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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Adapters with '11:22:33:DD:EE:FF' - try to avoid

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Author Topic: Adapters with '11:22:33:DD:EE:FF' - try to avoid
Posts: 6634
Post Adapters with
on: March 10, 2013 (GMT)


There are some very crude OBD2 adapters now starting to show up with a MAC address of 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF

If you have friends with an adapter like this, or have multiple adapters, with this same address, then be aware that you will not be able to use them at the same time whilst in range of each other.

The MAC address (- the ’11:22:33:DD:EE:FF’ bit) should be unique – unfortunately for these adapters they are not and this means that you may have issues trying to talk to these adapters if another one with the same MAC address is in range

Also, these adapters appear to have persistent ‘enter pin’ issues – if you have to repeatedly enter the PIN each time you have reset the adapter (powered it down, and then powered it back up) then you will need to get the adapter replaced.

Unfortunately the PIN issue lies with the adapter and there is nothing I can do to work around this in the app(it is not a software problem) – the adapter hardware needs to be fixed :-/

I have added a note to the wiki page about these new clone adapters.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 11, 2013 (GMT)

Pretty sure that is the one I just got, through the newegg sale. Works ok for me, other than the pin thing, but that is a minor annoyance for me.

David Robinson
Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 18, 2013 (GMT)

Interesting, I am waiting for delivery of a 1.5 ELM 327 Bluetooth OBD Scan adapter from ebay.
I know its too late now but is it possible to identify the ones with iffy Mac addresses before buying?

Posts: 13
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 21, 2013 (GMT)

I just joined the forum looking for an answer to this problem.

I was hopeing to suggest that the app be setup to save the pin code and auto enter it as needed.

But after reading the developers statement above, it does not seem likely this would be a fix.

I expect there is a security measure in the O/S that prevents an APP from entering its own PIN thus preventing someone from brute force attack on ‘showing’ BT devices.


takeing it up with the EBAY seller…..

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 22, 2013 (GMT)

I just registered JUST to answer this problem. I just realized that my Bluetooth reader has that same MAC address and I had the pass code issue as well – until I purchased Torque Pro. I’d highly recommend purchasing Pro anyhow just for the added features. Plus, this guy has made a truly amazing app! I’m a data junky, so all the logging really impresses me and those I work with. I’m also looking forward to setting up my own torque.php page to log my data on my SQL Server.

Anyhow, I’m pretty certain the paid app won’t have to re-sync Bluetooth each time.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 23, 2013 (GMT)


It only asks for the pin when the adapter itself is power-cycled. (if the adapter is left in and powered up, then it’s fine on each start of the app)

It’s a bit difficult sometimes, as the app usually gets the blame for all kinds of weird adapter issues with some of the cheap clones :-/

Posts: 13
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 25, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from BAReese on March 22, 2013
I just registered JUST to answer this problem. I just realized that my Bluetooth reader has that same MAC address and I had the pass code issue as well – until I purchased Torque Pro. I’d highly recommend purchasing Pro anyhow just for the added features. Plus, this guy has made a truly amazing app! I’m a data junky, so all the logging really impresses me and those I work with. I’m also looking forward to setting up my own torque.php page to log my data on my SQL Server.

Anyhow, I’m pretty certain the paid app won’t have to re-sync Bluetooth each time.

I had upgraded to Pro b4 I joined, there was no change to the behaivior for me.

Ebay Seller is sending me a new BT part to DIY install in the unit. If this doesnt work, I will install one of my BT circuts from my Arduino projects.
I ordered another unit from another seller anyhow, I picked this one up cause it was tiny. Got a short right angle cable to use so I can relocate the larger unit I just ordered.

I dont blame the app, its clear to me that its the BT circut.
I was only hopeing a work around might be possible.
But I understand why it is not.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Adapters with
on: April 2, 2013 (GMT)

Just an FYI, strangest thing, installed JellyBean, problem solved!!!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Adapters with
on: June 11, 2013 (GMT)

I just got a ELM 327 and I am having problems pairing.

I get: Cannot establish communication with 00:1D:4F:8B:9F:29

There is another blue tooth device CHX which keeps rejecting my passwords 1234,0000 and 6789.

Am I screwed??

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Adapters with
on: June 13, 2013 (GMT)

You should be able to talk to the adapter if you have the right PIN – if you cannot pair the phone with the adapter then you will likely be using the wrong bluetooth PIN

The only thing you can do in this instance is ask the adapter vendor for what they have set the bluetooth PIN to for that device

Posts: 3
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 6, 2013 (GMT)

I’ve got the ELM327 unit sold by “supertiger” on eBay item #190900535147. It is one with the infamous MAC address.

I had trouble entering the PIN of “1234”. It turned out that it must be entered in the first 60 seconds of the connection.

