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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Changelog

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Author Topic: Torque Changelog
Posts: 42
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 21, 2022 (GMT)

log is send. btw, i use remote slow connection via internet to adapter prototype at this time, maybe that the reason :) I’ll try later localy. Usually this is not a problem, obd commands via buttons works on any type of connection.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 21, 2022 (GMT)


Found and fixed, thank you .88 has the fixes you need for WiFi adapters and using the plugins!

Posts: 42
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 21, 2022 (GMT)

Yes, works flawlessly, thanks :)

Lacks console cleanup function. Mb some button.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 22, 2022 (GMT)

Hi, I’m afraid to say that I am still having problems with my Bluetooth randomly disconnecting and reconnecting. In desperation, I purchased a new OBD2 adapter from a different manufacturer, but this has exactly the same problem. Why does this not happen with Torque lite? Is there any way I can get the previous version of the app when my Bluetooth was working? This really doesn’t make any sense!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 22, 2022 (GMT)


Mickaty: I’ll need an up-to-date debug to look at this with the recent changes – With the latest version installed, can you:

* Go into the main app settings->Special settings->enable debugging

* Quit and then restart Torque

* Reproduce the disconnect/reconnet problem then immediately go to the ‘Realtime information’ screen (if not already there), and press ‘send debugging information’, type your forum name into the box that pops up so I can find the debug

Let me know when you have done that and I’ll have a look here – I have a suspicion as to what this is now, but I need the debug which will help me confirm it

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 23, 2022 (GMT)


Mickaty: Thanks for the debugs – I’ve already seen something and will be trying a fix for it for you in a beta update (hopefully) later today – seems to be an issue with the canbus on the vehicle or the adapter (basically can errors) but I can usually work around those

Edit: I’ve just sent the 1.12.89 beta out which has some fixes which will improve things with the adapter disconnects for you

Did you try another adapter in the end?

Posts: 13
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 23, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on February 23, 2022

Mickaty: Thanks for the debugs – I’ve already seen something and will be trying a fix for it for you in a beta update (hopefully) later today – seems to be an issue with the canbus on the vehicle or the adapter (basically can errors) but I can usually work around those

Edit: I’ve just sent the 1.12.89 beta out which has some fixes which will improve things with the adapter disconnects for you

Did you try another adapter in the end?

Hi, thanks for the update. Yes I purchased a new adapter from a different manufacturer. Unfortunately this suffered from exactly the same issue as the original adapter. I am glad to hear you are getting to cause of the problem. Just one little thing, I can’t seem to get back on the beta testing programme. Play says it is full…

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 23, 2022 (GMT)


I had decreased the number as there were too many people enrolled in it – I’ve increased it temporarily so you can join – please let me know once you’re in so I can decrease it again

Posts: 13
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 24, 2022 (GMT)

Hi, so I installed the latest beta and things are definitely better. It does take a long time to load the profile, but once connected it stays connected for some time. At first It seemed to be 100% stable, but I did notice it disconnect and reconnect at one point on my journey to work. If I see it happen again, I will try and send you the debug file.


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 24, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks for the feedback!

I’ve had a chance to thoroughly look at this now, and have made some further small changes that I am hoping workaround the issues fully for you

1.12.92 should be available in about an hour(it’s just waiting on Google to approve the update) and feedback on whether or not this improves everything would be welcome when you have some spare time!

Posts: 13
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)


So far so good! I’ve installed Torque version 1.12.92 with no issues. If I notice any concerns, I will let you know. When I get a chance, I will try this version with my old OBD2 adapter and let you know if that works OK as well.

Thanks for getting this sorted. I am a fan!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)


Thankyou for letting me know the progress as it’s very helpful and for taking the time to send debugs when requested!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)

Hi Dear
What happened with this app?
I’m a Pro user, two devices, one is my smartphone, the second is my “super” chinese android car stereo.
Unitil yesterday everything going well, just a few minutes ago i made the last update of the app (Play Store) and… bang… nothing works anymore.

The app still recognize OBDII intefrace, it try a lot of communcation protocols and – at last- shows a messagge:
Fault to connect with car’s ECU.

Same error in boith devices: car stereo and smartphone.
The OBDII is the same, my old ELM237, 10 euro, i have been using it for 6 years on 2 different car: toyota corolla… never betrayed i use it (with your app) to see if my car regenarates the FAP.

