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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » General FAQ

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Author Topic: General FAQ
Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 24, 2010 (GMT)

Just downloaded the paid version from the market. Great work and thanks!!!!

Quote from admin on June 18, 2010, 12:08
Hi. I’ll see about getting an APK uploaded onto the website for android 1.6 people, though as I only have a 2.2 device testing android 1.6 is a little difficult so let me know if things are broken.


Posts: 28
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 26, 2010 (GMT)

hi i had a quick question…
in the settings menu there is an option to check that allows for FASTER COMMUNICATION (may not work on some devices)is what it says….
i was wondering what that exactly means?
is it by phone manufaturer?
or is it by processor? (as in 1ghz snapdragon would work?)
im about to upgrade my phone to the htc evo 4g which has a 1ghz processor…. would that device support FASTER COMMUNICATION?
because i know that FASTER COMMUNICATION does not work on my hero…
or is this tied into the ECU?if any one has gotten FASTER COMMUNICATION to work on thier device could you let me know

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 30, 2010 (GMT)


FASTER COMMUNICATION!, is basically using some extra options available on ELM chips with firmware 1.3 and above to reduce some of the timing lag, and also set a more aggressive timeout.

It is disabled by default as not all the cheap ebay adapters can work reliably with this setting (this is mainly due to slightly incorrect components used in the adapter for the baud rate generation clock).

Posts: 28
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 30, 2010 (GMT)

Damn was hoping it had to do with the phones processor…
Is there a way that you know of to enable this option with the bluetooth dongle and the provided software cd that came with my ebay dongle?
Was wondering cause sometimes the rpm lags a lil? Was hoping for way to make it faster

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: June 30, 2010 (GMT)

No it is entirely down to the version of the dongle you have – if you see ELM v1.3 or have an OBDKey then they will both be able to make full use of the option. Some ELM adapters may have issues due to poor build quality.

The best way to increase the logging frequency is to remove any dials that you do not need on the screen – the less visible dials, then less PIDs are polled resulting in a faster scan.

Ultimately it is down to the vehicle ECU determining how fast Torque can scan PIDs. Toyota ECUs are wicked-fast at scanning PIDs where some Mercedes ECUs are extremely slow in contrast


Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 16, 2010 (GMT)

I’d like to suggest a hardware topic – sort of a clearing house for the scanners that folks have used successfully. As an earlier post observed, the cheap eBay scanners are all about 30 dollars (total for price + shipping) and the better scanners are well over 100 dollars.
I’d really like to try your application, but would appreciate any user hints that will help me pick the most likely cheap scanner that would work with Torque.

[after looking more carefully at the eBay listings, there seem to be only two different units in the 30 dollar range – one with a blue label, one with a blue and orange label]

any experience comments would be really appreciated, e.g., “blue label, this works” or “blue/orange label, works fine” or…?

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 19, 2010 (GMT)

Hi, i’ve a big problem. I tried to use torque on my Samsung spica with OBD bluetooth. It’s work with my dad’s car: Honda model Civic FD2009 but it doesn’t work with my car: Mitsubishi lancer Model CK4 (year 2000) + engine type 4G92.

Some technician told me that Mitsubishi and Nissun use the different protocal from the others (honda and etc.).

Please update your protocal data with mitsubishi.
I’m looking forward to use torque with my car on spica with hope.

Best regard
Thai android user.

Thai android user and lover.

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 20, 2010 (GMT)

I looked through the forum and website, but was unable to find a complete listing of interfaces and parameters that Torque is able to display. Does any one have such a list. A feature to feature comparison between Torque, Kiwi and Scanguage would be helpful also.
Thank you.

Posts: 3
Post Re: General FAQ
on: July 27, 2010 (GMT)

A few questions from an HTC Evo owner:

Can I bluetooth connect to my car head unit and the OBD bluetooth at the same time? (I use the A2DP bluetooth to play music on my head unit from my phone, and the handsfree when on the phone).

Does this App have a widget for putting on my home screen, or do I need to be in the app to view gauges? (Would like to have a music player widget and an MPG widget on the same home screen)


Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 7, 2010 (GMT)

Where can I buy and download the paid version/complete version. And what is the latest version ? would glad if this software can show the cam-shaft timing as well, especially on the VVTi car.

Posts: 4
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 15, 2010 (GMT)

seems no one answering my question…

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: August 19, 2010 (GMT)

do i have to use a bluetooth connector or are there usb obd connectors i could use to connect on my htc droid. I have a connector from the auto enginuity program could i use that

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 18, 2010 (GMT)

I really would like to know if anyone has tried to connect straight to a Android via a OBD interface using USB to the phone? I already own two cabled OBD’s for my PC but would like the idea of using my phone also while moving.

Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 23, 2010 (GMT)

Hi there Ian,

First and foremost – THANK YOU.
Thank you for a wonderful – eye opening tool. *thumbs up*

For your information and better understanding, my set up:

    HTC Desire 2.1
    Triumph Thunderbird 1700 cc

There doesn’t seem to be many motor-bikers in here!?

OK – the Bluetooth thingy is nicely tucked away
(Cheep Blue Thing):

Upon starting the program I get the following message:
Incompatible ECU
Your vehicle ECU is reporting that it is not compliant to any OBD standard, therefore Torque may not be able to retrieve any data from it. However Torque will still try.

My first question is:
What can I do to help you eliminate that above message?
I read somewhere that Triumph have encoded a dummy line into their coding to try and stop hackers getting into the ECU so easy and changing the fuel maps – which is where we want to go at the end of the day!

Secondly: Not all values have a reading (eg Air Fuel Mix)
– again: What can I do to help you in getting Torque to read more from the Triumph ECU?

That’s all I have for now 😉
Have to go – need to purchase the full version 😀

btw – two horrible quality videos:
Incompatible ECU & Program freeze:

Torque in operation on a Triumph Thunderbird

Posts: 1
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 24, 2010 (GMT)

Awesome…love the app. Of all the cool apps Android offers this one really makes my friends say “WOW”. This is my first and only paid app. Have 2 questions:

1) I have to reflash my Droid X back to 2.1(running the leaked 2.2 update) so I can get the OTA 2.2 update….will i have to purchase the app again?

2) ABS code support would be awesome :)

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 29, 2010 (GMT)


Nice bikes Triumphs!, to help with the message, can you send me a comms debug log (tag it with ‘triumph or a small note so I know what it relates to), and I’ll see what I can do – will probably add a setting option to turn that message off – I assume that it still manages to read some values off?

With regards to air fuel mix, it’s probably going to be in an extended PID specific to the ECU manufacturer (extended PIDs are not ‘standardised’ and change from manufacturer to manufacturer, and a list of these is *extremely* difficult to get hold of)

Fuel trim might be an option if the ECU supports that standard pid.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 29, 2010 (GMT)

ABS *might* be coming, I haven’t looked into that area in anger yet. Similar to ABS codes.

Once you have purchased the full app from the Google Android Market, then you will not require to purchase it again (at least until the year 2036)

Posts: 9
Post Re: General FAQ
on: September 30, 2010 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

heard about your program from a guy who was at the racetrack the other night. I race a couple times a week with a 99 Formula and an 01 Formula Firebird. I borrowed a friends Interceptor gauge to keep an eye on the transmission temp. for my 01 but had to give it back, then I found out about this program. I downloaded the free version to check it out but still need to get a bluetooth connector.

Playing around with it I did not see an option to view transmission temp. Will there be more options once its connected to the car or is that only in the paid version? I’ll probably end up buying it, I just wanted to make sure it can read the transmission since that is the main reason I need it.

Also, havent read into everything on the site too much but if its not annoying to ask, which would you reccommend to get?


I looked them up on amazon and matching them up by the pictures it seemed like the first one had the most/better ratings but what would you recommend? It seems like I’d want one with v1.3 for fast readings?

Thanks for your help


Posts: 2
Post Re: General FAQ
on: October 4, 2010 (GMT)

Quote from admin on September 29, 2010, 08:33
… to help with the message, can you send me a comms debug log (tag it with ‘triumph or a small note so I know what it relates to), and I’ll see what I can do – will probably add a setting option to turn that message off – I assume that it still manages to read some values off?

Will get you that de-bug log for you – no problem. Just give me a moment… 😉
Regarding the readings – Yes, sure – Torque reads some values, no problem. I believe they are the standardised PIDs that it reads.

Quote from admin on September 29, 2010, 08:33
… With regards to air fuel mix, it’s probably going to be in an extended PID specific to the ECU manufacturer (extended PIDs are not ‘standardised’ and change from manufacturer to manufacturer, and a list of these is *extremely* difficult to get hold of)

Fuel trim might be an option if the ECU supports that standard pid.

I’ll try and get the ECU Specific PID’s if you are interested!? Some friends of mine are working closely with ‘TuneECU’ and so I believe they can see more than I can.

Kindest regards.

Posts: 10
Post Re: General FAQ
on: October 7, 2010 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

Am pretty new here but am definitely planning to get the paid version of the software when my PLX Bluetooth arrives. Have a few questions though. Where can I find a comprehensive list of features for the paid version of Torque? Having a hard time finding one. Currently my reason for needing it is I want to know if Torque has an AFR gauge and if it has a knock light as I am learning to tune my car and this would make the app much more valuable to tuners.

I believe a updated features page would make it easier to answer questions like that as compared to combing through all the threads and posts in the forum.


Ian (also)

HTC Desire 2.2 non-rooted
2007 EDM Subaru Forester 2.5XT stock

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