After that, performance has been exemplary.


Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 22, 2013 (GMT)

Any Reason that since the update my adapter now cannot talk to my car i never had this problem till the update and now i have to keep entering the pin i never had to do that before the update either!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 23, 2013 (GMT)

Mick> unfortunately it sounds like your adapter may have chosen that moment to stop functioning

Nothing has changed in the OBD handling side of things for several updates that would affect connectivity to the adapter (there are also several unit tests that are run before each update is sent out to verify that everything is working properly)

Check that a settings hasn’t inadvertently been changed and that you aren’t in range of another 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF bluetooth device (as these will interfere with each other and prevent reliable connections)

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: December 24, 2013 (GMT)

This is pure nonsense, my adapter use to work flawlessly and now with the update it no longer works! Yes it does have the Fake MAC address but the odds of another fake one in range is slim, tried it multiple locations now :(

I am running Android 4.3 on galaxy note 2
Im not sure which update broke it but Torque and Android updated (4.2 or 4.1 to 4.3 I cant remember the original version)

Is it possible to obtain an old version of torque?

Festa T
Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: January 1, 2014 (GMT)

The issue is your phone unfortunately. Samsung have stopped the role out of 4.3 due to Bluetooth issues. Its not likely to be resolved any time soon if the forums are anything to go by. Not happy.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: January 4, 2014 (GMT)

Least found a work around for this that seems to be working for me.

disconnect my Headunit bluetooth connection
Connect the adaptor and as quickly as you can enter the password and go to real time stats and it works.

then connect headunit bluetooth.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: January 24, 2014 (GMT)


I’m a brand new user, and this sounds like it could be similar to my issue, but I’m not sure. Here goes:

I already have dual Aeroforce Interceptor gauges mounted in my dash. I purchased an ODBII splitter cable, and a cheap ELM-327 (probably a mistake, and possibly my problem. I think I did notice the MAC is 11:22:33:DD:EE:FF when I went to pair it).

My goal is to mount a 10 inch table in the car, to be used when I’m at the track.

I only have the free version of the app so far, as I wanted to try it out first. But what I have found so far is that if the Aeroforces and the BT adapter are both plugged in, the Aeroforces seem to work, but the Torque app says searching protcol, or something like that. If I plug in the adapter and not the gauges, I can at least get the torque app to talk to the car (can see engine RPM change) I tried switching the setting about ELM327 auto timing adjust, to no avail.

So, do you think this may be solved by upgrading the app? I kind of doubt that. But, in your opinion, will buying a more expensive BT adapter allow me to do what I want, or am I going to be stuck unplugging my Aeroforces anytime I want the gauges on the tablet to be active?

Since one works and the other doesn’t, I wonder if it is just a MAC address conflict.

Thanks in advance.

Edit…I’ve been thinking….that MAC address is on the Bluetooth “side” of the equation. So it’s not a Bluetooth issue, because these gauges are wired. But it looks like some kind of conflict on the ODBII “side”. So, now I guess my question is, what, if anything, can be done about the apparent conflict between the Aeroforce gauges and the BT adapter/Torque combination?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Adapters with
on: February 14, 2014 (GMT)

I just purchased an Adapter on Ebay and connects fine to my 2000 GTP and wife’s 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Adapters with
on: March 9, 2014 (GMT)

Hi all….New member here and love the torque program. bought an ELM 327 from Amazon and have had no real issues as of yet. sometimes it asks for Bluetooth password and sometimes it doesn’t, not really a big deal if it does. Not sure if this is the correct topic or not to ask this question but I have had this happen 2 times now on my 2002 Toyota Sequoia where the ABS and VSC lights flash rather quickly about 15 times and then shut off off?? Truck seems to run fine when this happens but I thought this was kinda odd. possibly a glitch somewhere in the whole system where it is trying to process to much info?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Adapters with
on: November 4, 2014 (GMT)

I am a new user, bought an ebay ELM327 mini in the somewhat clear blue plastic package. Phone is a Samsung Galaxy Light T399, with eek, current android guessing 4.3 something. Car is a 1999 Lincoln, currently using the free version of Torque to see how I like it. I also have two wired OBDII scanners, cheap generic, and Autoeninuity full Ford package, both work without issue, are are not handy for quick parameter monitoring.

Bluetooth has nasty mac ID, pairs with 1234, but I get no data with apparently protocol failures and then seems like bluetooth link is also lost. Same behavior, with a bit better explanation of what is going on with Dash something.

So far complained to vendor, so refund or replacement likely, but I have not purchased a second one yet.

I read a good amount about the adapters, and seemed like it was a roll of the dice at all price points less than +. If I am going to pay that much I would prefer the money goes to the software developer.

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