access, or both phone identity and Internet access. I don’t know what else you’re using it for; if you have tables to update, please update them via app updates.

Storage: I suspect this is for some tracking frippery, probably the same frippery that requires–

Location: coarse and fine. Sorry, no. Not in combination with Internet or phone access. And not without an explanation of why. And since I’m not interested in that tracking thing, probably not at all.

Phone calls: Read phone identity. No sane reason for you to have this, and frankly little reason to have the phone state.

Bluetooth administration: I can do my own pairing, thanks. I will not let your app control all my Bluetooth devices. This is where you start to go beyond run-of-the mill in demanding things you shouldn’t need.

Make application always run, prevent phone from sleeping:: I sure hope it doesn’t do that by default…

Modify global system settings… which amounts to “get access to a huge amount of complicated stuff that probably gives you total control over the phone with a bit of twiddling”. And no reason given. I suspect it’s to make some trivial tweak to some single setting for some corner case… it usually is.

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