This tutorial references the following 2 PDFs;
We need to fill in the following fields on Torque
Long Name
Short Name
Min Value
Max Value
Scale Factor
Unit Type
with the following from SGII
As we go through the tutorial I will use the following for an example
Engine Oil Temperature 07E0221310 046245130610 3010 00090005F05F EOT Degrees F
This field comes from the TXD of the SGII file. There are 2 flavors, CAN (controller Area Network) and the rest of the older OBD2 protocols. If it is CAN, you want to use all the characters after “07DF” or “07E0”. If it is “07E1”, then Torque will likely not work for this gauge as the ELM327 may need specific instructions to communicate the transmission control module.
For all the other protocols, you want to use all the characters after the “F1”.
Our example: 221310
Long Name
Take this value from the GAUGE field
Our example: Engine Oil Temperature
Short Name
Take this value from the NAM field
Our Example: EOT
These are really determined by the data you are gathering and can be set up after you have your equation. Torque does a pretty good job of rescaling gauges if the data over steps the range.
Scale Factor
I always leave this as 1 because we can scale in the equation if we need to. However, SGII may do some prescaling that you should be aware of before you implement your equation.
Unit Type
Take this value for the notes field
Our example: F
Now for the most complicated part.
First look at the RXD field. Don’t worry about the first 2 characters. If the second 2 characters are “08”, then you have 1 byte of data and you will only need an “A” in your equation. If the second 2 characters are “10”, then you have 2 bytes of data and you will need to start off your equation like ((A*256)+B). Don’t ask why. This isn’t a lesson in hexadecimal.
Our example: “10”-> ((A*256)+B)
Now look at the MTH field. It is separated in 3 sections. It may look like this 00090005F05F. The first 4 characters (0009 in our example) are the multiplier. These values are in hex so you must convert them to decimal. Open up the windows calculator and makes sure it is set to scientific view. Click the hex circle and enter in the first 4 characters. Then click the decimal circle. The value displayed is what you want to use in torque. Repeat this step for the second 4 characters (0005 in our example) and you will have the divisor. The final four are the trickiest. If you have an F,E,D,C,B,A,9,8 as the first character as we do in our example, then this will be a negative number. To calculate this use windows calculator and set it to HEX. Enter the value and click XOR and enter “FFFE”. Click “=”, then click the decimal circle and you will see what value you have to subtract from the equation. If there isn’t, then we will be adding this value. And you proceed the same as with the multiply and divide to the value.
Our example: 9/5-4001
The final thing to pay attn to is the RXF field. Which may look like 046245130610. Pay close attn to 0462->4-5130610. If you see a 4 here, then your data must be multiplied by 100. If you see an 8, then your data must be multiplied by 10. If it is 0, then don’t worry about this part.
Our example: *100
Final equation: ((A*256)+B)*100*(9/5)-4001
This is only a guide and not a bible. If you can’t get data for a PID it can me two things, you entered it wrong or your car doesn’t support it. Just b/c your car as a certain sensor it does NOT mean your vehicle will support the PID to get that data.