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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly

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Author Topic: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
Posts: 19
Post Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: March 24, 2012 (GMT)

Here is the problem:

After a short stop (3 minutes to 10 minutes), when I return to my car, Torque fails to re-connect automatically to ScanTool adapter. The phone is not in sleep state. I see that in notification bar, Torque is hung at Scanning Protocol and the icon is yellow. The green light on ScanTool adpater is on, the activity LEDs are blinking lazily. This condition can persist for hours.

Now in this condition, if I close Torque with the engine running, I immediately gets all the warning lights on the dashboard come on. If I close Torque with the engine shut off, key removed, then all the warning lights come on the next time I start engine even if it is after 12-14 hours. In short, Torque will never re-establish connectivity. Even if I unplug and replug the ScanTool adapter, the warning lights still come on. I had even written to ScanTool technical support thinking that the adapter had gone bad. Then I found the following.

To make Torque work properly again:

a) Shut off engine. Remove keys.
b) Close Torque.
c) Put the key back in, turn to ACCESSORIES so only radio etc. are on. DO NOT start engine.
d) Start Torque. Let it pair with ScanTool adapter. This is indicated by green light coming on and activity lights blinking rapidly.
e) Now turn on the engine.

Pretty painful when I have to follow all these steps after stopping to fuel the car or a short trip to bank or post office. The problem is 100% reproducible. I do not use any kind of task killer or memory optimizer.

It has started happening in last couple of months or so. Last year, I used to do short stops but never had this problem.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: March 24, 2012 (GMT)


Check you have the protocol in the vehicle profile set to ‘Automatic – Fast’ or the protocol that your specific ECU is using

The symptoms you describe can be caused when the adapter has been told to test a protocol is different to what the vehicle ECU is using

Posts: 19
Post Re: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: March 24, 2012 (GMT)

I never remember changing the protocol.

The protocol was set to Automatic-Thorough. I have changed it to automatic-fast. Would it be better to set it to the protocol the ECU is using? If yes, then how can I find that out?


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)


Yes you can do that, all you need to do is wait until you are connected to the ECU then go into that screen or the Adapter Status screen – it should tell you in there what protocol the vehicle is using so you can then select it from the drop-down

The app will then use that protocol when connecting to the ECU

Posts: 19
Post Re: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: March 25, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks. I have changed the protocol. Now Torque connection to ScanTool adapter happens much quicker than it used to be.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Pro fails to reconnect properly
on: October 14, 2020 (GMT)

Dear Developer,

I have been using Torque Lite for s long time om multiple cars – no problem connecting to the ECU using Elm327 v1.5.

Tried Torque Pro this morning, would not connect/recognize the ECU.

Tried it on Subaru Legacy 1997 and Honda Civic 1998 LX.

Same cars using Torque lite – no problem.

Please advise

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