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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Changelog

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Author Topic: Torque Changelog
59 Morris
Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on January 3, 2022

Looks like the manufacturer of the device hasn’t put all the required bits on it

Another user had a similar problem with (probably a badged) similar unit – he found that installing ‘Filemanager Plus’ fixed his issues as it provided the missing android functionality

Installing Filemanager Plus solved the error when trying to import/export PIDs and getting the file picker error.

I still have a problem with scrambled video with certain objects. The background image is scrambled (diagonal lines) and gauges (RPM for instance) of sizes larger than “medium” have scrambled backgrounds within the gauge as well.

1959 Morris Minor Traveller
Restored and EV converted.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks – the other user had that issue as well, though he was on an earlier version of android that had the same bug

I’ll see what I can do in the next .244 beta update to workaround the os bug for you – I think I have enough information to be able to do this

Edit: This should now be fixed for you as well in the latest beta

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 4, 2022 (GMT)

Hey brother, how are you? ??

Great job on getting around and updating the app ?? I am a ford Powerstroke user and noticed that with this last update the MPG’s both average and long term and the Fuel remaining gauges are no longer working.

I really hope you take the time to reply as I have been a faithful paid user for years and am planning to stay aboard

Oh yeah 2 request:

1) can you please update the Torque Widget app to work with android 10

2) can you give a (fuel gallons remaining) rather than (fuel %) option

Once again thanks again and hope to hear from you soon brother, keep up the good work ????????????

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 4, 2022 (GMT)


If you’re on the latest version from Google Play then the gauges should be working as there was a bug in older versions preventing them from working

Also make sure you’ve not got the ‘Don’t calculate Fuel/MPG’ option enabled in the OBD2 settings

If accurate MPG is important then consider also enabling ‘enhanced MPG calculation’ (if you have not already done so!)

I’ve looked at the Torque Widget on Android 10+ – there’s some new restrictions Google have placed on widgets which make them no longer power efficient use (but I’m still investigating workarounds on this as the functionality to detect if the widget is visible is no longer present in later versions of android) Expect some updates on this when I find solutions as I’m currently going through all parts of the app and plugins sorting things out!

I’ll see what I can do about the remaining gals – should be relatively straightforward

59 Morris
Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 5, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on January 3, 2022

Thanks – the other user had that issue as well, though he was on an earlier version of android that had the same bug

I’ll see what I can do in the next .244 beta update to workaround the os bug for you – I think I have enough information to be able to do this

Edit: This should now be fixed for you as well in the latest beta

All the problems I mentioned are fixed in the Jan 4 Beta!!
BTW, thanks for all the work you do on this App. It is perhaps the most useful App I have found.

1959 Morris Minor Traveller
Restored and EV converted.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 10, 2022 (GMT)

Howdy. Is it possible to include an oil pressure PID? I’m surprised it isn’t there already. Thanks!

Posts: 1
Post Torque su can bas autoradio android cinese
on: January 10, 2022 (GMT)

Ciao a tutti, senza utilizzare una OBD in quanto il bluethot è occupato sul cell o la rete wirele che magari hai una autoradio che si collega in thetering al cellulare volevo fare questa domanda:

è possibile utilizzare il Torque pro con autoradio conese android 10 ed utilizzare il can bas della stessa aautoradio per ricevere i vari segnali (autoradio in can bas che comanda orologio, vede altri sensori della macchina ecc).

Sempre più gli utenti più “smanettoni” hanno nelle loro macchine installate autoradio android cinesi o altre per cui sarebbe bello poter utilizzare il can bas anche per questa app così da non dover mettere ulteriori periferiche (non è per il costo perioferica che su aliexpress le trovi per 2 o 3 euro ma proprio per il funzionamento del tutto così diventa tutto integrato all’automobile).

Grazie a chi mi potrà aiutare a far questo (spero la stessa Torque).

Buona giornata a tutti

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 10, 2022 (GMT)


È possibile, se stai usando la radio Android, ma ha bisogno del produttore di rilasciare l’API su come parlare effettivamente con quella parte della radio (al momento non ho accesso a quell’aPI) – Avrai bisogno Per ottenere il produttore per rilasciare tali informazioni o metterlo online e quindi il supporto potenzialmente può essere aggiunto per questo (lungo le linee di una delle cose DBC che sto lavorando al momento)

Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 10, 2022 (GMT)

Got a strange issue with the Nissan EX plugin PID’s. Torque is able to poll them on the first round, but it’s not able to pull them after that. If I go into add display from the dashboard, they show up with a red background, and “No Data” displayed under the name.

