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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Themes

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Author Topic: Themes
Posts: 37
Post Re: Themes
on: March 25, 2016 (GMT)

I am trying to make my own theme but are coming up short for some of the PID’s for the extra dials. I am looking for a complete list of the dials for EG: Distance to empty PID and all the ones like my extra KIA ADVANCED ones which were put in from a plug in so i can make a custom dial. What is the best way to got about this.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: May 3, 2016 (GMT)


I want to create my own theme, but I cannot find the folder “/.torque/themeDir/” on my Samsung Galaxy 10.5, and also not on my Xiaomi Mi4c phone. I have the full version of Torque. Can somebody help me start? Did this folder change name? Or location?
[update] –> I found it on my Samsung 10.5 when using ASTRO explorer. It is in “Primary -> .torque -> themeDir”. I can see it in that APP, but when I connect my device to a computer I cannot see this folder (also not when I make hidden files visible). How can I then easily put files in this folder if I cannot see the folder in my Windows Explorer?

Thanks for the help :)

Let’s Go!

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Themes
on: May 3, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from RPieter on May 3, 2016

I want to create my own theme, but I cannot find the folder “/.torque/themeDir/” on my Samsung Galaxy 10.5, and also not on my Xiaomi Mi4c phone. I have the full version of Torque. Can somebody help me start? Did this folder change name? Or location?
[update] –> I found it on my Samsung 10.5 when using ASTRO explorer. It is in “Primary -> .torque -> themeDir”. I can see it in that APP, but when I connect my device to a computer I cannot see this folder (also not when I make hidden files visible). How can I then easily put files in this folder if I cannot see the folder in my Windows Explorer?

Thanks for the help :)

End Quote.

Set device file app to show hidden files. It works for my

Posts: 276
Post Re: Themes
on: May 3, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from RPieter on May 3, 2016

I want to create my own theme, but I cannot find the folder “/.torque/themeDir/” on my Samsung Galaxy 10.5, and also not on my Xiaomi Mi4c phone. I have the full version of Torque. Can somebody help me start? Did this folder change name? Or location?
[update] –> I found it on my Samsung 10.5 when using ASTRO explorer. It is in “Primary -> .torque -> themeDir”. I can see it in that APP, but when I connect my device to a computer I cannot see this folder (also not when I make hidden files visible). How can I then easily put files in this folder if I cannot see the folder in my Windows Explorer?

Thanks for the help :)


I move the files in the Samsung device with a file manager App and when I want to move it to and from the computer, I use a Download folder on the Samsung. I can’t see a folder with a “.” in front of it with Windows Vista.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: May 9, 2016 (GMT)

You cannot see the “.” folder if you use Windows. First, you have to copy the files from Windows to a visible folder on SamSung, such as “Download”. Next, you use the file manager app to move those files from “Download” to the “.” folder

Posts: 10
Post Re: Themes
on: June 2, 2016 (GMT)

I have no SD card option on my phone HTC One. I’ve created a themeDir in my .torque folder on the phone storage but the theme in there does not seem to work. Any advice?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Themes
on: July 12, 2016 (GMT)

Has there been any progress on the day/night auto-switching function so you can have two themes? I saw some talk about this over a year ago but nothing on here since.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: August 5, 2016 (GMT)

So where is this elusive theme server?


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: August 9, 2016 (GMT)

Day-night switching will come this month. I plan to do something funky with this so it takes into account the lat/lon as well to correctly calculate sundown (or use the light sensor as a fallback or something)

The theme server is internal to the app, and managed by myself, so if you have a theme you want to upload (no logos on the dials unfortunately due to trademarks and other legal stuff!) then email me and I’ll get them on the theme server (I currently have a small backlog of requests on this which I plan to do once the theme updates to the app are sent out)

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: August 10, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on August 9, 2016
Day-night switching will come this month. I plan to do something funky with this so it takes into account the lat/lon as well to correctly calculate sundown (or use the light sensor as a fallback or something)

The theme server is internal to the app, and managed by myself, so if you have a theme you want to upload (no logos on the dials unfortunately due to trademarks and other legal stuff!) then email me and I’ll get them on the theme server (I currently have a small backlog of requests on this which I plan to do once the theme updates to the app are sent out)

Day-night switching sounds good!
I’m building a Volkswagen MK7 theme, I’ll wait till this new version is released (also because of the needle bitmap) before I send it. Looking forward to it, keep up the good work :)

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: August 17, 2016 (GMT)

Working on a new theme, based on the VW Sport Hmi in the GTI/R models.
It’s nearing completion, although I would love to be able to increase the font scale of the value only. Changing global font scale leads to bigger fonts overall, but I’d like to be able to control the size of the value in the middle, that would make it perfect.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: August 17, 2016 (GMT)

OK, I’ll see what I can do on that – I wanted to change the scale here too but there was a bit of work involved to it was put back. Now I know you want it as well I’ll move it closer to the top of my jobs list!

Also, for the needle in those dials, in case you haven’t already done so,… don’t try to make it round, keep it at the standard dimensions (the width must be 1/10th the height). You can still acheive your effect by having the central bezel as part of the main dial, and then just the arrow bit as the whizzy bit going around. This will save a bucketload of CPU time as you are dealing with smaller graphics.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: August 17, 2016 (GMT)

If you opted into the beta, have a look at: (and the properties inside that) for an idea of what’s coming in the app

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: August 17, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on August 17, 2016
If you opted into the beta, have a look at: (and the properties inside that) for an idea of what’s coming in the app

Yes, I opted in a few days ago, didn’t realise that was possible. Had a lot of fun finding out the ‘rules’ of the needle and how to position it.(you can still see the help lines I drew in the screenshot above). The theme is becoming more advanced by the day. I’m adding comments to each entry in the properties.txt as a reference for other users. If you want to, I can make some photoshop templates for theme creators.

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: August 18, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from admin on August 17, 2016
If you opted into the beta, have a look at: (and the properties inside that) for an idea of what’s coming in the app

Checked out the theme, I’m really liking the “todo” things. I’ll try to incorporate those in my theme as well.
Also, are pid-specific needles possible, in a same way pid-specific backgrounds can be used? (haven’t tried this yet)

Posts: 43
Post Re: Themes
on: August 22, 2016 (GMT)

will there be other needle designs options? or just that one?
cuz i like the 2017 AMG GLS63 cluster needles or CLA 250 especially when it lights up in the night.

Posts: 16
Post Re: Themes
on: August 22, 2016 (GMT)

You can choose whatever graphic you want for the needle

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: September 1, 2016 (GMT)

I get “unable to use the selected background image” when I try set one. Its a normal JPG that works with everything other app. Any help?
Thanks in advance

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: September 16, 2016 (GMT)


If you can’t set a background image, then use a theme first and then you should then find that you can apply your own background image

(the above is a small workaround as the theme directory didn’t exist until you use a theme. Once you do the above once it’ll be fine from then on – I’ve fixed this in the beta, it’s just pending release)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: September 16, 2016 (GMT)

Newbie question but google couldn’t get em the answer…

Is the themes server broken?

Trying to choose a theme and I get back:
” Unable to get list of themes: length=1 index=1 ”

I have a strong WiFi to the tablet.

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