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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: November 29, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from zack on May 16, 2010
Where can i find the adaptor i need to connect to my car?
Its generally found beneath the non driver side glove box or beneath Air conditioning console in vehicle

car enthuisastic

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 2, 2016 (GMT)

Pls help I have oldest ver. Of torque wchich I bought with obd named vlink…. I instaled this ver. But I can’t update to latest ver. At google store….( it shows that I have already installed latest ver. And don’t shows any updates.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: General FAQ
on: January 14, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from saintcannabis on July 8, 2016
I’m having difficulty setting up my copy of Torque Pro. I have successfully paired my device and connected to the adapter, according to Adapter Status, but can not connect to ECU. I see the flashing message at the top “Profile: Not Setup”. I do a search for how to setup the app for my vehicle and keep reading to launch the app and go into settings, however i see no way to go into setting in the Torque app. There is “Realtime Information”, “CHECK Fault Codes”, “Map View”, “Test Results”, “Graphing”, “Adapter Status”, “Get Plugins”, “Help”. None of these selections leads to settings.

having the same problum with pro
lite works fine no idea way

Australia FNQ

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 10, 2017 (GMT)

torque app just sits at “checking model” if i click on show fault codes, it says not connected to using an elm327 ebay adapter, car is a Honda integra type r. does this sound like a protocol, car, ecu, or adapter issue?

any help appreciated

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 10, 2017 (GMT)

My apologies Ian;
I am sure this question has been asked before however I could not find it. Not sure what terms to use for the search.

Question:In watching YouTube, I see that “professional” scanners have some features that I have not seen in Torque. The ability to see the current or last value from any sensor. Example, the current value returned from the throttle position sensor = 3.45volts. Second, they can test or toggle certain controls such as activate/deactivate the EVAP vent solenoid?

Thank you

Posts: 10
Post Re: General FAQ
on: February 27, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from Keshka on February 10, 2017
My apologies Ian;
I am sure this question has been asked before however I could not find it. Not sure what terms to use for the search.

Question:In watching YouTube, I see that “professional” scanners have some features that I have not seen in Torque. The ability to see the current or last value from any sensor. Example, the current value returned from the throttle position sensor = 3.45volts. Second, they can test or toggle certain controls such as activate/deactivate the EVAP vent solenoid?

Thank you

Torque is a generic diagnostic app.
What you said/watched is car-model and ecu specific.

That said you need something specific; for example a plugin or software.

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 1, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from minage on February 27, 2017

Quote from Keshka on February 10, 2017
My apologies Ian;
I am sure this question has been asked before however I could not find it. Not sure what terms to use for the search.

Question:In watching YouTube, I see that “professional” scanners have some features that I have not seen in Torque. The ability to see the current or last value from any sensor. Example, the current value returned from the throttle position sensor = 3.45volts. Second, they can test or toggle certain controls such as activate/deactivate the EVAP vent solenoid?

Thank you

Torque is a generic diagnostic app.
What you said/watched is car-model and ecu specific.

That said you need something specific; for example a plugin or software.

have a look in the torque scan plug in it shows raw dater from all working pids

Australia FNQ

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: April 4, 2017 (GMT)

Any PIDS for C Class Mercedes C220 CDI.. would like to know if EGT or DPF monitoring is available.

Have an old C Class that gets a few hiccups from time to time.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 20, 2017 (GMT)

Hi Everyone just found this app and have a few questions.

Can someone help me with the settings? I think I got them right, but would like someone to confirm. I have a 2000 Honda Accord.

It has a 2.3L engine so I put 2.3 for the engine displacement.
I also have stuff in the car so for weight I put 1450 kg. Is there any thing else I need to enter manually?

Also is there anyway of seeing if the injectors are injecting fuel when coasting downhill? I don’t know much about cars so will getting the pro version be worth it?


Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 27, 2017 (GMT)

Torque Lite is WiFi compatible as it worked with my 2013 Toyota Camry. But is Torque Pro WiFi compatible. I can’t get it to connect and it asks about Bluetooth connection. I purchased a Foseal device.

Posts: 5
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 12, 2017 (GMT)


Reno, NV
2005 Mercedes E55 AMG

Posts: 1667
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 12, 2017 (GMT)

You have not forgotten in the settings of the Wifi phone to connect to the adapter, and not to the network
I have two different WIFI ELM327 adapters with which the program successfully connects (Which are defined as WiFi_OBDII, WiFiOBD)
So that there was no warning, I just leave the Bluetooth on the phone ON

Posts: 11
Post Re: General FAQ
on: December 10, 2017 (GMT)

Is there a way I can change the currency.I am from India and all the currency showing up is as $ instead of Rs ?

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 5, 2018 (GMT)

Could you please confirm if Torque PRO has connectivity with Android Auto?

I would like to see the Torque PRO App running with Android Auto, so then I can the Torque PRO app in my car media central screen.


Posts: 5
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 6, 2018 (GMT)

As for “track recorder” plugin i am unable to use second camera on Galaxy S7, does supports dual camera recording or its only for external?

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 13, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from fmilani on March 5, 2018
Could you please confirm if Torque PRO has connectivity with Android Auto?

I would like to see the Torque PRO App running with Android Auto, so then I can the Torque PRO app in my car media central screen.


You will the app called ODBIIAA. It is on the XDA forums.
I am using it and it will display up to 8 PIDS. Actually any mor than 6 is not readable.

Hope this helps.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 13, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from fmilani on March 5, 2018
Could you please confirm if Torque PRO has connectivity with Android Auto?

I would like to see the Torque PRO App running with Android Auto, so then I can the Torque PRO app in my car media central screen.


You will need.

Posts: 1
Post Inability to pay for torque pro obd2 on google store
on: March 15, 2018 (GMT)


I desire yo purchase torque pro obd2, but could not complete the transaction due to non populating in full the payment method. The attached screen shot is the point where the process stopped.

Kindly assist on how to complete the transaction or alternative means of purchase.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 15, 2018 (GMT)

I have the pro version but isn’t able to read ford Mondeo MK4 DTC codes? Any ideas? Thanks

Posts: 1667
Post Re: General FAQ
on: March 18, 2018 (GMT)

I think to read errors in your car you need the command 19028F, which is not supported by the Torque program

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