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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Adapters with '11:22:33:DD:EE:FF' - try to avoid

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Author Topic: Adapters with '11:22:33:DD:EE:FF' - try to avoid
Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: November 10, 2014 (GMT)

I bougt one of these cheap adapters.
Unfortunately connecting to Torque Pro seems to be very hard. It worked in a few times (once connected everythin works very good).

To my surprise other android apps like Bosch-Fun2drive and OBD-car-doctor always connect my Galaxy S3 (Cyanogenmod 11, Nightly Build) without problems to a Golf V TDI.

So the adapter generally works.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: November 10, 2014 (GMT)

Quote from Freywild on November 10, 2014
I bougt one of these cheap adapters.
Unfortunately connecting to Torque Pro seems to be very hard. It worked in a few times (once connected everythin works very good).

To my surprise other android apps like Bosch-Fun2drive and OBD-car-doctor always connect my Galaxy S3 (Cyanogenmod 11, Nightly Build) without problems to a Golf V TDI.

So the adapter generally works.

With my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 (Android 4.4.2.) everything works perfect (same Car, same adapter)…

Posts: 646
Post Re: Adapters with
on: November 10, 2014 (GMT)

one thing i have seen is that craked version of the software that come from time to time with the adapter won’t work

but will work with a lidgit version..

could be be because of the version to, nothing to do with craked or not

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 4, 2014 (GMT)

Hi All,

I received my mini ELM327 V1.5 OBD2 ODBII Bluetooth today and tested with my in-car android 4.2.2 unit.

At the time of pairing it was found and paired quickly and did not ask for the code but “Torque Lite” can not find it. ” Bluetooth not enabled!(sleeping 60sec).

If I disconnect the ODB unit from car then I get msg “No paired Bluetooth device” in Torque.

I have contacted the seller and he advised the nothing is wrong with the ELM327 its the issue with Head-unit where OPP stack is locked.

need help.


Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 9, 2014 (GMT)

I bought app Torque Pro. I have a phone Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005. The phone Android 4.4.2 and root. I joined adapter and everything was functional. Phone offered me an update on Android. Before I always do such updating – Full Wipe. I did it and I installed everything again. But I have a problem with your application. Pairing do, but I do not to connect to the adapter. I tried to install the application from the competition OBD Car Doctor Free and it works without problems.
Torque is absolutely gorgeous and fantastic application. I know this because I work properly.
For the same phone as now not operational. With the same adapter as before. Developer and its creator – Ian Hawkins did a great fair job, but …

I have successfully solved the problem, and again everything is functional.

Continuing in a separate topic:

Posts: 12
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 3, 2015 (GMT)

I have had this adapter since I originally purchased the Torque app, never had a problem, worked great till the last couple times I have tried to use it on my Subaru. I dont understand how you claim its the adapter when it worked perfectly and now doesnt (but only with your app, I have had to revert to a free app for my Subaru. Works perfectly with the free app, why not fix your app?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: April 23, 2015 (GMT)

Hey guys I’m new here I have a blue tooth adapter made by launch I got it off the Marco truck it works with there diag app but that’s all it does I wanna use the live data this app offers I have purchased the torque app. any one know if this works it says connected but just says configuring interface It seems to work with reading codes tho

Thanks guys

Posts: 13
Post Re: Adapters with
on: October 16, 2015 (GMT)

Quote from only126db on March 3, 2015
I have had this adapter since I originally purchased the Torque app, never had a problem, worked great till the last couple times I have tried to use it on my Subaru. I dont understand how you claim its the adapter when it worked perfectly and now doesnt (but only with your app, I have had to revert to a free app for my Subaru. Works perfectly with the free app, why not fix your app?

Same here, used to work just fine w the cheap adapter on several different cars with several different cheapie adapters. Now it quit working.
I installed ECU access tester and it connects and communicates just fine w the cheapie adapter over bluetooth.
Torque is BROKEN.
What is even worse, no response from the support people. I did pay for it.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 31, 2016 (GMT)

Another variant seen in the field: 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC.

No way that’s a real MAC address.

I saw this MAC address on a very cheap (.99) Bluetooth adapter (Amazon product # B005M1AVFQ), which appears to be a knockoff of a much more expensive one, as seen in the “Clone Adapters” page of the Torque wiki, The one being imitated seems to be the obd2world ELM329 Adapter. The general appearance of and markings on the cheap one are nearly identical to those of the obd2world product.

The knockoff adapter connected, but data drops out sometimes for no obvious reason. Considering this with the obviously faked MAC address, I wasn’t very happy with the quality of the device.

