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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)

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Author Topic: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
Posts: 1
Post Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: January 5, 2013 (GMT)

Torque works well on a Porsche Boxster and BMW X3, but perhaps not surprisingly, I wasn’t able to get it to associate with the ECU on my BMW ActiveE electric car.

Is there any relevant data that can be read from the OBD2 port of electric cars like a ActiveE, Nissan Leaf, or Tesla Model S?

– Murray

Posts: 1
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: January 6, 2013 (GMT)

As a follow-on question – I have a Nissan LEAF and with it as well, Torque will connect to my OBD-II adapter (a PLX Kiwi Bluetooth), but not to the ECU.

From what I’ve been able to read on the ‘net, the LEAF is not OBD-II compliant (since it has no engine, only a motor), but instead does all of its communication over 3 CAN buses (the “standard” one at pins 6 & 14, as well as an EV-specific one at pins 12 & 13 and an AV one at pins 11 & 3).

Is it possible to have Torque not attempt OBD-II communication, but instead use only the CAN bus?

Nissan LEAF owner

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: January 7, 2013 (GMT)


The diagnostic bus is the default – if this is CAN then the adapter will switch to CAN mode (this is done by the adapter itself).

If no ECU replies to ‘0100’ (a standard ECU command for pretty much any vehicle to see what PIDs are supported) then it’s not OBD2 compliant, and this means that Torque may be unable to locate the ECU

You may need in this instance to use the alternate init string in the vehicle profile settings (have a look at the help link for the kinds of info to put in there)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: October 2, 2013 (GMT)

Anyone had any luck in getting to work with the leaf?

Posts: 518
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: October 2, 2013 (GMT)


Does torque not issue 0100/010C etc if there’s an init string? i.e. does this disable the “scanning for ECU”?

Mr. Bill
Posts: 1
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: March 11, 2014 (GMT)

I’m also looking for EV support – in my case a rare one, the Coda Sedan. Leaf owners have the Leaf Spy app available, but there are only about 120 Codas out there, and Leaf Spy doesn’t work for them.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: September 23, 2014 (GMT)

Could you please add EV support for the Coda sedan? Thanks
Posts: 2
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: August 20, 2023 (GMT)

Can you please add support for Tata and Mahindra EV. we are waiting for this updtae

Nexonev user from India

Posts: 1
Post Re: Electric Cars (BMW ActiveE, Leaf, Tesla)
on: May 26, 2024 (GMT)

Another Leaf user.

Was all frustrated the ECU was not detected: until I realized that the Leaf does not have an ECU (Engine Control Unit, though LeafSpy Documentation calls ALL the modules in the car Electronic Control Units).

I installed the app becuase I was hoping for more detailed reports than what LeafSpy offers.

In particular I want to check for any logged Data Transmission Errors (DTEs) during fast charge attempts. The older CHAdeMO chargers in my area require me to hold down the START button for 3-5 seconds.

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