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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Trans temp, IAT, and MAP

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Author Topic: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 15, 2014 (GMT)

I think the weird readings at first were when torque was messing with converting temps for me.
IAT sensor is either against or tucked inside the driverside fender, might be possible to heat soak it, time will tell.
I need to look at hard mounting the poor thing.

after initial turn of the key I never looked at temps again as I was playing with pressure relief settings and dealing with the turbo discharge being blown off the turbo

I saw 38.7 on torques boost gauge once without the PCM freaking, but the next WOT hit 38.9 and funky stuff happens.
what it seems to do is read -30ish boost for a minute or so before the gauges function again.

I changed EBP to psig, I will try and remember to look for you but IMO there is no linear rpm connection with backpressure.

I have a clue on logging
my phone does not like to connect with a PC so I went to DropBox to get a log from my phone. all the data was there. I guess Ian’s upload just does the map and basic rpm mph.

and “THANKS CAPP”. you should swing by the PSN thread and take the accolades for your work.

for the last while, my morning commutes do not get the EOT over 150° so WOT blasts are a bad idea, not saying I dont :) just that the cold pistons probably do not like 30psi in the morning.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 15, 2014 (GMT)

Did you set the “Also log selected sensors” in
the trip logging settings… right above the
twitter settings?


Revised TFT temp equations based on
sensor data info.

Updated my list to date.

See MJ’s postings for his suggested names
for the OBS 7.3L. (Link below).

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00109)-15.73
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: ((A*256)+B)*0.00395
Units: Hz

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: ((((A*256)+B)*0.00109)-15.73)-Baro()
Units: psi

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00752)-109.25
Units: kPa

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22114A
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/13168
Units: Volts

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22114A
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00314)+193.34
Units: °F

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22114A
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00174)+89.65
Units: °C

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 2211BD
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/13168
Units: Volts

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 2211BD
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00360)+212.98
Units: °F

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 2211BD
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00189)+95.35
Units: °C

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221127
Equation: A*0.1
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/27.67985874
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/4.01463133
Units: kPa

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: (A*256)+B
Units: inH2O

MJ’s post for suggested names…


IAT °F should use span -0.00314.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 16, 2014 (GMT)

Hey it’s GW1 and MJ told me to check this out but it took me a few days to find some time. If there is anything i can do to help by providing data just let me know. I have a 97 7.3 auto with external gauges and I also have AE. I have been using the torque app and read through this whole post and consider myself a newbie after reading all this.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 16, 2014 (GMT)

Thank you GW1 for testing the
TFT and IAT pids. You have already
contributed by using your digital
thermometer at low IAT temps and
confirming the TFT pid response.

I hope it works for your truck too!
(and your fellow OBS 7.3L owners).


Good luck with this one…



(It worked in Excel. Hope Torque can handle it).


Try switching traces to secondary axis. That way you
can graph both rpm and boost data on same graph.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

getting it closer

can we clip the formula with an Int() to remove decimal places.
I thought I had seen this somewhere but I lost it.
EBP still dips into negs for me

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

this mornings cold soak image. frost on the windows had to be scraped.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

Did you set the “Also log selected sensors” in
the trip logging settings… right above the
twitter settings?

are the additional sensors supposed to upload to the IanHokinsdotcom server? they seem to be in my phone (I am using dropbox to get them to the PC, phone issue, doesnt seem to recognize the USB)

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

I suggest you test int() in a dummy custom
pid to see if it will work. I haven’t found an
extensive list of math functions that this
parser can use. I guessing Java supported

I cant test… my jeep is obdi. I have to watch
you guys have all the fun.

For EBP try adjusting offset value for your lowest
baro reading or if the slightly negative low values aren’t
important… abs() the equation to always have
positive results.

I do believe your sensor data should upload to
the web server. Check your data logging settings
auto start logging etc. Check your email address
for accuracy (no extra spaces) and verify the web
server link is correct.

Have you tried sending yours files to your pc
over bluetooth?

Nice graph!

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

pulse width lowest reading is 424. that is coasting in gear. dunno why I find that to be odd but I think it should be zero.

I have a spare regulator on the way so I can map the MAP sensor using my air compressor.

I do not have any bluetooth PC available.
the Motorola had a built in wireless connection but it wont let me do anything really cool unless it is in IE7. dated or what?
I can grab images and SMS but not other file types
drop box works

I will search a bit to see if I can find more info on Ian’s upload thing. it works but only takes GPS,rpm, and speed from my logs.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 18, 2014 (GMT)

Do you have access to another professional
scan tool to verify the pulse width value? I
thought it looked unusual as well…but I don’t
know the typical values for your truck.

Hopefully GW1 will give the TFT F polynomial
equation a chance. If it works correctly it will
give a better prediction up and down the span.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on January 16, 2014
Thank you GW1 for testing the
TFT and IAT pids. You have already
contributed by using your digital
thermometer at low IAT temps and
confirming the TFT pid response.

I hope it works for your truck too!
(and your fellow OBS 7.3L owners).


Good luck with this one…



(It worked in Excel. Hope Torque can handle it).


Try switching traces to secondary axis. That way you
can graph both rpm and boost data on same graph.

End Quote

Added polynomial equation for IAT C.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

tried many times, get () error
had my GF try, same result

this works in excel if I give a1 = 1 b1 = 1 I get 142.0237

Posts: 9
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

I have the TFT formula entered and it reads but I have not checked the temps on a cold engine/fluid yet to verify temps. I will have some free time later this evening and will post the results.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from m j on January 19, 2014
tried many times, get () error
had my GF try, same result

this works in excel if I give a1 = 1 b1 = 1 I get 142.0237

End Quote.

A count of 257 would match your results
according to my graphs.

I am curious why GW1 didnt get the same
paren error. The form of the equations are
basically the same – just different constants.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

me too.

I copyed pasted it in to an email to my phone and copy/pasted (damn that is hard on a tiny touch screen) from email to torque with same results.
I guess I will enter each section of the formula seperately and see where it complains

Posts: 9
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

Capp I see you have a new formula for the TFT and when I said I get a reading that was with an older formula you or mj had posted. I’m on my home and can test both formulas on a cold soaked truck/engine and will updatey findings.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

Thanks GW1.

I suggest making two TFT F pids one for
each equation given. (Until testing is

The polynomial equation should yield closer
results up and down the span if the math is
correct. MJ is having paren issue with Torque
using the polynomial formula which I suspect
is a parser issue. (Excel yields a proper result
and all the bits are wrapped in parens).

I am unable to pretest the pids as my vehicle
is OBDI. I am hoping one day Ian will create
a virtual adapter for testing custom pids offline
which would allow us OBDI folks use of the GPS
based pids while driving.

Please note that MJ is testing IAT C polynomial

Posts: 9
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

I also get () error with the new equation. Here is a screen snapshot. Actual temp is 31F° my external oil temp gauge confirms 31F° oil temp after sitting for 18 hours.

I can’t figure how to add a picture to the forum with my phone.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 19, 2014 (GMT)

I believe pics are being posted using photobowl,
dripbox or hoogle file storage and then posting the
img link for the pic.

You never said what TFT F was reading using the
first equation…

Posts: 9
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 20, 2014 (GMT)

My TFT was 28.9 with the first equation. my oil temp was 32.9 and IAT 31.4 using torque. My external oil temp gauge said 31 and the actual outside air temp was 31 using a digital thermometer. Sorry I’ll work on getting something figured out so I can post up images of my screeen shot.

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