I requested to return the cheap adapter for a refund, but the vendor gave me a refund without requiring that I return it. I plan to disassemble the adapter to examine its construction & verify whether it uses a genuine ELM 327 chip. Bet it doesn’t, even though it reported itself as “ELM 1.5.”

While my car is old enough (1998) that it probably doesn’t “need” the features of newer ELM 327 versions, I’d rather have the real thing.

1998 Mercury Grand Marquis LS

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: May 11, 2016 (GMT)

Torque must have changed it’s code. I have an blue ELM apter that has been working for a year. Now Torque gives me a MSG (which it never did before) saying it doesn’t work with ebay ODBC devices. It pairs find with my tablet just not with Torque?


Posts: 6
Post Re: Adapters with
on: June 1, 2016 (GMT)

Strange thing happened to me with the ELM327.

With my other dongle I can read everything to include the transmission.

With the ELM327 I can read everything except the transmission.


Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: October 8, 2016 (GMT)

Bought a BLUE version of the ELM327 OBD11.

Dynavin 4.4.4 KITKAT radio

Cannot get the BT to work on this radio – works fine on my Samsung with android 5.xx

Any reason why not? device doesn’t want to even pair on the 4.4.4.


Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

I have had trouble with my ELM obd2, has been fine up until recently I upgraded. Now it cannot connect to my ECU. unfortunately there are no templates for the MGFT and dispite once finding what the protocol it was has unset my setup. It connect the obd2 bit won’t talk to the eco.

I can say was working two days ago until I tried it yesterday.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: October 23, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from mf70 on December 6, 2013
I’ve got the ELM327 unit sold by “supertiger” on eBay item #190900535147. It is one with the infamous MAC address.

I had trouble entering the PIN of “1234”. It turned out that it must be entered in the first 60 seconds of the connection.

After that, performance has been exemplary.


Try plugging it in when the engin is running then start torque, works on mine. Also try 0000 for the Bluetooth pin

Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: June 22, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from admin on March 10, 2013

There are some very crude OBD2 adapters now starting to show up with a MAC address of 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF

If you have friends with an adapter like this, or have multiple adapters, with this same address, then be aware that you will not be able to use them at the same time whilst in range of each other.

The MAC address (- the ’11:22:33:DD:EE:FF’ bit) should be unique – unfortunately for these adapters they are not and this means that you may have issues trying to talk to these adapters if another one with the same MAC address is in range

Also, these adapters appear to have persistent ‘enter pin’ issues – if you have to repeatedly enter the PIN each time you have reset the adapter (powered it down, and then powered it back up) then you will need to get the adapter replaced.

Unfortunately the PIN issue lies with the adapter and there is nothing I can do to work around this in the app(it is not a software problem) – the adapter hardware needs to be fixed :-/

I have added a note to the wiki page about these new clone adapters.

I don’t even have to check and look at what I bought because I got mine off of AliExpress and only paid for my OBD2 scanner I know it’s cheap but everything seems to be working flawlessly on it and I’m actually pretty thrilled and I love it. : / : /

Tech geek. Auto freak. I love all devices fairly.
Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: June 27, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from admin on March 10, 2013

There are some very crude OBD2 adapters now starting to show up with a MAC address of 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF

If you have friends with an adapter like this, or have multiple adapters, with this same address, then be aware that you will not be able to use them at the same time whilst in range of each other.

The MAC address (- the ’11:22:33:DD:EE:FF’ bit) should be unique – unfortunately for these adapters they are not and this means that you may have issues trying to talk to these adapters if another one with the same MAC address is in range

Also, these adapters appear to have persistent ‘enter pin’ issues – if you have to repeatedly enter the PIN each time you have reset the adapter (powered it down, and then powered it back up) then you will need to get the adapter replaced.

Unfortunately the PIN issue lies with the adapter and there is nothing I can do to work around this in the app(it is not a software problem) – the adapter hardware needs to be fixed :-/

I have added a note to the wiki page about these new clone adapters.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: July 26, 2019 (GMT)

So I tried today to use the plug-in for the repeater between my andriod radio and my Google pixel. Didn’t work . Anuone know why ?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: July 26, 2019 (GMT)

So I tried today to use the plug-in for the repeater between my andriod radio and my Google pixel. Didn’t work . Anuone know why ?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: July 29, 2019 (GMT)

I cheaped out, and got this one coming. It’s not here yet.
Do you think it will be OK?
[admin link removed]

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Adapters with
on: July 29, 2019 (GMT)


It looks like it works with the app – any ELM327 adapter should function correctly with Torque, so check with the seller to make sure they have a returns policy should the unit be defective (most do as they don’t want bad feedback, so if there’s an issue, talk to the seller as they will always try to help)

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