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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Trans temp, IAT, and MAP

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Author Topic: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

I was basing the change on the second
screenshot boost min. A slightly positve
boost would give the full display for
scaling purposes.

The EBP equation in Torque is in psia from
6.0L users.

Baro, MAP and EBP should agree within +/-
0.5 at KOEO.

There is a baro from phone display that you
can add to your dashboard if your phone
supports it. (Not sure what units are displayed

221127 is a pid for Baro and
0111 throttle position listed in wiki. I
also found a reference to 221442 as a
possible baro pid as well.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from MAFoElffen on January 12, 2014
(Reading this whole thread to catch up… mj referred me to this thread “here” from another forum we are on.)

…and Yes I have a ’97 7.3l like “mj“…

I also have mechanical gauges installed, as well as an OBD “Y” cable and a registered AE owner.

End Quote.

Are you operating both devices at the same time using
the obdii splitter?

I wondered if this was possible if the adapter tester
address was changed using elm AT PP or AT TA
command. (Assuming both devices are using
standard F1 address).

Posts: 27
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

cap77 quote:

Are you operating both devices at the same time using
the obdii splitter?
I wondered if this was possible if the adapter tester
address was changed using elm AT PP or AT TA
command. (Assuming both devices are using
standard F1 address).


I ordered a Y cable and it should be here this week. Have not used yet. I plan on hooking my usb adapter from AE to one and the elm bt for Torque on the other leg. On the device side, they should connect to those 2 fine… On the PCM side… We will have to see.

Not sure if the ECU will let 2 devices connect to it at the same time yet. Otherwise, I’ll just have to watch separately and record “something else” along side them so I have comparisons for cross-reference values.

Mine? Not getting BARO data for the ECU. My phone does not have internal BARO (no pressure sensor in HTC Vivid). Set the value for mine from 0.0 to 14.7 psi. I’m less than 1000 feet, almost at sea level. But I read it with AE, so I know that the PCM see’s that sensor.

What is the PID number and equation for BARO? The one in Torque (at present) is not an extended PID so I can’t just see the values from the extended PID editor. And I haven’t found the file name or location of the default PID’s yet… to see what is there…

There is a big difference of pre-’03 7.3’s and later-than ’03 6.0’s on BARO. On 7.3’s, it uses and external BARO sensor. 6.0’s use a built-in, internal to PCM BARO sensor.

I’m thinking if I can work out BARO and populate the variable BARO(), then Boost will fall into play better.

I’m behind the ball on this. Starting with Torque for only a week so far. But a mechanical and a programming background. Want to catch up on this soon. Just now trying to figure out the author’s logic and how things are laid out.

Various experience and interests

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Mode/PID: 221445
Long name: Exhaust Back Pressure 7.3
Short name: EBP
Min value: 0
Max value: 75
Scale: x1
Unit: psi
Equation: (((A*256)+B*0.03625)-6.5
Header: Auto
comments: 12/01/2014

Mode/PID: 22114A
Long name: IATf OBS
Short name: IATf
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
Scale: x1
Unit: f
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00370)+193.39
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/2014

Mode/PID: 221452
Long name: Boost OBS
Short name: Boost
Min value: 0
Max value: 60
Scale: x1
Unit: psi
Equation: ((((A*256)+B*0.00109)-15.73)-Baro()
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/14 seems to read psia

Mode/PID: 221452
Long name: MAP frequency OBS
Short name: MAPf
Min value: 100
Max value: 256
Scale: x1
Unit: Hz
Equation: ((A*256)+B)*0.00395
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/2014

Mode/PID: 22114A
Long name: IAT volt OBS
Short name: IATv
Min value: 0
Max value: 5
Scale: x1
Unit: V
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/11099
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/2014

Mode/PID: 221452
Long name: MAP OBS
Short name: MAP
Min value: 0
Max value: 50
Scale: x1
Unit: psia
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00109)-15.73
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/2014

Mode/PID: 221452
Long name: MAP kpa OBS
Short name: MAP
Min value: 0
Max value: 1000
Scale: x1
Unit: kpa
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00752)-109.25
Header: C410F1
comments: 12/01/2014

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)


Have you tested pids 221127 or 221442
as possible baro pids. Since 7.3’s have been
known to have problems with certain diagnostic
commands… I suggest testing with KOEO for

How are the given pids working for you? Are
they giving reasonable readings from your
sensors as they were based on mj’s?

