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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Themes

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Author Topic: Themes
Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: June 17, 2018 (GMT)

Hi all,

after a year and half of debugging and using Torque Pro in my Dacia Duster (2016), here’s the result.

My dashboard uses the 5″ android phone and fully customized theme:

The background includes the labels for upper-left values table (air pressures, MAF, IFC and so on). The dial gauges use customized backgrounds and needle.
Did not realized how to position values in dial gauges preciselly, so I am using standard numeric indicators without the background positioned over the radial gauges.

At night it switches to orange (no picture).

Posts: 5
Post Re: Themes
on: June 17, 2018 (GMT)

Seems there’s an error in the forums – my posts magically disappeared now

Posts: 64
Post BMW Theme
on: June 29, 2018 (GMT)

I’d like to present you my most recent creation:
A theme which is based on the BMW E-series dashboard. It includes carefully crafted dials mainly for the N47 engine together with the corresponding set of PIDs.

The theme includes a day and night-time set so you get the right experience all day long!

Please read the included “How to use.txt” document carefully because it includes instructions on how to properly install it.

@piemmm: I’ve encountered several bugs when creating this theme and sent you an email about this :)

The main “quirk”, which is currently making things complicated, is the way Torque loads the dials for custom PIDs. You have to tab out and tab in into Torque in order to have all dials displayed.





Posts: 2997
Post Re: Themes
on: July 11, 2018 (GMT)

Does anyone know if there is a command
for changing font scale for digital, On/Off
and pushbutton displays?

Some needle and meter commands don’t
appear to have an affect or work as expected:

dialMeterTitleTextOffset= (actually changes NeedleTitleTextOffset)
dialStepsDivisor= (first segment from start position not drawn?)

Is there a command to change a graph background
transparency? My Galaxy Exhibit graphs are
more transparent than my Tab 3 using the
same theme.

What am I doing wrong?


Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: July 31, 2018 (GMT)


I modified a theme to match my BMW but I have a problem.
I searched everywhere and I can’t find a solution…

I changed the dials, colors, placed a M logo on the dials, etc.
But no matter what I do my background doesn’t adjust to the screen. I can’t see the 3 bars. Any help?


Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: August 10, 2018 (GMT)

This is a question I would like Piemmm to answer, or anyone else that knows the answer… i have an ‘android device battery level’ guage in my torque dash, yet cannot find a PID for it to change the the Guage to a custom one… can you change the ‘android device battery’ guage, and if so, instructions on how would be appreciated… if not could you add a special PID, or something, for it to work???

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: August 10, 2018 (GMT)

@FNTX I would love to try that theme out, but my Google Apps is being dumb… could you put it up in a 7z or rar file??? Im going to try opening it in desktop mode, but don’t think it’ll help…

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Themes
on: August 10, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from Wiebenor on August 10, 2018
This is a question I would like Piemmm to answer, or anyone else that knows the answer… i have an ‘android device battery level’ guage in my torque dash, yet cannot find a PID for it to change the the Guage to a custom one… can you change the ‘android device battery’ guage, and if so, instructions on how would be appreciated… if not could you add a special PID, or something, for it to work???

End Quote.

ff129a according to Torquescan.

(Just another Torque Pro user).

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: August 14, 2018 (GMT)

Hmm… thanks… ill have to try that, to see if it works… my gratitude is Neverending…

*EDIT* it DOES appear you are right… now to get the right (non-test) image in there…

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: August 15, 2018 (GMT)

Well guys… i designed a theme, but it’s not done yet, and mostly my design, except for the outer edge/border of the guages… the glows are all mine, and batteries I designed to basically look the same as some paid designs, i saw online, but again, the glows are mine… here is the link, but it is NOT CURRENTLY ready for uploading to your servers… the original design, specifically the edge/ring of the guages, i forget who did them, but I’m thinking it may have been quadhelix, and #47 on his 60pack from playstore… thats just a guess, and i’m not sure what the legalities are from modifying other’s work and adding graphics, and so on… however, if you guys wanna try out a copy, It has 4 colors to choose from so far, but you need to manually copy the color you want into themes folder…
It’s on my Google Drive here: (has been re-uploaded with changes)

That above link should get you to the zip…
Just extract the colors, and copy contents of desired color folder over to theme directory after backing up current theme…

