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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Changelog

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Author Topic: Torque Changelog
Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: November 30, 2021 (GMT)

Dunno if it’s because of the new security restrictions, but most of the plugins (TorqueScan, Advanced EX Nissan, etc) aren’t available as of the latest mainstream update.

Do the plugins need to be updated for them to work again?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: November 30, 2021 (GMT)

I Have a problem that the the settings option is missing in the torque pro app. What’s the problem?
Thank you

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: November 30, 2021 (GMT)

Latest Version : 1.10.144 on GooglePlayStore ?? (28Nov2021)
Official release ??

Mitsubishi L200 4N15 – 2019

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 11, 2021 (GMT)

Beta has been updated to 1.10.154 (11 Dec 2021) – see the first post on this thread for the changes – it’s on google play now, just waiting for google to approve the update

There are a lot of changes here which are worth checking out as there are some big fixes and updates to some of the code to fix a couple of issues. Hopefully I haven’t missed anything in this update (if it doesn’t work for anyone please let me know!)

Posts: 5
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 16, 2021 (GMT)

Hope this is the right place for this… the update today has broken GPS speed display.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 17, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from James on December 16, 2021
Hope this is the right place for this… the update today has broken GPS speed display.

I’m having exact same issue, Motorola G7 Power, says GPS not found

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 17, 2021 (GMT)


Can you elaborate a little more on ‘broken’? What is it doing/not doing and I’ll have a look into it!

Edit: found it, will be in the next beta update in an hour or so

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 20, 2021 (GMT)

1.10.174 has now been released(in beta, join the beta if you want to test), and contains lots of feature requests from here and the feature requests thread

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 23, 2021 (GMT)

Hi there,

Long time Torque Pro user here.

On the 1.10.182 beta Measured AFR is broken. It shows as 0 when ~14.7, and enrichment shows as negative numbers, decel and lean shows high numbers.

Equivalence ratio is also broken, it shows lambda = 1 as = 1 million.

Vehicle is a single bank VW Golf with standard wideband primary and narrowband secondary O2.

Keep up the good work!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 23, 2021 (GMT)


Thanks for pointing that one out – an issue from when I recently reworked the O2 sensors. I’ll get that into tomorrows beta update.

Edit: It is fixed now and the beta has been updated

Posts: 3
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: December 24, 2021 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 23, 2021

Thanks for pointing that one out – an issue from when I recently reworked the O2 sensors. I’ll get that into tomorrows beta update.

Edit: It is fixed now and the beta has been updated

Cheers mate, much appreciated

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 1, 2022 (GMT)

As you requested “If you find something that doesn’t work”
This is in regards to torquescan and saving the output.

I didn’t see anyway to upload files, and I didn’t want to spam your forums with 20k lines of logs, so this is my personal server.
or this onedrive link if you’re worried about the first server.!AqiATBtIUuOPi4gDMgiDgcRyAYIhOg?e=kZq1ZE

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 1, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks – TorqueScan is in the process of having that rewritten now as it’s an issue when the list gets too large. The new update “coming in the next couple of weeks” should be a lot more efficient, I’ve just got to finish the user interface to it

Posts: 14
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 1, 2022 (GMT)

Hello, I’ve been using torque pro for a good while, say 2or 3 years, and I’ve noticed that it’s being updated more times in the last 1 or 2 months than I remember it being updated in the last few years. I don’t know if there’s a better place to ask this, but if you would indulge me, I’m wondering, aside from Android 12 support (for which I thank you) what is your current goal, as far as your current update nearly every day schedule, and things you have planned? What do you have planned in the future, to put it simply and broadly?

Also, a while back I looked at the part of the app for adding buttons, and I noticed there were media control buttons, like play, pause, next, previous, and so on, but I could never get them to work, so I’ll try again sometime in the future, when and if I feel like it would be really a needed feature for me as it’s currently just a want, and not a functional need, however, maybe, if it is supposed to work, you could point me to some documentation on the forum or elsewhere, that would explain the intended uses, use cases, and how to properly set it all up, more in detail.

59 Morris
Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)

One of the recent official updates seems to have broken the ability to Import or export PIDs. My headunit displays “unable to call Android file picker:No activity found to handle intent….” There is more if you need it.
At the same time certain parts of the screen, and some of the gauges are “scrambled” rendering them unreadable.
This seems to have happened after the release that moved files to the new storage location. (sorry I don’t remember the exact text of that message)

1959 Morris Minor Traveller
Restored and EV converted.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)


I’ll need the following to debug for you (so I can reproduce the issue here, as it’s working ok in tests – usually that error is because of a non-standard android device missing critical components):

* Which app version are you using (hopefully the latest from Google Play)?

* The Android OS version your device is using

* The make/manufacturer of the device

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)

Love the new “Digital Display with background graph”, but it’s “display configuration” menu seems incomplete.
e.g. You can’t change it (back) to another type or jump to the pid editor.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks for that! – I do intend to redo the configuration for these widgets to make setting them up a lot easier. I’ll pop the option back in for that particular display type in the meantime (the main update is a couple of weeks away for the other config improvements, like colours, etc)

Edit: option added in latest beta

59 Morris
Posts: 9
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on January 3, 2022

I’ll need the following to debug for you (so I can reproduce the issue here, as it’s working ok in tests – usually that error is because of a non-standard android device missing critical components):

* Which app version are you using (hopefully the latest from Google Play)?

* The Android OS version your device is using

* The make/manufacturer of the device

Using the latest from Google Play, Also tried latest Beta release. Same results.
T8 headunit
Android Version: 8.1.0
MCU Version:T8.3.19-30-10-A43101-180509
System Version: V9.3.1_20181122.111828_TW2-FD-CarPlay

I have looked for a way to update the headunit, but am not finding anything useful so far.

1959 Morris Minor Traveller
Restored and EV converted.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: January 3, 2022 (GMT)


Looks like the manufacturer of the device hasn’t put all the required bits on it

Another user had a similar problem with (probably a badged) similar unit – he found that installing ‘Filemanager Plus’ fixed his issues as it provided the missing android functionality

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