I’ve tried re-importing the PID’s from the plugin, and restarting the app, as well as the phone (running Torque 1.10.258 on Android 11)

If you need logs or other info, please let me know.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 12, 2022 (GMT)

Torque Pro 1.10.258 – I updated my previous version to this latest one, and lost all my settings.

I had saved the vehicles and dashboards so I tried to import them, they could not be found.
They do exist in the phone.
Samsung Galaxy A31 running Andoid 11
Torque folders all under .torque
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?
I was actually doing the upgrade to see if PIDs were available for Mitsubishi Outlander TPMS tyre pressure sensors.
The car does not display the pressures, simply an alert if one is low.

UK – Hampshire
Engineer, retired.
2017 Outlander PHEV 4HS (For the Head)
2015 SLK55 (For the Heart)

lode runner
Posts: 5
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

I already sent email.

10.258 version have 2 bugs

I tested by 2 smartphones,
one is android version 4.4.2
the other is android 7.0

2 smartphones show same results.

2 bugs

(1) Custom odometer PID does not update realtime value.

It updates well on old version.

(2) awesomeit plug-in does not work perfectly.

It does not detect just one, DPF temperature.

DPF temp. also shows very well in realtime on old version.

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

PIDs TPMS Outlander III
init string

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

Redcar: Because of changes to android and requirements of Google Play to target those changes, the .torque folder had to move into the local app storage (as cintakc has pointed out the new path in his post above).
Unfortunately this change had to happen as a condition of being able to update the app. The data should have been copied over automatically however

lode runner: the plugin author may need to update the plugin depending on how he was requesting the data – may be worth contacting them to let them know as they may not be aware

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

Thanks for the info.
So I should copy the contents and subfolders from .torque to
Or is it
Android/data/org.prowl.torque/.torque ?

I looked at the folder Android/data/ in Device memory, it exists but it is empty.

So next I open the new app and create a test vehicle and test dashboard, and save them. The dashboard is shown if I try to import one.

Neither are anywhere to be found in device memory, not in the folders above for sure.
I have tried two file managers with show system files on.

Any ideas ?

UK – Hampshire
Engineer, retired.
2017 Outlander PHEV 4HS (For the Head)
2015 SLK55 (For the Heart)

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from cintakc on January 15, 2022
PIDs TPMS Outlander III
init string

Thanks, this looks encouraging.
I downloaded the .csv
What do I do with it and the init string ?

UK – Hampshire
Engineer, retired.
2017 Outlander PHEV 4HS (For the Head)
2015 SLK55 (For the Heart)

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)


Apologies – the path should start with /sdcard/Android/ and once you browse it and see the files inside it should hopefully be obvious it’s just the contents of the .torque folder go in there (they should already be there though)

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)

Still no joy.
I cant find any trace of the files.
I uninstalled/reinstalled the latest app again, no change.

I then uninstalled the app and installed an old version I had from about a year ago, fortunately it has found all my (very detailed) settings and seems complete. I’ll try it tomorrow.

Can you provide the last version prior to the changes you mentioned.

UK – Hampshire
Engineer, retired.
2017 Outlander PHEV 4HS (For the Head)
2015 SLK55 (For the Heart)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 16, 2022 (GMT)

Hi Admin/Developer. It is good that we have an update to the apps. However, after the recent update, I have problem in getting real time data from my Proton Exora Bold, which not an issue in the previous version. I got red OBD icon on the apps. All display shows no data.

May I know how can I downgrade to the previous version and see if it is the issue with latest update or the OBD2 adapter I have.

Many thanks in advance

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 16, 2022 (GMT)


Hamzah: The red icon means that the adapter has started sending incorrect data to Torque – you’ll need to check that the adapter is functioning correctly (if it is, then there will be no red icon)

Redcar: You will need to use a filemanager (or file explorer) that can see the app data on the device – it will be there in the location mentioned if the filemanager has access

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 17, 2022 (GMT)

Hi there,
I’m not sure if this has been reported before, but the new ‘Digital Display (With Background Graph)’ gauge background graph does not abide by the graphLineColour setting in the theme properties.txt file.
It always retains the teal green graph regardless of the theme settings.

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