*note* it is a zip file, but very compressed, so using 7zip or winrar to extract recommended…

I have a request for those trying it out… i have a pic below, and ill be adding color previews after that… anyways, the pic shows 2 different types of guages one that has empty center, aside from LED light in center, while the other type fades from black to transparent, and I wanna know which is better… also the themes only use the filled in semi-transparent type

Ok… sorry for all the notifications this last hour, but I figured out how to add picture previews using ‘gdlinks’ website, and had to test it, then update my pictures… they should show ok now…





For those who might wonder what app I used, i used GIMP 10.4 to edit the stock/unmodified pics I used to build it

Thank you to FntX above for his theme that started my customizing my guage needles, and I customized his nighttime red needle for my use…

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: August 16, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from FntX on June 29, 2018
I’d like to present you my most recent creation:
A theme which is based on the BMW E-series dashboard. It includes carefully crafted dials mainly for the N47 engine together with the corresponding set of PIDs.

The theme includes a day and night-time set so you get the right experience all day long!

Please read the included “How to use.txt” document carefully because it includes instructions on how to properly install it.

@piemmm: I’ve encountered several bugs when creating this theme and sent you an email about this :)

The main “quirk”, which is currently making things complicated, is the way Torque loads the dials for custom PIDs. You have to tab out and tab in into Torque in order to have all dials displayed.





So… i read your properties file, and I dont get exactly how you get your needle design to work in the theme… specifically, I don’t see anything that looks like it would apply a needle to the theme guages… *edit* I figured it out by copying some text from your properties.text file and I modified your needle.png so it glows… then copied both into my theme folder, and there ya go… i may still have questions but it looks good for now… i would like a different more stylised needle though, like say a clock needle with with an old style scroll or cutout effect, like the head of an old key for instance… ill need to figure out how to make it though…

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: September 29, 2018 (GMT)

Hello, I downloaded the theme “basic Amber / Black” and is perfect for my Alfa 156. I use the square dials with only digits I wanted to ask if it was possible to turn the squares into circles and readjust the writing. Thank you all

Posts: 3
Post Re: Themes
on: October 26, 2018 (GMT)

my new themes for smaal phones…

Posts: 3
Post Re: Themes
on: October 26, 2018 (GMT)

Posts: 9
Post Re: Themes
on: November 28, 2018 (GMT)

Been coming up to speed on creating a custom theme. One thing I have not been able to figure out is, how do you determine if a dial uses a ‘needle’ or ‘meter’ type indicator?

Posts: 9
Post Re: Themes
on: November 28, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from FntX on June 29, 2018
I’d like to present you my most recent creation:
A theme which is based on the BMW E-series dashboard. It includes carefully crafted dials mainly for the N47 engine together with the corresponding set of PIDs.

The theme includes a day and night-time set so you get the right experience all day long!

Please read the included “How to use.txt” document carefully because it includes instructions on how to properly install it.

@piemmm: I’ve encountered several bugs when creating this theme and sent you an email about this :)

The main “quirk”, which is currently making things complicated, is the way Torque loads the dials for custom PIDs. You have to tab out and tab in into Torque in order to have all dials displayed.





So I have seen equations reference A,B,C, etc however I have also seen equations reference r2:r3, etc… are they both acceptable and is there a mapping between them? (r1:A or r0:A, r2:B) etc???

Posts: 9
Post Re: Themes
on: November 29, 2018 (GMT)

Can anyone discuss as to how to supresd the red, yellow, green indicators on the dial such that they are hidden? Also can someone enlighten me as to contrast dashboards vs themes. Is a dashboard an organized layout using a theme?

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: December 14, 2018 (GMT)

You mean something like this???

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: December 14, 2018 (GMT)

Not sure on the text resizing, but I just changed a file in a subfolder of the hidden .Torque folder from dial_background.png to display_background.png…

Posts: 14
Post Re: Themes
on: December 14, 2018 (GMT)

Quote from Matteol79 on September 29, 2018
Hello, I downloaded the theme “basic Amber / Black” and is perfect for my Alfa 156. I use the square dials with only digits I wanted to ask if it was possible to turn the squares into circles and readjust the writing. Thank you all

I forgot to quote your question so as to tag you that i have a possible partial solution, which is my 2 posts above… if this even partially helps im glad to have been of assistance… let me know if it helps…

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