What happened?
If you give me last week’s version of the app you make me happy again.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)


The adapter is what establishes the communication to the vehicle ECU – if Torque is reporting that message then it means that the adapter is unable to communicate with the vehicle ECU

This can happen with some of the clone adapters (they simply stop working after a while) so it is worthwhile checking that the adapter is still working

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)

Sorry dear, i do not understand.
It is just a coincidence?, after six years of service just “stop working” rejecting toyota’s ecu?
What, this elm237 is tired to read toyota’s ecu? (My ECU).

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)


Yes – if this is a clone adapter then it can simply stop working. It is a known issue with some of the clone adapters.

What adapter do you have?

The adapter is what establishes communications with the ECU, it tries several protocols (using different signalling wires on the OBD socket). Over time, some of the cheap clone adapters simply fail and stop working (sometimes only on one protocol) so it may work still on different ECU signalling protocols.

When this happens the app will cycle the adapter through all its protocols, and then, if the adapter could not establish communications with the ECU, will report to you that the adapter could not talk to the ECU.

The only thing at this point is to check that the adapter is still working correctly.

If you know the protocol the vehicle uses, then you go into the advanced settings and force it in the vehicle profile (you can also try the ‘Thorough protocol scan’ and ‘Fast protocol scan’ settings as well. I would try this on a new vehicle profile to begin with.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 25, 2022 (GMT)

Sorry, clone of what? I’m not a mechanic, i’m not using interface like
wurth, delphy and so on, my interface is a simply obd2 bluetooth scanner, just engine codes, the name is elm327, bought on aliexpress for 10$
There’s thousands of that scanners everywhere on internet.

I do not know what protocol use my ecu, your app always guess the right protocol (until yesterday), automatic search??? do not know.
Today, with the last apk update, no more.

Dear is very clear how the app works and who establish connection between ecu and app, your copy and paste is not necessary.

Put yourself in my shoes:
Yesterday all thing is great, today after the update this pathetic obd2 scanner go crazy, lazy? Little strange.
Give me the chance to rollback your app, if you need screenshoot i’ll made, share with me an older version of pro apk, if no change i will agree with you.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 26, 2022 (GMT)


If the Adapter cannot establish a connection to the ECU, then the adapter will likely be the issue, not the app – there is no need to rollback the app as the app is simply reporting that the adapter can no longer see the ECU

You will likely need to find out why the adapter can no longer see the vehicle ECU, this usually means (if you are using a clone adapter) that the adapter has failed on the protocol the vehicle ECU uses, or there is some other issue between the adapter and vehicle ECU preventing communication (bad connector, etc, but these are rare that I’ve only had 2 users report that fault with the diagnostic connector itself where a pin was pushed back inside the connector)

What adapter do you have?

If you need to try another app, you can try Torque Lite which has not been changed for some time to test with

Edit: I have found a small disparity (only visible when using a declining clone adapter (going more faulty over time) that may be similar to your issue – I have found a workaround to get the adapter working, however if you are using one of the clone adapters such as this one: you will eventually end up with a non-functioning adapter as this type appears to suffer over time as well)

If you get on the beta you should be able to try out the update that has identified this issue. So far you still haven’t told me what adapter you are using

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 26, 2022 (GMT)

Some news for you:

My pathetic 10$ OBD2 Scanner works well, no fault, no lazy, no tired.
Successfully tested with two app:
1) “Car Scanner ELM OBD2”
2) “Torque LITE (OBD2 & Car)”

Below some pic (photos) taken this morning during some attemps made by me (some suggested by you).

My problem is only with Torque PRO (last version 1.12.92), i repeat: two days ago it worked very well.

This morning i tried to clear all data and cache of Torque PRO, delete the app, re-install the app, create a new car profile, followed all of your suggest and OVER, the resault is nothing… as that first photo shows no realtime data, no connection to ECU.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Changelog
on: February 26, 2022 (GMT)


The issue is likely now worked-around in the beta if you update

The app is tested on several adapters and phones before each release, the only issue I have found is with a known faulty adapter type that does not correctly negotiate the protocol in certain situations (when in fact it should work flawlessly).

The adapter is definitely faulty and it is not working correctly with regards to protocol negotiation. Again, if you get the beta this will probably fix the issue in the short term for you whilst the adapter is still partially functioning

When you have it downloaded and working, it would be extremely helpful to know the protocol your vehicle uses – I’m guessing it’s either CANBUS or ISO9141 (probably CANBUS)

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