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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Themes

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Author Topic: Themes
Posts: 6634
Post Themes
on: June 1, 2010 (GMT)

Theme authors – Due to Android 12 changes, please update your theme apps to use the updated API (of which a really easy example is given you can literally copy and paste for the most part):

Hello, this thread is for posting themes to be included in the theme server part of Torque, if you have made a theme and think it’s good enough that others would enjoy it then post it here (and thanks!)

Information about themes can be found at: and also by downloading one and examining the zip archive. To try them out, follow the instructions on the blog posts linked above

Please also look at the example theme plugin which allows you to provide themes directly to android:

Want anything extra? Let me know and I can add support for it

If you have a theme you would like to share, post it to me on and I’ll add it to the theme server!


Posts: 9
Post Re: Themes
on: June 1, 2010 (GMT)

Here’s one I call Road Rash.


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: June 1, 2010 (GMT)

Well that puts my graphic skills to shame :-) Now available on the theme server, thanks!!

Allan Walker
Posts: 3
Post Re: Themes
on: November 18, 2010 (GMT)


Here’s a simple black on black – I’ve called it OEM

Can I ask, is there a demand for a white dial on black background – or is this impossible due to the default font colours on torque being white and yellow?

IT Consultant based in Glasgow, Scotland

Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: November 30, 2010 (GMT)

i’d love to be able to define the colors, numbers, and fonts used for gauges.

to make themes that match the the gauges in my cars.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Themes
on: January 8, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Guys,
I’m a bit of a noob at this but I noticed none of the graphs here have a framework around them. The one issue I have with the software is the real estate the art takes up.

I’m a simple man and the graphs in the samephotos look great, is there any way I can have mine the same without borders?
Everytime I click Add display, Graph, MAF I get one with a border!

Eric D
Posts: 1
Post Re: Themes
on: January 13, 2011 (GMT)

Anything new for themes? I’m not sure where I should be placing the ZIP file for the themes on my HTC EVO. Can anyone suggest where the zip should be with directory names? Thanks!!

Corvette Gear Head.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: January 19, 2011 (GMT)

I’ll put something in the wiki in Feb after the next update is out on how to set things up

Thanks for pointing it out


Posts: 4
Post Re: Themes
on: January 22, 2011 (GMT)

Is it possible to

1. Specify the needle color
2. Specify the tick mark colors
The properties file has provisions for specifying the colors but nothing seems to work.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Themes
on: February 15, 2011 (GMT)

I would love to personalise the needle and number colours too, try match it the car

Posts: 1
Post PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Theme
on: March 1, 2011 (GMT)

Hi all!

Just wanted to chime in to let everyone know that I have created a new theme for Torque, only after having the program for a few hours. I LOVE IT! Ian, you’ve done a great job, and I look forward to the development of this app.

Anyways, in regards to the inspiration of my theme, it is actually based on my HTC Sense mod (for Desire) located here – – I wanted to keep everything consistent with my phone’s UI (as I like to dabble a lot being a web designer), and this is what I came up with. I may update it, and if Ian likes it, I am hoping that he can put it in the Theme Database within the app. If so, as per the other themes, I would call it “PCB”, with a description of “A printed circuit board inspired theme.” by George Merlocco (not to get ahead of myself in case it’s not worthy of being in the official list!)

BTW, the font is the default Android lockscreen. It can be downloaded as a flashable .zip (for Rooted/Expert) users here –

OK anyways, here’s some screenies (sorry for the high resolution, but you need to see the detail! Plus, they look really nice on the device screen)…I hope you enjoy it!

You can also download the .zip file (which you must rename to “” and place in ‘\SDCARD\.torque’) from here:

[OFF-TOPIC] Sorry Ian, but I also wanted to ask about the possibility to host the logging server ourselves. I am a little weary of uploading my personal data to your server (no offense!). I know it probably opens up a whole other can of worms with respect to supporting the installation, etc. of a MySQL/PHP portion of this app, but more advanced users may just enjoy a clean .sql script as well as your .php files so we could run it ourselves. Forgive me if I missed this in another thread, and for not posting it in the “feature requests” monster thread :)

Cheers and thanks for such a great app!

Posts: 11
Post Re: Themes
on: March 12, 2011 (GMT)

Hey, I am working on some custom Themes for Torque. How do I get to the Theme server to upload?

Pro Photographer, Graphic Designer.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: March 12, 2011 (GMT)


Hi, thats a cool theme :)

When you’ve got a good theme, post it to this thread, and I’ll get around to packaging it up for the theme server – This should usually take around a week or so (most of the time it’s down to me checking this thread), if I’ve not looked, then feel free to drop me an email using the ‘contact developer’ button

I’ll see about getting that theme uploaded in the next couple of days!

Posts: 11
Post Re: Themes
on: March 13, 2011 (GMT)

Here is the current theme I am working on called “Hot Dial”. Few tweaks left to the needle and marker colors and then I will ship it off to Ian.

Let me know what you think.


Pro Photographer, Graphic Designer.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Themes
on: March 15, 2011 (GMT)

It’s looking good! What colors are you going to put the needles and markers?

Quote from ADWheeler on March 13, 2011, 07:41
Here is the current theme I am working on called “Hot Dial”. Few tweaks left to the needle and marker colors and then I will ship it off to Ian.

Let me know what you think.


Posts: 2
Post Re: Themes
on: March 17, 2011 (GMT)

Is there anyway to specify the colour of the font in a theme? I would like to be able to set the colour for the description, as well set a different colour for the value.

Also, it would be great if we could provide a different background for each “screen” this would allow me to easily add a custom background and then place the values into it.

Thanks, keep up the great work.

Posts: 31
Post Re: Themes
on: March 20, 2011 (GMT)

Is there a way to modify the colour of the needle ?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Themes
on: March 20, 2011 (GMT)

At the moment no, but next weekend I will release 1.4.18 which will hopefully give you text/needle colour options – please bear with me on this

Posts: 31
Post Re: Themes
on: March 20, 2011 (GMT)


Posts: 31
Post Re: Themes
on: March 21, 2011 (GMT)

I’ve seen that you put the line in the txt file to change the needle color, but how can i modify it ?
In which format must i put the color ?


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