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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Themes

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Author Topic: Themes
Posts: 19
Post Re: Themes
on: December 21, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from trd86 on December 14, 2021
Also, is there a way to hide the decimal places?

– Press and hold the gauge you want to change
– Select: Display configuration…
– Select: Number of decimal places
– UnSelect: Use Display default
– Enter 0 and Select Ok

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: January 1, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from oniava on February 3, 2019
Tell me how it is done?

Sorry for not responding, as I haven’t been frequenting this site forum last couple of years, as it’s been stressful, and I’m sure you don’t need to know the biggest reason for that, as the whole world is facing it still, as 2022 starts…

if you need to refer back to your previous posts where you mentioned me, feel free, but, in answer to your question as to how it is done, I assume you are talking about how making a theme zip is done, in which case you would just go to your torque themes directory, if it is available to you, and put all the files therein into a zip file, after which you would then upload the file to some place like Google drive and then share it with those you would like to be able to use it and download it. If you were meaning something else then I am not quite sure what you meant. Also, if you were to make a theme zip and not get the directory structure completely correct, don’t worry, as I’m sure it would still work for my needs.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: January 5, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from ANBO on December 21, 2021

Quote from trd86 on December 14, 2021
Also, is there a way to hide the decimal places?

– Press and hold the gauge you want to change
– Select: Display configuration…
– Select: Number of decimal places
– UnSelect: Use Display default
– Enter 0 and Select Ok

Can’t believe I missed that after all these years lol. Thanks!

What’s your thoughts on the other issue I have regarding the min/max indicators for Oil Temperature?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes Plugin
on: January 13, 2022 (GMT)


I have released a new theme plugin template/example app on github for anyone to make themes with

The plugin allows themes to be sent to torque (and appear in the themes list directly) in the app so the user can simply choose them in the theme activity

This will be active in the next beta update sometime next week in version 1.10.260

Posts: 37
Post Re: Themes
on: February 16, 2022 (GMT)

I have the latest Torque pro installed but I’m facing an issue with custom themes which wont apply.

Previously I have downloaded and used one of themes from this app (Google Play):

Now none of them are working, only themes available directly in Torque app are working.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: February 16, 2022 (GMT)


The theme author needs to update their theme distribution using the example code located at:

This is due to Android 12s new restrictive permissions which means the old distribution methods will no longer work. However the new theme method is considerably better (and the example code is simple to adapt) – please encourage the theme authors if you can

Posts: 223
Post Re: Themes
on: February 16, 2022 (GMT)

i tried to search, but haven’t found anything.
There is possibility to customize the look of one particular display for specified PID/request.
Is it possible to differ the custom PIDs in themes if e.g. some custom PIDs get information from same request (in my case 222115 delivers 39 bytes, so there are many PIDs that use same request but have different formulas)?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: February 16, 2022 (GMT)


Not yet (but that’s a good idea and I’ve added it to the list of things to do)

I’ve had a look at legacy themes tonight as well, and have added a workaround to let people import legacy themes until the authors update – this will make it into tomorrows beta

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: February 21, 2023 (GMT)

Themes on the Torque Recorder are still broken. I assume the recorder still uses legacy themes?
If I’m not mistaken they were in a different path than they are now.

Does anyone remember in which path legacy themes have been saved?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: October 14, 2023 (GMT)

Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum and have been using Torque Pro for a few years. I own a 2010 Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D (PSA engine) and since I have an Android car stereo, I wanted a theme that would match the analog instrument cluster; I downloaded the Mazda 3 (for day) and Mazda 6 (for night) themes from the available themes, I changed the “Fonts” of both themes, replacing them with “Font – Eurostile Bold” (similar to analogue instrumentation) and I set the colors (in the property.txt file) of the numbers and text with color code FFFFFF (white) while the indicators and lines were coded with the color 80000. Once this was done, the instrumentation appears to be like the original one. I hope I have been helpful to other users.

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