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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Trans temp, IAT, and MAP

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Author Topic: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

Are you saying the Torque MAP Hz reading
of 213 matches the Autometer Hz reading
at max … was it reading 213 Hz max too?

While I can calculate a new psia equation for
boost to match, if the Hz values aren’t spot on
then boost would look correct but would
not be true when checked against a calibrated

I noticed that your IAT V readings are changing
from 3.3 @ 0°C to 3.9. Do you know what the
temp was for the latest screenshots?


If Torque MAP Hz was correct then …


MAP psia


m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

will try that.
autometer is a manual pressure gauge

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

in a previous screenshot where I stated it was cold engine the EOT was 37.4°F and the IATv was 3.9
should be close if both those sensors are accurate

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

Sorry, was thinking of car gauge but if your
manual boost pressure gauge is giving an
accurate max boost then should be able to
convert back to Hz to verify Torque MAP Hz
is accurate.

I was thinking you had to switch from app
to app to verify boost readings… not realizing
you had another means to read boost.


The readings for IAT V don’t appear to be
linear based upon hex data responses.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

I priced an EBP sensor and it was 0ish
I will look for an IAT sensor as well

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

The IAT V may be okay… its just that
a linear equation may not work accurately
for temp readings. You may need a polynomial
equation to fit curve for temp readings.

Do you remember what your Autometer gauge
was indicating at the 213 Hz mark? Would like to
verify the Hz readings before fixing all the other

Your EBP sensor looked like it was responding in
your last screenshot (Looking at the min and max
values). This maybe another case of the equation
needing to be tweaked in Torque.


EBP psia

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 8, 2014 (GMT)

I will need to either video the gauge or set up a test regulator.
too much going on to watch both gauges and the road

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 9, 2014 (GMT)

2 new screen shots but truck is down with a serious miss and CEL with no DTC showing up
a buzz test gave me a low #6 error :(

i think all I changed was new boost formula and gauge display for min/max

I can get IATv to temp readings watching live data on CarGaugePro. after I find the engine issue I will hit the IAT with a heat gun and record some #s

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 9, 2014 (GMT)

Your EBP sensor looked like it was responding in
your last screenshot (Looking at the min and max
values). This maybe another case of the equation
needing to be tweaked in Torque.

EBP has responded since I replaced the clogged sensor tube. but I get an error for it when I scan for DTC (that and a KAM error are only ones I ever see)

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 9, 2014 (GMT)

I have edited the earlier post with revised
equations for the Boost and MAP pids. I have adjusted
the intercept for rounding errors that are
causing slightly negative boost as well.

I would suggest while the truck is down for
a prolong period of time taking KOEO screenshots
at different times during the day while recording
the current ambient temp.

Not sure where your sensor is located but I’m
thinking at ambient temp checks at various times
during the day will minimize errors from other

Heating the sensor with a heat source will still
have issues measuring the actual temps unless
you are using a thermometer at the same time?

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 9, 2014 (GMT)

IAT sensor is in the factory air ckean box, so when we rip that out for an oversized filter it ends up floating about at the ds fender area

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 10, 2014 (GMT)


If Torque MAP Hz was correct then …


MAP psia


EBP psia


IAT V Volts

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 11, 2014 (GMT)

thank you for your efforts!!

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 11, 2014 (GMT)

Hope these work and you will post up
a working screenshot.

The IAT °F equation was back calculated
assuming 0-5 Volts. If the actual volts are
different there will be more tweaking
needed for the equation.

Now if there is a 7.3 owner with the tft
sensor that is watching… there is one
remaining pid to test.


Note change in IAT °F equation to match
your local airport readings in previous
screenshot and change in IAT V equation.

Posts: 27
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

(Reading this whole thread to catch up… mj referred me to this thread “here” from another forum we are on.)

…and Yes I have a ’97 7.3l like “mj“…

I also have mechanical gauges installed, as well as an OBD “Y” cable and a registered AE owner.

Various experience and interests

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Based upon the info so far…

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00109)-15.73
Units: psia

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: ((A*256)+B)*0.00395
Units: Hz

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: ((((A*256)+B)*0.00109)-15.73)-Baro()
Units: psi

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 221452
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*0.00752)-109.25
Units: kPa

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22114A
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/11099
Units: Volts

Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 22114A
Equation: (((A*256)+B)*-0.00370)+193.39
Units: °F

TFT V (Still needs to be tested for response)
Header: C410F1
Mode/Pid: 2211BD
Equation: ((A*256)+B)/11099
Units: Volts

If you use a digital display type you can
set the number of decimals displayed by…

Long press the display > Display Configuration…
swipe list to see the end then select change
number of decimal places.

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

nice to see you here MAFoElffen :)

my issue was a loose 42 pin connector :)
went for a test run and tried doing some Logs.
if I can figure that out it looks to be an extremely powerful feature.
I grabbed some screenshots of course, including one after I peg the MAP

I am going to homedepot to see if i can find a cheapo pressure reg to fool the map, I have a boost relief valve on the way so I can test both methods.

after pegging the MAP

found a hill to play on

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

Sorry for the negative boost… updated the
boost and map intercepts per latest screenshot.
See above.

How far off were the IAT temps using -0.00370

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

I am pretty sure the neg boost was from the MAP going off the scale and causing havoc. up until then it read great :)
notice it reset all the min/max values as well.
that was the last SS I took on my drive and was rolling down the road at the time

m j
Posts: 92
Post Re: Trans temp, IAT, and MAP
on: January 12, 2014 (GMT)

is the BP reading in psiA?

we are getting enough of these to start labeling them with ‘OBS’ and having Ian add them to the extended ford PID updates.

we still need working ‘throttle position’ and ‘Baro’ for the OBS

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