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on January 12, 2014

Have you tested pids 221127 or 221442
as possible baro pids. Since 7.3’s have been
known to have problems with certain diagnostic
commands… I suggest testing with KOEO for


Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

C410F1 if Auto or blank do not
return a response. (physical

Mode 1 might be 616AF1 (functional


Your IAT temp registered 11.1 °F. Were
your actual temps that low?

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

(a*256)+b =0
response 62112791

(a*256)+b = 401

hmm I might have to run those again

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221127
Equation: A*0.1
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/27.67985874
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/4.01463133
Units: kPa

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221442
Equation: (A*256)+B
Units: inH2O

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

that is the first one , will add your edit and check again

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)


Once you add baro custom pid to your
list, use Torquescan to find the [ffxxxx]

Then substitute “-Baro()” with “-[ffxxxx]”,
(where xxxx equals the assigned address),
in the Boost pid.

Let us know how it works out.

Posts: 27
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

I can’t test “running” until later this week. Now, in the middle of pulling my turbo off. Long story. (Was going to just change wheels, then found it wasn’t stock and someone before me had “glued” it back together!!!) Waiting on a rebuild kit to show up Wednesday).

But I’ll test it (just static) when I get back from getting a 15mm swivel socket to get the last 2 exhaust nuts off… Have to hurry, as it’s pouring outside and 60 mph gusts… but supposed to be worse here tomorrow.

Edit– Back. That parts store didn’t have swivel sockets and the wind direction changed. Free to work on this now. Inputting new PID’s.

Various experience and interests

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)


EBP has been consistently showing
+0.1 above MAP at KOEO. Suggest
you change the EBP equation’s
intercept from “-6.5” to “-6.6” to

Your EBP units are still showing psi…
should be psia.

Boost units psi.

Interesting that the EBP max value
from your last screenshot (42.7 psia)
would be ~28 psig.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

the one that got me is boost hitting 35 and it didnt freak out, twice today I crossed the line exceeding MAP allowed

I tried logging but only data I got was gps and rpm even though I had a looong list of PIDs entered. must have to do something else to get it to work
a log of it hitting MAP overload would be fun.
I found a very steep longish hill not too far away for testing, so I will probably fly off the side looking at gauges

on the EBP I cannot ‘floor it’ until I get the ‘map fooler’ done so we wont know how high that will go for a bit. wonder what it will do as I exceed its range. I think I can use a zener diode like the super duty guys use on their MAP sensor to limit what the PCM sees from it

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

found Torquescan
weird that it doesnt show on the plugin list in torque

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

If data logging was enabled while
you were adding pids to log you
would need to stop and restart logging
for the new pids to be included.

Cant remember if Torque does this
for you automatically.

There is a toggle in trip settings that
may need setting.

Dont forget Track Recorder dash cam
plugin if you dont have it.

Posts: 27
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Capp777 on January 13, 2014

Once you add baro custom pid to your
list, use Torquescan to find the [ffxxxx]

Then substitute “-Baro()” with “-[ffxxxx]“,
(where xxxx equals the assigned address),
in the Boost pid.

Let us know how it works out.
Okay- Units in Torque vs Real world… Is there a difference?

If I remember my conversions right, I thought psi was relative…
psia = psig + 1 atmosphere;
psig = psia – 1 atmosphere;

So baro is = 1 atmosphere and Boost = psig… right? Or is psig not a valid defined UNIT in Torque? (I guess elsewise below)

But, I’m thinking if you say Baro is the unit of psia… at KOEO, it’s saying 0 psig + 1 atmosphere = Baro.

I’m assuming by the look of the equations, that UNIT is just noted in the display of the control as a label… and the equation needs to include the right conversion factors for that UNIT(?)

Returning data… raw hex data? Where? How do I capture or display that data? Or how do I use Torque to find the hex address? In logging?

Sorry for those catchup kind of questions… Just trying to understand.

Various experience and interests

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)

Pressure can be expressed in many
forms kPa, psia, psig, inHg, inH2O, atm,
hPa and Pa to name a few.

psia is expressed in absolute form (zero
is anchored).

psig is relative to atmospheric pressure and
is subject to atmospheric change.

psi is more generic term for psig.

hex data for a pid can be read by testing
the pid from the pid editor while connected
to your vehicles ecu.

You can set your preferred units in settings.
If torque recognizes the units it will convert
them based upon your preferences.
Example: converting a °C temp to °F. A number
of the predefined pids are in °C.

For units not recognized by Torque the value will
match the equation. Say you wanted to display
your speed in km/h but your preferences were set
to mph so Torque would try to convert… just use
units not recognized by Torque to leave the value
as is.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 13, 2014 (GMT)


Do you get a response from…

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22096C

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